Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

I have reviewed 20k+ runs for this game since mid 2022. I think he's fine.

grnts likes this
Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

This is not the only game on the site that is not speedrunnable in the traditional sense. How or why it got added in the first place I have no clue.

Its not harming anyone by being here so i doubt its going any time soon.

jackzfiml and grnts like this
Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

Verified them, They were probably rejected as queue client detected them as duplicates as they come from the same video. Thanks for letting us know

PuppisFoetor likes this
Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

Post the links to the runs here and i will re-review them

thread: Pou
Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

Highscore runs do not require a video, So yeah it still counts

Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

I don't run this game, But as someone who has reviewed over 23k runs for other games I think this is an awful rule

TheRoundCube likes this
Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

If your run is already in queue, Send me the link to the run in private messages. DO NOT SEND ME JUST THE VIDEO, I CANT DO ANYTHING WITH THAT

If your run is not in queue, Then click the "Submit" button and fill out the form. Then follow as described above.

To others reading this post: If you want your run verified quicker you can also follow these steps.

Zumi likes this
Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

Locking the thread: Sorted out in private

Pear likes this
Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

Just drop the links somewhere in DMs and i can recheck them

Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

I will say you're right with that there are probably a lot of alt accounts on the board right now (it will be very hard to go through, but if we find any we will take action)

But since your alt was confirmed to be an alt it will not be unbanned, site rules say that any alt accounts will be banned when spotted.

Also keep in mind: we are game mods, not site mods. We can't unban your account even if we wanted to.

Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

You are only allowed to have 1 account on the site, no matter what.

Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

So you're saying you got banned and just made a new account?

Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

The oldest in queue right now is 3 months, If your run has not been verified yet then it most likely got rejected. Every rejected run has the reason provided with it.

Zumi likes this
Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

You are not allowed to watch an ad to respawn instead of using a key.

grnts, chemsi69 and 2 others like this
Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

(Portuguese translation below / tradução em português abaixo)

It has come to my attention that over 10% of runs currently in queue are duplicates of other runs in queue/existing runs. Please do not submit the same run multiple times. It will not speed up the verification, It only slows us down. Even if its by accident any duplicated runs will be rejected. Please make sure to delete any duplicate runs you may have submitted (you can check the runs you have pending here: . Other than we are making good progress on the queue and are expecting it to go bellow 10k at the end of the year.

If your run gets rejected with the reason "Duplicate", then it was found to be a duplicate. Do not resubmit if this happens unless you are 100% sure it was a mistake

Thanks for your patience.

Chegou ao meu conhecimento que mais de 10% dos speedruns atualmente na fila são duplicatas de outras execuções na fila/speedruns existentes. Não envie a mesma execução várias vezes. Isso não vai acelerar a verificação, apenas nos atrasará. Mesmo que seja por acidente, qualquer speedrun duplicado será rejeitado. Certifique-se de excluir quaisquer speedruns duplicados que você possa ter enviado (você pode verificar as execuções pendentes aqui: . Além disso, estamos fazendo um bom progresso na fila e esperamos que ela fique abaixo de 10k no final Do ano.

Se o seu speedrun for rejeitado com o motivo "Duplicado", ele foi considerado uma duplicata. Não reenvie se isso acontecer, a menos que você tenha 100% de certeza de que foi um erro

Obrigado por sua paciência.

Zanum, Doom_Boom9 and 6 others like this
Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

I don't know how to explain it, but @Mathias4595 made a video showing how to do it. Which I will link here:

Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

Additional notes:

  • Please make sure your run follows the rules, We don't make exceptions. If your run breaks the rules and you know this. Please remove it from the queue.
  • Repeatedly Making new threads asking for verification will just slow us down as we have to remove them, Please follow the previous instructions if you want your run to be reviewed.
  • Do not come here begging to be a verifier.

Notas Adicionais:

  • Certifique-se de que sua corrida segue as regras, não abrimos exceções. Se sua corrida quebra as regras e você sabe disso. Remova-o da fila.
  • Criar repetidamente novos tópicos solicitando verificação apenas nos atrasará, pois temos que removê-los. Siga as instruções anteriores se quiser que sua execução seja revisada.
  • Não venha aqui implorando para ser um verificador.
Zumi, _hugo7_ and 3 others like this
Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

(Portuguese translation below / tradução em português abaixo)

Posting on the forum begging for your run to be verified will not speed it up, If you want your run to be verified quicker. send a verifier/moderator the link to your run on DO NOT JUST SEND THE VIDEO, WE CAN NOT FIND YOUR RUN WITH THIS. Even if you do not do this, every run will be reviewed at one point, We can not ignore a run in queue. So even it it feels like your run is being ignored, its not, we just haven't gotten to it yet. The oldest run in queue right now is nearly 3 month's old, With over 15.9k runs ahead of it. We are making progress but its incredibly slow. If your run has been in queue for a while, DO NOT submit the run again, It will only make verification slower. And will lead to the duplicate being rejected.

We are trying our best so please remember:

  • We are volunteers doing this in our free time, we do not get payed for this.
  • Some of us actually have lives outside the internet.
  • Every run is manually checked and retimed.

Thanks everyone for your patience.

Postar no fórum implorando para que sua corrida seja verificada não irá acelerá-la, se você quiser que sua corrida seja verificada mais rapidamente. envie a um verificador/moderador o link para sua corrida em NÃO MANDE APENAS O VÍDEO, NÃO PODEMOS ENCONTRAR SUA CORRIDA COM ESTE. Mesmo se você não fizer isso, cada execução será revisada em um ponto. Não podemos ignorar uma execução na fila. Portanto, mesmo que pareça que sua corrida está sendo ignorada, não é, apenas não chegamos a isso ainda. A corrida mais antiga na fila agora tem quase 3 meses, com mais de 15,9 mil corridas pela frente. Estamos progredindo, mas é incrivelmente lento. Se sua execução estiver na fila por um tempo, NÃO envie a execução novamente, isso apenas tornará a verificação mais lenta. E fará com que a duplicata seja rejeitada.

Estamos tentando o nosso melhor, por favor, lembre-se:

  • Somos voluntários fazendo isso em nosso tempo livre, não somos pagos por isso.
  • Alguns de nós realmente têm vidas fora da internet.
  • Cada execução é verificada manualmente e reprogramada.

Obrigado a todos pela paciência.

Zumi, _hugo7_ and 3 others like this
thread: Pou
Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

@yobbel a survive category for the web version has been added to the category extentions page

Netherlandsjensj561 year ago

The reason its on category extension is because we not 100% sure if its official. I have tried to get it added separately, but got rejected. Tho i really don't see the problem of having a web port on the category extension board

YUMmy_Bacon5 and alem17 like this
About jensj56
Does speedruns. And moderation aswell. If you have questions about a board i moderate feel free to message me here or on discord
6 years ago
Games run
Date A Live: Spirit Pledge HD
Date A Live: Spirit Crisis
Date A Live: Spirit Crisis
Last run 4 months ago
Skylanders: SuperChargers
Skylanders: SuperChargers
Last run 23 days ago
Skylanders: Giants
Skylanders: Giants
Last run 7 days ago
Skylanders: Trap Team
Skylanders: Trap Team
Last run 13 days ago
Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure (Wii/WiiU)
Skylanders: SWAP Force
Skylanders: SWAP Force
Last run 1 month ago
ROBLOX: World // Zero
ROBLOX: World // Zero
Last run 1 year ago
Games moderated
Subway Surfers
Subway Surfers
Last action 15 days ago
Last action 2 days ago
Date A Live: Spirit Pledge HD
Date A Live: Spirit Pledge HD
Last action 1 year ago
Date A Live: Spirit Crisis
Date A Live: Spirit Crisis
Last action 3 months ago
Geometry Dash
Geometry Dash
Last action 5 days ago
Skylanders: SuperChargers
Skylanders: SuperChargers
Last action 23 days ago
Skylanders: Trap Team
Skylanders: Trap Team
Last action 4 days ago
ROBLOX: Slenderman Obby
ROBLOX: Slenderman Obby
Last action 1 month ago