United StatesTheIntercom6 months ago

26 right around the corner

Tokigno likes this
United StatesTheIntercom4 years ago

Saying we care about the background more than the community itself is a little disingenuous. I'm just curious why our background, which we've had for literal years, is being deemed inappropriate and deleted without any communication.

United StatesTheIntercom4 years ago

With all due respect, there is nothing inappropriate about the backgrounds. It used to be Reggie, the dog of a runner who inspired a significant number of players to run the game. The next background was a loading screen from the game.

Murry33 and jackafur like this
United StatesTheIntercom4 years ago

So, my research shows that the Saturn version is close to Ver3 of the arcade board but with different load times between matches and some minor inconsistencies with lag during the match. It definitely makes sense to time a run on Saturn separately from arcade (especially if emulators are involved), so get to submitting y'all.

Habble, Tenka, and NerdyNester like this
United StatesTheIntercom4 years ago

Sorry about the delay you guys, I'll add the category as soon as possible.

NerdyNester and Tenka like this
thread: Postal 2
United StatesTheIntercom4 years ago

A lot of the community have voiced their issues with the load times in this game over the years. All the load removers thus far have been red taped so lets hope that we can work towards some sort of agreement for the betterment of the speedrun.

Given that this version of the Unreal engine doesn't seem to have an explicit game state that we can use to determine when we are loading I've injected my own. This load remover literally patches the LoadMap and SaveGame functions and passes the state to LiveSplit before and after they run. The primary issue is that while this method seems to be the most accurate it makes re-timing the old runs next to impossible. This is mainly because the LoadMap function finishes before the load screen actually disappears and we gain control of The Dude. I'd like for this community to have the privilege of fairness with regards to hardware, independent of the quality of runs being produced.

I propose that old runs, for the sake of advancement, are simply grandfathered in for the time being. We re-time these runs by removing the entire load screen, subtracting 1 second each time, and make adjustments to the load remover as time and the community deem necessary. If I have to re-time every run, then so be it. Let me know what you guys think because I really think we deserve better than nothing.

thread: Postal 2
United StatesTheIntercom6 years ago

You're fine dude, no need to apologize. This type of setup seeking mentality is whats going to keep you afloat with running this category. There are lots of weird skips that have such minute setups (or none at all). Good luck, and if you have any questions (or other setups) just let us know here or the Discord.

thread: Postal 2
United StatesTheIntercom6 years ago

I guess I only shared my method with the Discord, my bad you guys:

I can re-record this if anyone needs me to show what keys I'm pressing. I can do this method every time but others have voiced difficulties in executing it even once so just let me know if that is the case.

United StatesTheIntercom6 years ago

We've had this Discord server sitting around for a while now but we never shared it since there was never much activity. However, there seems to be some interest bubbling and no one really uses IRC anymore so here you go guys.

Klotzkopf1990 likes this
United StatesTheIntercom6 years ago

Yeah, I don't see why not. If the emulator runs/loads noticeably faster then I can always move it to a separate category later.

United StatesTheIntercom7 years ago

Hi, I couldn't help but notice that there is a new mod for this game. Just curious why my run from 3 months ago wasn't accepted even though it appears that my run is older than your account and this is the only game you're moderating.

United StatesTheIntercom7 years ago

Well, it depends on what you enjoy more -- If you like playing each level individually until you feel comfortable then do that, if you enjoy playing the whole game start to finish (like we do in any%) then do that. The best practice when you're starting something new is whatever you have the most fun doing so you can do it for longer. Personally, I didn't run the full game very seriously until 1.5-2 years after I picked it up, so there's that.

As for the capture card, I use a GV-USB2 which runs at around $30USD. If you're brand new to console streaming you're also going to want some splitters as well so you can play without lag (1 signal going to GV-USB, 1 signal going directly to the TV).

Blobby33 likes this
United StatesTheIntercom7 years ago

As of right now there isn't too much in the way or tutorials or guides outside of the few videos Murry has posted in the 'Guides' section or random videos explaining specific strats spread among our Youtube channels. Your best bet is to check the other help thread and read the posts in there, but aside from that we are more than willing to answer any specific questions you might have whenever they come up.

Short answer is to watch other people's runs and try to copy them, see what feels best, if you don't know how something was done you can ask here, on twitter, or IRC. Good luck and welcome!

United StatesTheIntercom8 years ago

Same, I'm looking to become a moderator as well seeing as most of the games have runs accepted that break the rules (like playing with maximum damage as opposed to tournament standard) and there just isn't an active mod for almost any of these games. All this being said, I don't even know if being a mod on this page will allow me to be mod on the others, but all these games could use a little love and not having a mod + required validation isn't a good look.

thread: The Site
United StatesTheIntercom8 years ago

A friend of mine has been trying to get mod on the Marvel vs Capcom 2 leaderboard for a while now but the mods were fairly unresponsive to his requests. I would like to request mod now, seeing as there is only 1 mod and he hasn't logged into this website for over 5 months. Thanks for your time yall.

EDIT: Actually, it's looking like almost every versus game needs a new mod (or maybe the series just needs a super mod). The mod in question is the only mod of all but 3 of these games, so while probably not a very popular set of speedgames, that's a lot of ground left uncovered in his absence. <- Series page <- Mod in question

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
About TheIntercom
9 years ago
12 days ago
Games run
Postal 2
Postal 2
Last run 7 months ago
Mischief Makers
Mischief Makers
Last run 4 years ago
POSTAL: Brain Damaged
POSTAL: Brain Damaged
Last run 2 years ago
Greendog: The Beached Surfer Dude!
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Last run 8 years ago
Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend
Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend
Last run 6 years ago
E.T.: Interplanetary Mission
E.T.: Interplanetary Mission
Last run 9 years ago
Games followed
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes
Mischief Makers
Mischief Makers
Last visit 1 year ago
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Last visit 1 year ago
E.T.: Interplanetary Mission
E.T.: Interplanetary Mission
Last visit 2 years ago
Postal 2
Postal 2
Last visit 7 months ago
Postal 2: Paradise Lost
Postal 2: Paradise Lost
Last visit 2 years ago
Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend
Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend
Last visit 1 year ago
POSTAL: Brain Damaged
POSTAL: Brain Damaged
Last visit 1 year ago
Games moderated
Mischief Makers
Mischief Makers
Last action 25 days ago
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
X-Men vs. Street Fighter
Last action 7 months ago
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes
Greendog: The Beached Surfer Dude!
Greendog: The Beached Surfer Dude!
Last action 3 months ago
POSTAL: Brain Damaged
POSTAL: Brain Damaged
Last action 5 months ago
E.T.: Interplanetary Mission
E.T.: Interplanetary Mission
Last action 11 months ago