thread: Talk
Argentinamatibh1 year ago

Quedate pillo @cheesepills

cheesepills likes this
Argentinamatibh3 years ago

if I submit run, it will be accepted?

Argentinamatibh3 years ago

@1337 Yes I submit as 0:00:001 ms.

@afnannen136 The leaderboard was updated with a new run, that's why I made my complaint.

Argentinamatibh3 years ago

i sent 0.00 and its not accepted yet, is there a why?

Argentinamatibh3 years ago

having same issue here, not able to solve please help

edit: found the solution

from another thread:

Load the game up, then press F2 and go to the Video tab.

There should be a list of GPU options in a drop-down box, choose the one that ISN'T "RGB Emulation". Click OK, then close and re-open the game, those shadows should be gone and the lag should be too.

If you still experience glitches, try XP Service Pack 2, some people say SP3 still glitches occasionally for them however on SP3 I have experienced zero issues.

Trust me, your PC is a lot stronger than mine and should be able to run the game flawlessly.

About matibh
3 years ago
1 year ago
Games run
Google Minesweeper
Google Minesweeper
Last run 3 years ago
Games followed
Google Minesweeper
Google Minesweeper
Last visit 1 year ago