Just a little precision, Killing a dragon with 3 beds is possible, but only if you manage to hit some end crystals next to the dragon in order to make more damage. A dragon with a full HP bar can't be killed with 3 beds only
Also, in Peaceful there is no need to eat. So the time you spend on "food management" is removed ;) But yeah, it's a seed-rng-related question for now
Yep, since there are new biomes in 1.7, it breaks the seed. Though the version never matters
Optifine is allowed as long as you don't use the zoom for instance, and other settings that changes the gameplay in general (: (For the other questions, I leave it to the mods, don't wanna be wrong)
The problem is that here are like "glitches" "glitchless" "random seed" "set seed" already, if we add co-op, we're doomed aha But I guess it would be awesome though for some of the categories. I even heard a few people ran Set Seed Glitchless in co-op !
100% is a category created when there is a percentage completion shown in the options, or somewhere in a game. In Minecraft, there are no percentage completion. Not even in the statistics.
Simple as that !
I feel it's a very specific category, on a very specific update of the game, that won't be improvable during the future since the game won't change. It may be interesting, but may not belong here sadly
If you mean co-op, it's still there https://www.speedrun.com/mc#Any_Random_Seed_Glitchless_Co-op
Don't forget this is a speedrun category. I think at first, people tried to mine a diamond as a challenge, and some people found that actually mining it with a pickaxe would make it slow, and mining it with a creeper would make it faster, skipping the boring crafting iron pickaxe and stuff, that's all. In a way, it's a trade between time and RNG, time saving wins. If you search for a possible logic behind the true use of a creeper, try to figure out why we first punch wood with a single hand, and why there are lava lakes aha
Anyway, I see your point, that it's not that """right""", but you just have to agree that in speedrunning, you gotta go fast
In real life, you mine with explosions, so using a creeper would be fair in my opinion
Why don't you just run by following the existing rules ? I don't know what's wrong or what's complicated in them And please sometimes, be more specific, I think you are mixing everything up
IIRC, Toriks doesn't use the app because he simply prefers not using it. It's more of a preference than a huge strat to save lot of time I guess
The run I posted on RSG, I waited for the world to load, but a mod added the pre-loading time to the actual time because it is forbidden, due to the importance of the day/night cycle in this category.
So you can wait for the world to load but it's completly useless, because the time starts when you're in the world. If you want to load the map anyway, just press ESC so the world can load without affecting the day/night cycle.
He's using the 1.2 for the advancements if that's what you're talking about @Hardrocker
And I don't think there are IG Timers mods for 1.12 right now since it's a new version For my run I calculate the IGT while editing, you might do that while the timer is coming
Since it's set seed, it could be highly improved, would be cool to insert a category, but I don't know if people will get interested since it's very long But I would (:
If you recreate the map, you recreate the same seed, so it's set seed imo