JapanSAS_rta2 years ago

I think the idea of measuring each IGT at each individual stage in this game is great, since the IGT is measured at each individual stage.

I feel that there are some downsides to subdividing the categories too much, but it would be beneficial for new runners to have more videos to refer to, and if there are no objections, I will consider the possibility of adding this as a MISC treatment.

JapanSAS_rta2 years ago

Today, I added True Ending and All Character (synonymous with All Playable, which I wrote about here), and changed the existing All Character category to All Character NMS (No Major Skips).

Immac likes this
JapanSAS_rta2 years ago

I am sorry that I have been so busy lately that I have not been able to make any progress on this matter.

The current categorization didn't take Flanders' Any% into account, so it seems worth creating a category with skips.

I'm thinking of adding True Ending % and All Playable % if there are no specific objections.

Immac likes this
JapanSAS_rta2 years ago

In this game, you can fight all enemy characters in the process of making Flanders playable. If I am correct, the attack patterns of the opponents are basically the same for each enemy, even though our characters are different. However, Reimu C and Yuuma C have a distinct peculiarity in that their attack patterns are very different from the previous ones.

There is a lot of value for players in "using Flandre to fight all opponents," but I recognize that there is a 100% category for that.

The reason I suggested the True End category was simple: I thought there was a certain value in fighting Reimu C and Yuuma C without being redundant, and making Flandre's best ending (which is basically skipped) appear.

JapanSAS_rta2 years ago

Come to think of it, I think the two best ways to handle Flandre in the Full-game are to effectively clear only the A route or all of the ABCs.

The situation where the A route ends up being the last one, where Yuuma stands up and cannot be defeated, or where you have to play Flandre three times in a row, might be a little awkward for the category of playing the whole game, especially when there are opportunities to play the whole game in speedrun events.

So I feel that it might be worthwhile to create a True End category, which is somewhere between All characters and 100%, and ends with the right route being played only once. If anyone has any opinions on this point, I'd appreciate your input.

JapanSAS_rta2 years ago

Thank you very much for your valuable feedback too. I would like to continue to study English and do my best.

JapanSAS_rta2 years ago

I've added the FULL-GAME category, as well as Marisa's dash-only and each character's tutorial in the Misc section. If you have any requests, please contact me.

I also feel that the versioning issue is a very difficult one. This game will probably not end with ver 1.04, and there will be more updates in the future. Because as you all know, the "剛欲な挑戦" at the bottom of the chapter selection has not been implemented yet.

Therefore, I fear that if we default to the latest version every time a version is updated, it may affect the motivation of the runners, because it also means that their records will be reset almost every time there is an update. I'm thinking of keeping the current system for the time being, but I'd be happy to hear the opinions of the runners if you like.

JapanSAS_rta2 years ago

I think Yorigami is particularly problematic because of the inter-version issues, and I'm struggling with that myself; Kanako is also having a very hard time beating 1.02 record due to the spec changes for herself and the Battle of Kutaka, but the impact is limited compared to Yorigami.

I'm considering separating the pre-1.02 and post-1.04 categories for Yorigami, since the threshold for new players is getting higher and the update has changed what Yorigami can do. I'm also considering doing the same for Flan's Any%, which has undergone a major spec change with the update.

JapanSAS_rta2 years ago

The idea of separating categories by version was proposed by myself before, but I later reconsidered that it was not desirable to add too many categories. However, I also think it is important to create an environment where people can compare different versions. I'm doing a run of Kanako, which is best played in 1.02, so I feel even more strongly that we should have an environment where people can compete with their 1.04 times. Since I'm not an experienced moderator, I haven't figured out how to create a comparative environment without separating categories, but I'm going to try to find a way to do that.

I also find the idea of creating a category for tutorials interesting. I'm thinking of treating it as Misc since it's out of the mainstream, but I think I'll create one for each character.

I'm also thinking of creating a dash-only category for Marisa in Misc as well.

If there are no objections, I'll add the Full-Game category, the Misc tutorial and Marisa's dash-only in the next few days.

JapanSAS_rta2 years ago

It's been more than a week since last opinion came out, so I'd like to share my personal opinion.

There is no doubt that it is not desirable that the Full-Game category is not created as it is, so I would like to proceed with the creation. To sum up the ideas of everyone who gave us their opinions on this occasion, IGT will be used for measurement.

All characters: All characters played through (Flandre A or B or C) 100%: All content played through (Flandre A and B and C)

I'm thinking of creating the above two categories.

Also, the CD media product I purchased in Japan the other day is version 1.03, which is the same as 1.04 except that tutorials for characters other than Reimu and Marisa have not been introduced. It seems that. If you decide to include the tutorial in Full-Game time, getting this 1.03 is the best solution. I don't like that because it's a game that you can easily buy on Steam. Therefore, I would like to exclude the tutorial from Full-Game and measure the total time of each simple character's story.

Regarding the categories by character, we will continue the specifications of IGT as it is, considering the comprehensive opinion. If you have any opinions or differences in my perception, please feel free to contact me.

JapanSAS_rta2 years ago

Thank you for your valuable feedback. I read the sentences with the help of machine translation in some places, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies in the fine nuances.

I personally feel that it is controversial as to whether in-game time or actual time is better. It's a very delicate issue with rankings, so if we change it, we should discuss it in an open space like this forum, not in a closed space. If there is no objection to maintaining the status quo, I think it is appropriate to maintain it, but if anyone thinks that it is better to change it, I would appreciate your opinion.

Apart from that, I feel the need to create a category for All Characters. In fact, ello had run many times with that regulation last December.

I find it difficult to handle Flan in that case. ello voluntarily chose C to make the true ending appear, but of course A and C have very different difficulty levels and times.

There is also a glitch that makes A's in-game time much shorter than it really is, so there's the question of what to do with FG1. In addition, Kanako and Yorigami are definitely faster at 1.02 than at 1.04, so if you're aiming for a record with FG1, you won't be able to use the ending skip at 1.04. It simply increases the burden on the runner and is not desirable. For the above reasons, I personally think that FG2 or 3 is good.

FG3 is good for fairness, but it certainly makes one run longer. I think it's okay to prepare both categories 2 and 3 for this, but I would appreciate the opinions of the runners.

JapanSAS_rta2 years ago


先に皆様が述べられていた通り、連射機能の使用は黄色ポーションの有用な点を潰してしまいかねないと危惧しています。 連打によってプレー中に指が痛くなるのは確かですが、連射機能の許可は大なり小なり公平性を損ねてしまう部分があるのは確かですし、自分としても連射機能の使用には反対の立場です。


seri likes this
JapanSAS_rta2 years ago


具体的には、 ・依神姉妹の久侘歌戦において、ver1.02までは最初の2段階のみで戦闘が終了していたが、ver1.04では他キャラと同じく全てのスペルカードをこなさなければならなくなった ・フランドール(any%)のバグが修正(仕様が変更)され、10回リトライを行った後に魔理沙を倒す必要が出てきた



改善案としては、以下のようなものが考えられるでしょうか。 ・ver1.02以前とver1.04以降でLeaderbordsを分ける(今後のアップデートでまた大きな変化があった際にどうするか、という懸念点もありますが) ・特定のパッチ以降のバージョンを対象とする旨をルールに記入する

村紗のように、ver1.02以前と1.04以降でほぼ変化のないキャラのLeaderbordsを分ける必要性はないようにも思えますし、デリケートかつ難しい議題で恐縮ですが… 皆様のご意見を伺えれば幸いです。

With the update to ver1.04, it is difficult for some characters to break the record before ver1.02.

In particular, -Yorigami sisters, the battle of Kutaka ended only in the first two until ver1.02, but in ver1.04 we have to handle all spell cards like other characters. -Flandre (any%), bug has been fixed (specifications have changed) and it is now necessary to defeat Marisa after retrying 10 times.

Kanako has also made it difficult to quickly defeat the first stage of Yuuma due to the specification change, but especially for the above two characters, I think that there is a part that can not be overturned even if a new technique is found in the future.

As for Flandre any%, it was originally a buggy behavior, so I think it's okay to treat the old ver as misc. but Yorigami sisters are clearly at a disadvantage in the current ver...

Can the following be considered as improvement plans? -Leaderbords are separated between Before 1.02 and after 1.04 (although there are concerns about what to do if there are major changes in future updates). ・ Enter in the rule that the target version is for a specific patch or later.

It seems that there is no need to separate Leaderbords of characters that are almost unchanged between ver1.02 and earlier and 1.04 or later like Murasa, and I'm sorry for the delicate and difficult agenda ... I would appreciate hearing opinions of everyone here.

raisethechickens likes this
JapanSAS_rta2 years ago

先日、東方剛欲異聞のスピードランコミュニティ用のディスコードサーバーを作成しました。 こうした行為が不適切でしたら申し訳ございませんが、こちらのコミュニティにおいて何らかの役に立てていただけたら嬉しく思います。

I created a discord server for the speedrun community of Touhou Gouyoku Ibun. If it doesn't bother you, I hope it helps in the community.

Blue_Wokou likes this
JapanSAS_rta2 years ago





Not only if you select a retry immediately after the start of the game, but also if you select 10 retries immediately after the start of the first stage and then win the battle in that stage, skip all other stages. We have confirmed that the door to the last boss battle will appear.

Given that this game is still buggy, it's highly likely that it wasn't what the developers intended. However, considering the lines of Okina before the battle with Last Boss on the left route, there is a possibility that it is set as "ineligible if the number of defeats exceeds the regulation = the lowest grade ending". I have. Will this be fixed in a future update ...

In any case, it is not an appropriate competition to put the case of playing without skipping the stage and the case of measuring with only one stage on the same ground, and I also have a category with skips. I would like you to make it or reject it as it is.

sakasaka123 likes this
About SAS_rta
3 years ago
Games run
Ancient Roman: Power of Dark Side
MAJORDREAM MAJOR Wii: Perfect Closer
Gaball Screen
Gaball Screen
Last run 3 years ago
Yoiyami Dreamer
Yoiyami Dreamer
Last run 2 years ago
Zico Soccer
Zico Soccer
Last run 11 months ago
Touhou Genso Wanderer -Reloaded-
Touhou Luna Nights
Touhou Luna Nights
Last run 3 months ago
Games followed
Haunted Castle Revisited
Haunted Castle Revisited
Last visit 13 days ago
Touhou Genso Wanderer -Reloaded-
Touhou Genso Wanderer -Reloaded-
Last visit 5 months ago
DreamMix TV: World Fighters
DreamMix TV: World Fighters
Last visit 2 years ago
Zico Soccer
Zico Soccer
Last visit 11 months ago
Super Arcade Soccer
Super Arcade Soccer
Last visit 3 years ago
TM Network: Live in Power Bowl
TM Network: Live in Power Bowl
Last visit 3 years ago
Yoiyami Dreamer
Yoiyami Dreamer
Last visit 9 days ago
Games moderated
Touhou Genso Wanderer -Reloaded-
Touhou Genso Wanderer -Reloaded-
Last action 2 years ago
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Zico Soccer
Zico Soccer
Last action 11 months ago
Pro Golfer Saru
Pro Golfer Saru
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Kinniku Banzuke GB: Chousensha wa Kimida!
Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia
Touhou Artificial Dream in Arcadia
Last action 5 months ago
Super Arcade Soccer
Super Arcade Soccer
Last action 3 years ago