This run is shit. I have no motivation to improve it because I got other better things to do
You've been spoiled if you only have ur runs verified in 2 hrs or less
I think this is unintended behaviour and is more intended for the tunnel itself rather than anywhere else - just don't go too far into the maze and you should be OK
thread: Roblox: DOORS But Bad
My 6:25.485 run that I've set many months ago is gone - I cannot find it anywhere including in the Old Doors and/or the Oldest Doors category (there's literally nothing there)
What the hell did y'all do
thread: Roblox: DOORS But Bad
Ye u can see the last run was added in 5 months ago
run: Jim's Computer
this aint my first run at all i started with like 7:2x runs before getting a 7:18, 2 7:14s and finally this one
thread: Roblox: DOORS But Bad
- it isn't updated - the vitamins can be buggy in this game and go behind or in front of the drawer they were supposed to be (i've just checked after opening the drawer which you mentioned has the vitamins)
- it's always best to not come to conclusions like what you did here, and if that really made you mad, then i'm very sorry for that, but it's not my problem, or everybody else's
- be patient, that's all that i can say - you could be waiting for a good amount of time
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About luasoft10
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