Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

I had the idea of speedruning this game with a nes advantage controller for a YouTube video. If I don’t use turbo ( and prove it with a hand cam or something of that nature) would I be aloud to upload that run to the boards?

Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

So I like to run short category’s and recently started doing 8-4 IL. Now, I’m doing this in nes and I don’t have a powerpak so I can’t use the pellson rom. I recently had 2 pbs and I’m not sure which is faster. Also I have no idea how to retime. If someone could link me a tutorial on how to retime that would be very appreciated. Here is the one I think is faster and therefore I would like someone else to retime just for Acuracy.

Here is the other just in case it’s faster

Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

Am I the only one impressed by how many 7:53s we’ve had in the last half year? It’s pretty insane in my opinion. Also good job niftski

Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

Ever since it happened, many people have wondered who would make a video about it first. I think I was. enjoy what little there is

Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago


Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

So my next big smb1 project is gonna be the smb1 minus world spliced segments. Could someone please point me in the direction of an exceptionally fast -3 that I could use? I think I have one for all the other levels

CmSpeedrunner likes this
Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

I'm not really new, but I realized I never filled out this forum when I signed up so here we are.

Mario 64: 16 star sub 20 minutes zelda BTOW: any% sub 40 minutes doom: hangar sub 12 seconds mario one: any% sub 5 minutes never: gonna give you up Perfect dark: level one sub minute mario world: sub 15 minutes

those are my goals as of right now, but Im sure once Im done with half or so of these i will move on to some other games and categories

jigfresh and MrMonsh like this
Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

who do you think will be the first person to get 4:54

How long do you think it will be before it happens

how many attempts do you think it will take( roughly)

before you upload your answer, remember 4:55. Many people ( including myself ) thought somewes would get if first but he didn't. You might think it will take thousands of attempts but of course 4:55 only required nine.

Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

I read the game rules and these questions weren’t answered.

Is video evidence required for run submits.

Is doing stuff with your controller such as holding the stick In one direction to modify neutral aloud.

Thanks to everyone in advance regardless of your answers.

Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

I read the game rules and these questions weren’t answered.

Is video evidence required for run submits.

Is doing stuff with your controller such as holding the stick In one direction to modify neutral aloud.

Thanks to everyone in advance regardless of your answers.

Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

So for a few months, I have been working on a video on the topic of 454 in any%. You may have seen me comment on it before, and I even contacted a few top runners. I am glad to say that it is done and will be on YouTube very soon. When it is uploaded I will put a link to it on this thread. Please enjoy

OdiriaToo, KilleDragon and 4 others like this
Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

What about the Mari hour from people like darbian or kosmic. That would be a fun category to have.

Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

Are console and emulator separate category’s or are they together

I don’t have an AV capture card, can I just put a camera In front of my tv

Is an input reader/hand cam required

Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

Umm. So how did 53 happen prior to 54. I’m a bit confused

dlloyd10 likes this
Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

I suck at smb1. Are there any category’s where switch rewind is aloud? If not, is it possible that a misc or extension category could be made specifically for this. I really want to upload some any % runs.

Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

Hey guys. I was playing punch out casually on my switch the others day. Then BB’s health bar did this. Please explain

Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

Out of bounds %

Thoughts on that anybody?

Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

Yep, the new run is now complete. Enjoy. Shout outs to mini land kosmic GTace99 niftski leon toast TAVENWEBB and of course, for meme sake, shout outs to simple flips

xXJulianbrito_YTXx3, mruns and 7 others like this
Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

hey guys. just some quick advertising for my new video. i spliced together the best segments for super mario bros. the final time was 4:55.16, but that may be off by a bit becuase my timer is crappy as can be. list of runners that were used in this video niftski kosmic gtace99 somewes leon toast tavenwebb 2002


Pxlz, dlloyd10, and koma like this
Texas, USAZBomb073 years ago

are there going to be any requirements for uploading runs? direct capture, hand-cam/input reader, extra info added in description ect.

About ZBomb07
3 years ago
5 months ago
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Super Mario Bros. Category Extensions
Super Mario World
Super Mario World
Last run 3 years ago
There Is No Game
There Is No Game
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Kirby's Adventure
Kirby's Adventure
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Luigi's Mansion
Luigi's Mansion
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Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
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Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros.
Last visit 5 months ago
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey
Last visit 6 months ago