EnglandSpace_brainzzz4 years ago

Problem is we already have lots of dead category's and if its just gonna one or two people running it I don't see the point in making another category. If you can find a good sized group of players who would like to run it then I'd be more than happy to add it.

Speedrunner0218 likes this
EnglandSpace_brainzzz6 years ago

There is only one run under the unlock all characters category so seems a bit pointless to remove since its a dead category however if it becomes a category people actually run then I will be more than happy to make sure it requires a video

EnglandSpace_brainzzz6 years ago

Well no rules are against using dlc so if you use it your run will be verified. If you have video evidence you can try for WR

DarkAbeShining likes this
EnglandSpace_brainzzz6 years ago

Stop if you have no proof don't submit your run

ShadowDrax likes this
EnglandSpace_brainzzz6 years ago

I disagree with with any WR that do not have a video I know I have been innactive for a while, now I come back to notice that there are WR runs without a video even if you put you're times as instead of a video I can't trust it. I am pointing this out cause most WR require a video even if is a miscellaneous category

SoopaPhastMan, slippy318 and 4 others like this
EnglandSpace_brainzzz6 years ago

Sorry guys I was innactive after I stopped playing my 3ds I got alot of enjoyment from playing nsmb2, when I started speedrunning this game it wasn't even on the website so I suggested the game and posted my pb I then started college and focused on that rather than video games I still play games at home alot but this was one thing I forgot about sorry guys

Javi17 and Tomppaa like this
EnglandSpace_brainzzz9 years ago

Well both players must reach high rank for this run and yes the the duo have to do all the quest together. Also i will add a Shagaru run for you.

EnglandSpace_brainzzz9 years ago

MH4U is here and I hope we get some Speedrunners on this game, we hope there will be some people speedrunning soon. If anyone wants any new category's just comment on this and I will add it. Good luck.

EnglandSpace_brainzzz9 years ago

Just 2 weeks till release day, so that means co-op speed runs!

About Space_brainzzz
9 years ago
4 years ago
Games run
New Super Mario Bros. 2
New Super Mario Bros. 2
Last run 10 years ago
Games followed
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
Last visit 4 years ago