Friesland, NetherlandsS.8 years ago

I think this run needs some more love, so I made a watchable version.

I definitely recommend this as a watch. There's some great stuff in here, especially everything after ADITO.

SRK, Patrick_, and agjents like this
Friesland, NetherlandsS.8 years ago

I had skipped the cutscene a few times in the past while routing 100% and messing about, but I didn't know what caused it. It struck me all of a sudden that it is maybe caused by failing the mission, so I went away and tested it.

Seems like if you fail the mission, even before having seen the cutscene, the game thinks you've already seen the cutscene and lets you skip it. Can just shoot Ryder's gas tank to quickly fail the mission. There might be other missions that work the same.

Zachoholic, Joshimuz and 4 others like this
Friesland, NetherlandsS.8 years ago

I do not wish to moderate this game

Havi likes this
Friesland, NetherlandsS.8 years ago

This is going to be a trial to see if people will do it.

One poll question:

Lets say it is faster to dupe an asset anyway, do Cap The Collector, and then do the 7th asset after having done Cap The Collector already. Would this be allowed or not?

I personally don't care, so I abstain from voting on this.

Friesland, NetherlandsS.9 years ago

Ok so I hear all these things and I have no idea what is happening anymore.

What are the suggested route changes people had for this mission collectible/exportvehicle-wise?

Friesland, NetherlandsS.9 years ago

Ok so I hear all these things and I have no idea what is happening anymore.

Can someone make a video or a WELL-WRITTEN post of what the strats for this mission are if swimming wasn't a thing?

Friesland, NetherlandsS.9 years ago

So starting the timer after the intro cutscene and on gain of control is stupid.

It being stupid wasn't so much a problem until recently, when people found ways to abuse this.

Here's a video by Gael. You can sit through the intro cutscene at no timeloss according to our current timing method and then setup a rampage. This will let you cancel the rampage for infinite MP5 ammo (or whatever rampage you pick, but MP5 is nearest) because in reality, you have already been in game for more than 2 minutes (But the timer wasn't running).

Instead of cop car RNG at the start (which a lot of people hate), you could sit through the intro cutscene for 3 minutes (while the timer isn't running), then make a replay and restart the game. (Timing starts upon the finishing of the first intro cutscene, so the second intro cutscene IS timed because you have already gained control before then). This strat is more consistent.

[21:22] <Gael> making a MP5 replay (+40s) [21:22] <Gael> rampage start "An Old Friend" without any kind of setup (easy +0s) [21:22] <Gael> not getting a cop car and making a replay (-10s maybe 15s) [21:22] <Gael> not having to setup rampage starting the party (-3s) [21:22] <Gael> canceling rampage to get unlimited MP5 ammo then restarting it (will make getting to the malibu in time easy) (-5s for people not able to get to the malibu in time with cop/taxi strat) [21:22] <Gael> not picking up shotgun (10s over taxi strat) [21:22] <Gael> Best case scenario = losing 8s over a getting a taxi and not being able to arrive at the malibu in time [21:23] <Gael> stupid strat is not such a big time lost

3 minutes of waiting before timing start == only 8 seconds lost, that makes no sense whatsoever.

Now we could outright ban this strat, or we prevent future issues and fix the root of this problem. I suggest that form now on, we time our runs the correct way, the way that doesn't bend to the floor for SDA's broken "one size fits all" policy: From the moment the initial loading finishes and the actual game starts.

Q: But what about existing runs A: Existing run times can be converted either manually or by automatic means by giving them the benefit of the doubt about whether they skipped the initial cutscenes and just add 19 seconds on top of them (the time the unskippable part of the cutscene takes).

Q: But now my sub <milestone> run wont be sub <milestone> anymore. A: Who cares, your run is still as good as it was, it just has a different time label printed to its info-page.

Q: Weren't you the one who decided to time the game like we currently do anyway? A: Yes, when I started running this game in 2012 I didn't know better and started timing like this, and I have realized for a LONG time that I was dumb and stupid for doing so. I did not bother with it though because it didn't matter, but now that there's actually ways of abusing it, something needs to happen.

So, in short, I propose we change the timing methods of our run. Runwise nothing will change. We have to sit through the shoveling-shit-cutscene anyway. It will take some time getting used to, but once the switch is made, people won't experience any negative effects; but our way of timing this game will at last make sense and will contain no abusable loopholes.

Discussion goes in this thread.

Friesland, NetherlandsS.9 years ago

Hi I'm S.

Sometimes people wonder, why are you called S.?

Simple. Sometime long ago I decided I wanted that to be my nickname!


Adam_ak, asazin and 2 others like this
Friesland, NetherlandsS.9 years ago

Are console runs not allowed on these leaderboards?

Friesland, NetherlandsS.9 years ago

Add game page it says

"Abbreviation eg, smb2. Optional, must be unique."

However, I failed to realize that "octodad" was already the 'abbreviation' of the series ( So upon adding the game called "octodad" and giving it the same abbreviation, I now glitched where it has two links to itself (and one to gtavc I put as a test) with no way for me to remove the two links. I tried changing the series abbreviation so that I could access the editgame page for the game but it'll take me to the series edit page anyway.

A check whether an abbreviation already exists would be useful, since this could get quite a nuisance when multiple games with the same abbreviation pop round.

On top of that, a way for a series mod to remove a game.

Mhmd_FVC likes this
Friesland, NetherlandsS.9 years ago

You do not need Candy at the apartment, just her Stretch, so drive it yourself.

Plus sides: Drive yourself during the autoscroller Minus sides: No helicopter so the next part will be slow, cant pick up hidden packages, need to find a flamethrower somewhere.

I have no idea whether this is worth it, haven't timed it.

Friesland, NetherlandsS.10 years ago

Why is my falling speed so different?

versus bubblebobblers

Friesland, NetherlandsS.10 years ago

-W/o loads vs With loads double time system. -Support for milliseconds

Less important: -Tickboxes for SS / RTA / RTA-no-QS and script/no scrips, so we can keep it 1 category and not 6 since some people like to bitch about it.

About S.
10 years ago
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Serious Sam 2
Serious Sam 2
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Last run 1 year ago
Grand Theft Auto Online
Grand Theft Auto Online
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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
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Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
Prison Architect
Prison Architect
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Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V
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Grand Theft Auto III
Grand Theft Auto III
Last run 6 years ago
Games moderated
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Last action 4 months ago
Last action 5 months ago
Prison Architect
Prison Architect
Last action 8 months ago
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
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Unreal Tournament
Unreal Tournament
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Unreal Tournament 2004
Unreal Tournament 2004
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Serious Sam 2
Serious Sam 2
Last action 1 year ago
Last action 5 years ago