New York, USATheManaLord4 years ago

Big ups to utunnels from gamefaqs for most of this information. I know we are missing some interesting things, it's been a little bit since my attention was focused on the game so I will post more as it comes up and please feel free to add

Random no order information:

-Walk backwards by holding the attack button and walking

-Invisibility is essentially a forcefield for certain enemies, not all, they will not see and thus not target you with attacks. for example cavemen(guys w club) you can walk right through and they wont attack

-wizard has stronger potions, more HP on healing and longer duration on forcefield and invisibility

-you can mitigate fall damage by 'edge cancelling' which is landing on the very last pixel of a ledge

-In co-op, be careful of having both characters use Key items, you CAN use the two keys on the same door this way and screw your progress

-co-op use of Pause can be used to bait enemies and mitigate damage all while selecting items, co-op can have seamless and advanced strategies with this

-The Wizard has a strong attack before the armor upgrade. Though it looks exactly the same as the normal attack. So as the Wizard, always hold up while attacking for more damage

-Powerups and strength scroll has no effect on charge attacks.

-Attack while at the apex of your jump for the height boost

-Strength scroll allows you to do double damage, unless you are using a charge attack.

-Blast damage normal enemies instead of killing them. So it has effect against stronger enemies, just you need to land more than one hit. It has no effect against bosses, at least not working on Manax.

-Your player has 255 HP and the weakest fire ball takes 10 points from you, it doesn't matter since the damage to the lifebar meter is visible.

-Damage examples: The red caveman type enemy has 8 hit points and a normal goblin has 2. The vulture boss has 50 HP for each forms.

n - normal attack s - strong attack c - charge 0 - no enhance 1 - 1st enhance 2 - 2nd enhance

Before Weapon upgrade:

Huntress: n0=2, n1=3, n2=4,s1=3, s2=4,s3=5 Barbarian: n0=3, n1=4, n2=5, s1=4, s2=5, s3=6 Wizard: n0=1, n2=2, n3=4, s1=2, s2=3, s3=5

After Weapon upgrade:

Huntress: n0=5, n1=6, n2=7,c=10x3 Barbarian: n0=6, n1=7, n2=8, s1=7, s2=8, s3=9 Wizard: n0=6, n2=7, n3=8, c=30

GoodleShoes and NerdyNester like this
New York, USATheManaLord5 years ago

Wiz is bad for the reasons you listed but with better potions maybe some different strats can be employed

New York, USATheManaLord5 years ago

The wizard or any character don't seem to break sync when playing co-op so the speed difference I'm not sure about. Jumping short or full versus just walking all characters always go the same speed.

Check this TAS it can really be seen here:

I definitely missed out on some key jumps or boosts either from nerves, execution errors, or playing it safe. Lots of room for improvement!

The spot on the wall is a good tip, ty ! :)

drakeishar and NerdyNester like this
New York, USATheManaLord5 years ago

The pioneer Nester for sure, thanks is due their as well ty! I like the little batjump you do there I was just afraid of that one ^^. The hardest skip for wizard to do that huntress can do easily is the elevator platforms in the final level, he can barely make it but to take the risk all the way at the end is scary was too much for me to try!

NerdyNester and drakeishar like this
New York, USATheManaLord5 years ago

I felt particularly inspired the last few days, a break is in due order but maybe only after Barbarian warpless gets a little faster! Thank you, your run was definitely the inspiration and front runner for this category and gave me many ideas.

New York, USATheManaLord5 years ago

You're right maybe GoodleShoes and I will try some livestream races sometime :)

NerdyNester likes this
New York, USATheManaLord5 years ago

Can't tell exactly which factor it is whether its the beginning of the level, item use, wizard, spamming the button, activating it when you get hit, using it while you're in the initial invincibility when you spawn, or what exactly that caused it but I got some weird form of invincibility at 14:06 - 14:11


It was the second time it happened to me using the wizard and forcefield at that time strategy. It doesn't seem to come out or get used, but you become invincible but it's not as long as a forcefield, I was spamming the button trying to get it to activate and was baffled when I walked through them. Going to be labbing some of those conditions I listed above and will report back.

Oh and Nester if you see this my videos were long I should've waited for youtube to finish 'trimming' them, they should all be start to finish now no extra :)

NerdyNester likes this
New York, USATheManaLord5 years ago

That's a weird chest that you can get sometimes, but I was too close so my arrow didn't break it, argh! Wizard can get very close to huntress' time!

drakeishar likes this
New York, USATheManaLord5 years ago

Naked warpless, that is going to be interesting! I'm not done yet, warpless is the next area for me to explore :D

drakeishar likes this
New York, USATheManaLord6 years ago

I think the melee characters are the best in the game at the moment due to being able to hit both heads of manax at the same time. My next attempts are any% huntress with no armor as she can do a few more non boss skips than the barbarian can, and her attack rate is really fast with cancels.

Only armor strat that can beat it imo is huntress with armor strength and the perfect quad shots (spamming attack at apex of jump can lead to FOUR arrows being shot) and head positioning. Now that is gonna be RNG crazy.

Barb with armor just doesn't work, his hitbox becomes shit I was really curious about his strong attack but the hitbox can barely hit both heads of manax not even half the time. Cheers!

New York, USATheManaLord6 years ago

Welp item play flipped it all up, didn't think it would be THAT low :D

New York, USATheManaLord6 years ago

This is a forbidden run

New York, USATheManaLord6 years ago

having watched it a couple times I'm even more impressed, great job. looks like the wizard and huntress are competitive in time for no warp!!

drakeishar and NerdyNester like this
New York, USATheManaLord6 years ago

love those sounds 8)

New York, USATheManaLord6 years ago

Thank you for noticing the warpless skip glad it was useful :) and goddam failing on the batjump and not being able to jump back up are why I didn't try, but it seems it must be done!

GoodleShoes and drakeishar like this
New York, USATheManaLord6 years ago

for warp runs that is. in warpless, that's the wild west in terms of strategy, so much to Xplore !!!

GoodleShoes likes this
New York, USATheManaLord6 years ago

this is where the game can change the most imo. new strats being used for barb and co-op involve NO ARMOR!!! just items and blasting through the levels and hoping the boss head positioning is right in your face :)

GoodleShoes likes this
thread: Cadash
New York, USATheManaLord6 years ago

nice 8)

GoodleShoes likes this
New York, USATheManaLord6 years ago

If anyone else has discovered interesting things in this game please post them here :)

I also have a request, if anyone can figure the codes to remove the background music (not attacks and enemies and hazards and stuff just the BGM) please post here! Been trying to fiddle with that because everyone likes to use their own music when playing games right?? ^.^

GoodleShoes likes this
New York, USATheManaLord6 years ago

Freeze item; attained by editing old game genie hex codes to reveal any items hidden in games code, it's the only one that can be found aside from a blank and unselectable item. Assuming it was going to be implemented to stop all enemies movements, or perhaps even hazards, but was never worked on or implemented and instead insta kills your character. -- Watch live at

About TheManaLord
7 years ago
2 years ago
Games run
Blades of Vengeance
Blades of Vengeance
Last run 2 years ago
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Blades of Vengeance
Blades of Vengeance
Last visit 2 years ago