United Stateschillmagic42011 days ago

This sounds like it would be a category extensions run.

For category extensions runs mods are generally willing to add the category if someone has a completed run of the category they want to add with a rule set in mind. Also not really sure if you are saying you want to do a glitched run with a level 100 starter patched in, or if you mean like a category where you have to get a pokemon to level 100.

If you are looking to do a modded run with a patched in level 100 starter its questionable if that would get on the boards due to being a modded game so technically not pokemon yellow at that point.

I will say I know in red you can do a glitch to get a lvl 100 pokemon really early on, and something like that would be allowed, but straight up patching or modding the game to get it wouldnt be.

United Stateschillmagic4205 months ago

Yeah I saw your block strategy and it seems pretty solid. NGL the volleyball in my current best time is pretty awful. The goal for me is to have them hit it into the net, but it went awful that run. I think blocking it back like you did might be a better option overall and be more reliable. Zeus and I both agreed sub 35 would be possible back when we were both running it. If someone beats my time I would grind it again of course.

Of course the absolute best thing would be to practice getting the ACE on the serve. If you put that slow float close to the net, but almost out of bounds, the AI wont go for it and you will either get an ACE or it will be out. The problem is its very hard to lineup correctly in the short amount of time you got. You have to have the shadow like 50-75% OOB for it to work. Really should mess around more, because it would be worth it to go for more power if you could find a way to get an ACE everytime.

United Stateschillmagic4201 year ago

Well with more people showing interest in it, it is something I can consider adding for sure. Might run into some of the same issues though with verification. Maybe I can require something like input display required so its easier to tell if its a bot or not. I already generally know what is possible, but some people are obviously just better than me, espically if you break it down into individual events.

United Stateschillmagic4201 year ago

Well I am not sure about adding individual event. If you have access to the steam version (you can buy keys for it if you dont own it already but people sell them for $100-200 lol) or if you have access to the xbox 360 version you can pull up the online leaderboards for individual events. I have the PC version not the steam version and when I try to pull up leaderboards or anything it doesnt work.

They do appear to have seperate leaderboards for xbox 360 and steam also. The 360 version had really slow load times and lots of lag haha. The best 100M for the 360 was 9.29. Maybe the PC version leaderboard isnt working since steam came in later and was selling london 2012 for awhile.

United Stateschillmagic4201 year ago

I likely will but wanted to do a bit of research first and see if it existed still at all. I do have a xbox 360 and the game for xbox 360 so was going to try to get it online and see what happens. Pretty sure the steam ones probably exist in some databse but are hidden by steam since the game isnt avaliable.

United Stateschillmagic4201 year ago

I will say I would support adding the individual leaderboards just to get more activity. Plus since the old leaderboards on the game no longer exist to my knowledge (the steam ones anyway no idea on xbox 360).

I think the bigger issue for activity in the game is it is very hard to find anymore. The PC version if you dont own it already you are having to purchase old steam keys from people who might have it. Either that by the old school xbox 360 disc and play it on xbox haha.

United Stateschillmagic4201 year ago

Actually remembered Zerkaa and the sidemen use to do london 2012 all the time on youtube. He has a few videos when he pulled up the global leaderboards actually. Here is one I found when he pulled up the 100M leaderboards.

VeganSpeedRunner likes this
United Stateschillmagic4201 year ago

A few years back they had a global leaderboard online when you played the game. Wish I took the screenshot at some point of the top times. Sadly all of that is gone to my knowledge (on the PC steam version not sure on the console versions). So we could add individual events but wouldnt really be a record in anyway. Might be neat to start a new one though and like you said maybe get some more people runners. Still think all gold medals is a really good category though and its under 45 mins to run.

United Stateschillmagic4202 years ago

Gen 1 has been lucky to be blessed by some very talented programmers who helped make the Gambatte emulator accurate for gen 1 (no different than playing the yellow cart on a gameboy). It is the only emulator allowed for use. Super game boy is banned because it does not accurately emulate the real game. For yellow either gambatte or GBP or GBI are allowed and are all accurate and can all preform the manipulations. You can also potato cam your gameboy :P

United Stateschillmagic4202 years ago

The only allowed emulator is the latest release of GambatteSpeedrun (Currently r717) with a GBC bios image. All other emulators are banned. Can be found under resources.

iLogic likes this
United Stateschillmagic4202 years ago

They all work for me. I would try a different browser. Also make sure something like an adblocker or firewall isnt blocking it. Might be an issue you have to actually contact about, especially if its happening on other games too.

United Stateschillmagic4203 years ago

Did not watch the whole run, but you are on the right emu and seem to be using PoY rom. If you followed the other rules it should be good. Hopefully a mod will see this and they can check your run and then add the category. If no mod replies here in a day or so you can always join the discord and ask.

United Stateschillmagic4203 years ago

just do any% NSC, its R1 grind, plus a manip pkmn catch, and other fun. We literally go to a PC to deposit a pokemon in nsc so its really similar run just minus the fun parts

United Stateschillmagic4204 years ago

Just thought I would make a quick post giving a breakdown of the Podium Skip.

Very simple trick, just press start, return to main menu, press Olympic games and continue your campaign.

Every podium skip is saving roughly 7 seconds (so for easy 12 events that is well over a minute). On medium or hard you are talking about saving minutes per run.

After the final leaderboards pops up (you usually cant see it if we are spamming A) and you clear it with A then you can press start to return to the main menu. After clearing the final leaderboard the Olympic rings pop up onto the screen and that is my cue to press start.

Note on the 200M and Keirin - I think the reason we have to wait so long after we finish is the other athletes are still racing. I have tried using the main menu skip shortly after finishing the race but it will not save your gold, you must wait until the final leaderboard pops up.

Weightlifting also you need to be careful on. For some reason the final replay does not clear right away with A so make sure the final leaderboard pops up.

United Stateschillmagic4204 years ago

Typically mods have no issues adding runs but before they create the category they want a completed run with a video. That way we dont have a bunch of empty categories on the boards.

Be interesting in the fact also because you literally have to go to all areas of the game and even go to places after beating the E4. Get to see legendary birds and mewtwo in the route maybe haha.

Speedrunner0218 likes this
United Stateschillmagic4204 years ago

that is the easy TID manip. Just give it some practice, its a fast swap but very doable. The other choice is this TID manip which is actually faster

United Stateschillmagic4204 years ago

they added any% saves allowed under the extensions categories.

United Stateschillmagic4204 years ago

Extended pidgey is a really advance technique and really only need it for top times. I would suggest forgetting it for now and just focus on learning the route and improving segment times (past surge) to get better times. Once you want to get like sub 150 then you really need to start doing extended pigey but even then getting sub 150 without extended pidgey is very doable.

Also what headbob said is right if you want more info on how to do it. Also the reason gunner nido manip is diff is becuz that was the original one but they made the movement slightly easier a little down the road (both are exactly the same results tho so you can do either one).

United Stateschillmagic4204 years ago

What version of windows do you have? If you have an older version of windows you will need to manually download the controller driver. Otherwise try going to settings>input and then try to manually enter your controller inputs.

United Stateschillmagic4205 years ago

You can use emulator and its accurate for Gen 1 if you use the gambatte current release found in resources tab.

For console use a gamecube, with a gameboy player attached, then you can insert the red cartridge. I use a cord nintendo made to then hook my gameboy SP to use as the controller. You also need a video capture device. I play on a CRT and use splitters on my gamecapture device so I can record it but look at my CRT for gameplay.

About chillmagic420
7 years ago
1 day ago
Games run
Pokémon Red/Blue Category Extensions
London 2012: The Official Video Game
Pokémon Red/Blue
Pokémon Red/Blue
Last run 10 months ago
Pokémon Stadium
Pokémon Stadium
Last run 6 years ago
Games followed
Pokémon Red/Blue Category Extensions
Pokémon Yellow
Pokémon Yellow
Last visit 1 year ago
London 2012: The Official Video Game
Pokémon Red/Blue
Pokémon Red/Blue
Last visit 9 months ago
Games moderated
London 2012: The Official Video Game
London 2012: The Official Video Game
Last action 2 months ago