Friesland, NetherlandsS.6 years ago

Where do I submit my run?

Friesland, NetherlandsS.6 years ago

A non-poking fun answer for you:

Glitchless doesn't have a high enough demand to warrant creating here, or even on the category extensions page.

The true way of getting a category created, is not by asking for it, but by showing there is enough demand. Run it yourself and take it seriously, and it will be put on the category extensions boards. If a lot of other people start running the category, either because you convinced them to do so, or they convinced themselves to do so, then we can look into upgrading the category from the meme boards to the main boards. This is unlikely to happen, though not impossible.

On top of that, since this is glitchless we're talking about, you/we would need to come up with a solid definition of what that means in the first place. A reason some people are poking fun so much is because they don't believe the category can exist in the first place. If one is to ask for a glitchless category, one must come up with what that means. Otherwise it's like going to the barbershop and then not telling the barber what kind of haircut you want to get.

NediBuckets, tduva and 7 others like this
Friesland, NetherlandsS.6 years ago

You need to approach the robbery store at a specific time after robbing it to make the game not crash. Yes, it is more specific than that. Yes, it is harder than it sounds.

Even if you did everything as correctly as a human can do, there's still a roughly 20% or so the game won't crash and actually do what you want it to. I think that's number taken generously too.

What source are you using to learn how to do this? Your initial post is missing.

thread: Fallout 3
Friesland, NetherlandsS.6 years ago

I read a lot online about how the Tenpenny Suite can be accessed from the balcony even if the Megaton bomb has been disarmed and you unlocked the Megaton house instead.

I have been trying a few things to make this happen for me, mostly just teleporting to the door repeatedly guessing there's some RNG involved, but with no luck. You know this game inside-out, do you have any ideas what could cause this?

I realize this isn't relevant to speedrunning, but if anyone would know how to make this work (semi)consistently, it'd be you.

Friesland, NetherlandsS.6 years ago

Whether flames are faster or not doesn't matter. In 100% if you buy them you won't have enough money for a safehouse later, so don't buy them.

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

"Add to that that even video games are "missions" - or Property Buying. So I don't think it matters too much if the developers call something a "mission". Property Buying is a mission for technical reasons. EOTL is three "missions" for technical reasons (max mission size; checkpoints; perhaps more). In addition, All Missions is defined from the user's perspective - "all missions that have a permanent map marker". "

So combine the technical reasons (the code) with the user experience reason (permanent marker). Picking one or the other just leads to ambiguity, since there can be things marked with permanent icons that aren't even missions (like destinations, targets), some of which will never even disappear anymore with duping.

Safehouses, arcade machines, eotl1 & streetraces are all missions codewise, so add the user reason "must have a radar icon visible even when not nearby" and three of those four things I listed become unrequired, giving the category a solid, unambiguous definition, which it currently does not.

Is there anyone who can either A) argue why this shouldn't be the definition of 'all missions' and/or B) come up with a better definition, and if they can't, explain why C) eotl1 skip should be/is allowed anyway?

Edit: To clarify: Current rules state this: "and ends when you have passed all the missions that appear with a permanent radar icon (all main storyline missions + Zero's, Wang Cars and Caligula's Heist). " It actually already seems to follow the technical + user experience combined definition: "with a permanent radar icon" -User Experience, filters out all the crap nobody wants to do that I mentioned above "all the missions" -Technical, but actually, what is a mission?

This is what is being discussed. EotL1 is as much its own thing as for example Body Harvest, Fish In A Barrel, Vigilante, Lets Get Ready To Bumble & Country Endurance. It has already been agreed on that the latter 3 are excluded due to the permanent marker restriction. However, this restriction does NOT cover EotL1, so why is allowed to be skipped?

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

Quarry 1-7 (or quarry as a whole) aren't missions. They aren't permanently marked on the map which is the requirement for something to be defined as a mission in this game. They meet none of the requirements for them to be proper missions by the current AM definition¤. But let's not get off topic

EotL1 however, does get marked on the map permanently, and is completely separate from part 2 and 3 in the SCM code (something which quarry levels also are not)

¤AM definition currently uses the word 'mission' to define what a mission is, this should be fixed.

carsen likes this
Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

From the rules: "and ends when you have passed all the missions that appear with a permanent radar icon"

End of the Line part 1 is marked with a permanent radar icon, however it isn't done. Therefore all runs that do this skip haven't actually met the requirements, since EotL p1 2 and 3 are actually separate missions with the same name and not one big mission.

ult1matum, carsen and 4 others like this
thread: Far Cry
Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

Noone runs it so we haven't seen the need to add it. Contact me in person and I'll add it but right now I don't see the need and am a bit preoccupied

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

I vote

"Yes/No, if rewritten as non-mod (just blocks keys from outside the game")

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago


Trevor% (Beat the jewel store heist)

MizterConfuzing likes this
Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

Strangers and Freaks are listed in fixed order on the social club checklist. You could just use that. (those are also grouped together).

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago


burhác likes this
Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

While I think ryedawg's usurping of the leaderboard is a bit sudden, and probably unneeded or at least too early, for discussion was still going on, I think he might be capable of maintaining leaderboards. I have not sufficiently informed myself on the arguments coming from his side, but if previous mod team really did nothing to fix run timing, even after having been told which runs are incorrect and how, then I see no harm in him leading the new moderation team.

Whether he hates on people for no reason or shits on people for no reason or trolls a lot does and should not matter, as long as they are kept separate from the leaderboard maintaining role. Ryedawg seems to be very capable of separating work and life, to call it that.

For all I care you put an actual child rapist in charge of the leaderboards. If he does a good job maintaining it I see no reason why not to.

Zachoholic, hoxi and 7 others like this
Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

Skip the cutscene

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

I emailed rockstar asking about this sssHazer and they just linked to their page that descirbes that you can put youtube videos and monetize that and shit.

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

Trying to do a deathwarp during a safehouse buy cutscene

Had my game crash too upon returning from Robbing Uncle Sam to grove street, all times when I went into cinematic camera mode (to switch back to far away cam)

Patrick_ likes this
Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

flying cars are faster than hydra

Friesland, NetherlandsS.7 years ago

You can retract my Prison Architect submission because I will not be able to at ESA this year.

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Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
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Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
Prison Architect
Prison Architect
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Grand Theft Auto III
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Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
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Prison Architect
Prison Architect
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Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
Dear Esther: Landmark Edition
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Unreal Tournament
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Unreal Tournament 2004
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Serious Sam 2
Serious Sam 2
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