Québecemilemarc1 year ago

I think it would be really cool if there was an additionnal category that would be a mix of "Combined Any% Glitchless" and "All Versions". To get a time in this category, you would have to have a verified run in every version in a certain range (for example: a 1.0 run, a 1.1 run, a 1.2 run, etc).

This would be different from "Combined Any% Glitchless" because you would need a verified PB in all the versions of a certain range, instead of just one run from a range of versions.

This would also be different from the "All Versions" category extension, because you wouldn't have to do all the versions in one sitting. You could instead take the time to get a PB in each individual version.

I'm curious to know what other people think about it. Also, does anyone know how to formerly make a new category suggestions to the moderation team (if it even is possible)? Is this post enough?

Thanks :)

Edit: Idea inspired by K4yfour who got a PB in all individual versions.

Québecemilemarc1 year ago

Hi! I posted a run over 3 months ago, and it still hasn't been verified. Is anybody still verifying runs for this leaderboard? Also, it seems like the last verified run has been done over 9 months ago... so what is happening? Is this a dead leaderboard? Because some people still play FSG...

gimmegold500 likes this
Québecemilemarc1 year ago

Why is there a new category for 1.8 alone? What's so different from version 1.7 (for example) to seperate it from other pre-1.9 runs?

Poley4229 likes this
Québecemilemarc1 year ago

The link for the allowed seed generators is not provided in the category rules. Where can we find it?

Azgr, Dregs_of_no, and nuul like this
About emilemarc
1 year ago
26 days ago
Games run
Minecraft: Java Edition
Minecraft: Java Edition
Last run 3 months ago
Minecraft: Datapack & Modded CE
Last run 1 year ago
Filtered Seed Glitchless
Filtered Seed Glitchless
Last run 1 year ago