Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

that is a rather big stretch to call removing a harmless rng the same thing as getting 4011, gl, safsprin, 1 change, hunters/dogs in park, good worm rng, water basement worms and high/empty. the latter would definitely be described as TAS but a change that makes a run continuable does not make a TAS its not a "time save" just an ability to run the game.

im at the point where i dont care either way but id rather be one to discuss peacefully as opposed to people yelling at each other

Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

@furrywulfz he doesnt want to release it unless we agree that its ok to use. if i may ask what exactly would we need in order to make this ok if not for any% but for its own category and i can ask him if these things are doable and to make a test build if applicable

also on a seperate note i have asked him if it would be possible to make save states a thing for the pc version (obviously with some kind of distinguishing factor) to make this game easier to practice. would people be interested in this?

Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

again why i say that this thread is going nowhere and we are pointlessly arguing over something people are not going to budge over. the thread should be locked so the arguing can stop.

also @Dara i thankfully dodged that bullet but i get to read the follow up drama of the "current" fight over it

i would like to add. something like this happened in the DKC community where old runners who dont run anymore voices were valued more so then new runners even tho it was a majority vote the change was still refused just because of a handful of runners versus 80. i know that this exact situation isnt the same but older runners here seem to have more leverage then new runners. it should not be that way.

in hindsight a couple of us (me included) were wrong to try and exclude runners like furry and dara but it feels the same was happening to us but not on the same level. if something like this should happen again everyone should be equal.

Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

@Darazanjoll then i do apologize for my misunderstanding of what you said text can be very finicky

Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

but at this point this thread has pretty much devolved into mindless chatter. dchaps has stated he will only release this if only if EVERYONE in the re3 community agrees. it is obvious that we do not all agree so this should personally in my opinion end here and we should lock the thread

Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

@Darazanjoll " how its moderated and if I think something is wrong then I WILL point it out."

this statement seems to me that you believe you are a moderator here. if i am wrong i also apologize for this

Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

also nothing against you @furrywulfz but if your run on the leaderboard is not current unless we scan everyones twitch account its hard for us to know you are active so far that i apologize

Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

@Anacharial wuss said yes only if its another category, rebecca said yes, furry is not an active runner neither is trance

it should absolutely be left more so to the active runners of the game. not saying people who used to run the game or run it occasionally have no say but it shouldnt be taken as highly as the people who currently run the game.

the issue is someone who runs re1 but not re3 should have no say. just because they are a part of the re community overall does not give them a say in a game they do not run

and @Darazanjoll you are currently not a moderator of re3

Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

i agree with blane. talking with dchaps he said that it would be possible to make it distinguishable if someone is using the srt or not. he is saying that he could say change the color of the evidence locker itself to make it noticeable whether someone is using it or not. so making it its on category is actually a viable option now

KaitoProject likes this
Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

i think the opposite keny. having the basement immediately followed by the locker usually drives people away from the game. ive had multiple people tell me they dont want to run re3 for the specific reason of the locker. most viewers want to see completed runs or alot of a run. not reset after reset after reset. this fix will increase appeal of running the game and overall interest in seeing the run.

Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

@darazonjoll i can assure you its not fun to me. i know the route and run the route. i want a good time in any% and the magnum will do nothing but mess up muscle memory for me.

Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

people speedrun to get a better time at their chosen category. i have 0 interest in magnum% so your saying i should learn a route and run a route i dont care about and not have fun with it just so i dont reset.

Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

to put it in perspective. i have a 44 in any%. the best time i have been able to get as far as magnum goes which i have never recorded one is a 48 at best.

Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

at a low level that makes sense. but when you get to the point where people like me/moe/madmill are at what does taking the magnum give us. its different route different pick ups different menuing. the only practice it is is like some lines in the city and back half practice of lines. its time id rather not waste. simply saying that you can get a better time with it doesnt mean you will. and you cant compare anyone here to wusscake cause he's on an extremely different level from the rest of us

Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

this is the same thing that happened when barrier skip was made rta viable in wwhd. all dungeons became a thing and people were posting their all dungeons times to AD and any%. if you are going to call it a different category then it should only be submitted to that category if you are knowingly running with the magnum it should only be submitted to magnum%.

Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

my only input is that removing the magnum makes running this game more approachable for newer runners of the game and makes people who already want to run the game continue to run the game. ive been running this game for 2 months and am already at the point where i dont really want to run it anymore simply due to resets at the locker.

Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

something is probably comparing against real time instead of igt. its the only thing i can think of as to why its still counting

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Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

as far as i know resolution is preference. you can run windowed but you dont want to have a bunch of other programs running in the background or it will eat cpu. if you run fullscreen it ignores that for the most part. its all preference but windowed has some chance for bad lag

as far as 320x240 i dont know ive never tried it cause my gpu cant go that low

lukeguerra01 and keny like this
Missouri, USAjakefsomenumbers7 years ago

no problem it was fun to make it

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Super Metroid
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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
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Spyro the Dragon
Spyro the Dragon
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Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2 (2019)
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Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
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Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
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Spyro Reignited Trilogy (PC)
Spyro Reignited Trilogy (PC)
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