thread: Balatro
FinlandTheSwitchblade2 months ago

Nah no worries man! You seem to be passionate about this and that's just what they need in a mod, hope things get sorted here ASAP!

thread: Balatro
FinlandTheSwitchblade2 months ago

The amount of runs coming in compared to how many mods are active here is very one sided, I've got a full time job and a baby, my free time right now is next to none, I'll happily step down from being a mod (can't do it myself need the main mod to remove me) and someone else can take it, let him know

FinlandTheSwitchblade3 months ago

I'd imagine way more people play on PS5 now and we could split the leaderboards if necessary, it's a shame to limit the RDR speedrun to full game and PS3 only multiplayer, if its the workload that'd too much I'd throw my hat in to verify runs of ILs, just want this wee corner of to thrive and have some fun

FinlandTheSwitchblade3 months ago

I'm on the PS5 port as I don't have my old ps3 anymore, I'm sure ILs could be really fun to do, it's amazing that we don't have them anymore, would be a great way to keep this game alive on here and have more new runs coming in, I hope for a change

FinlandTheSwitchblade3 months ago

Haha cheers!

FinlandTheSwitchblade4 months ago

Sub 2 is insane! Congratulations

Mostillist likes this
FinlandTheSwitchblade4 months ago

I had to shelve my PC set up and desk to make room for my baby's bed nearly a year ago and now only have access to this game on PS5

I find the aiming/shooting to be so difficult (and I mainly play on console with most shooters) but the accuracy and aim is so rough

I know someone did a 51 minute run on console and just don't understand what isn't clicking for me

Any tips, sensitivity scale and other options info from those capable on console would be great, thanks!

Binslev likes this
FinlandTheSwitchblade4 months ago

I plan on improving, it had been 20 years for me, it adds numbers to the leaderboard and isn't hurting anyone, why do you care? This is the fastest I have done regardless

run: Refunct
FinlandTheSwitchblade4 months ago

Ahh the other guy was 2 days 7 minutes not 7 hours, well I'll definitely go away and improve this by a lot, GONNA MAKE YOU MODS PROUD! <3

run: Refunct
FinlandTheSwitchblade4 months ago

I don't understand? This isn't even the lowest scored run?? On console this feels impossible

FinlandTheSwitchblade4 months ago

Have to agree, I go for Wang more often than not, he has some top tier insults as well as being funny!

Mostillist likes this
thread: Talk
FinlandTheSwitchblade4 months ago

Back to the Future or Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark

Gaming_64 likes this
thread: Talk
FinlandTheSwitchblade4 months ago

I'm not an anime fan but have just started watching the Netflix live action of One Piece and I'm loving it

Zanum likes this
thread: Talk
FinlandTheSwitchblade4 months ago

Toss up between Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, GTA V or Black Ops II

Zanum likes this
FinlandTheSwitchblade4 months ago

How's it going, been active on this site for years but going to be more active on the forums.

I have a YouTube channel where I'm mainly speedrunning, I have a full time job and young son so it's more ILs right now

Just became moderator over on Oh Sir... The Insult Simulator so come by and put a run in if you want.

Scottish guy living in Finland who loves making YT content (as a hobby, I'm a YT partner but don't monetize) and speedrunning, nice to meet ya!

FinlandTheSwitchblade4 months ago

Hi everyone!

This game has been run with a single mod for years and they haven't logged in in over 2 years so today I've been made the new moderator for this game.

Sorry to the people who had been waiting over a year for runs to be verified, all new runs will be verified within 48 hours at the latest going forward.

Happy insulting!

Mostillist likes this
FinlandTheSwitchblade4 months ago

That's a shame I would have loved to run some missions, not got the time for a full game run

FinlandTheSwitchblade2 years ago

Someone messed up here, but congrats for beating MW2 in less than 5 minutes, destroyed the record

FinlandTheSwitchblade2 years ago

The Goat at it again

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About TheSwitchblade
Dad, Speedrunner, Lactose Intollerant. Watch & Subscribe over on
4 years ago
1 month ago
Games run
Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V
Last run 4 months ago
Oh... Sir!! The Insult Simulator
L.A. Noire
L.A. Noire
Last run 4 months ago
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
Last run 4 months ago
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
Last run 3 months ago
Stardew Valley Category Extension
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
Last run 4 months ago
Games followed
Red Dead Redemption
Red Dead Redemption
Last visit 3 months ago
L.A. Noire
L.A. Noire
Last visit 4 months ago
Oh... Sir!! The Insult Simulator
Oh... Sir!! The Insult Simulator
Last visit 4 months ago
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
Last visit 1 month ago
Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V
Last visit 4 months ago
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
Last visit 4 months ago
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon
Last visit 2 months ago
Games moderated
Oh... Sir!! The Insult Simulator
Oh... Sir!! The Insult Simulator
Last action 4 months ago
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
Alba: A Wildlife Adventure
Last action 2 months ago
Do You Copy?
Do You Copy?
Last action 4 months ago