Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

Thank you guys for taking the time out to give your opinions here and on the Another World Discord. It seems most of the community and runners are all on the same page. I'll go ahead and update the leaderboards. :)

Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

Another important thing I'll add is that your 100% runs would not go to waste. I'd put them in the Any% category. There's some runs on the leaderboards where runners have an extremely old time under Any% even tho their 100% time is faster. It's kind of a mess lol. I'll take the time to sort it out myself and get it all organized.

Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

After modding this game for almost two years and keeping a close eye on activity. I feel it's best to either drop 100% or move it. Aiming more towards Any% for all runners. The big issue is that there's so many ports for this game but not enough runners to have two categories like this. Tho it's more organized these days it's still all over the place. Trust me when I say this effects me a lot as well since I've ran 100% for most of the ports. I do feel this is for the best tho. At this point I sometimes get submissions of the same runs for both 100% and Any% just because it's essentially the same run if you don't want to bother with the skips. Any% works for all runners no matter how you play it. If you want a better time It'll only push you to progress and learn the skips and be the best you can be. I'm not even sure where 100% even spawned from but there's really no need for it. It just spreads out the leaderboards and divides out everything to where it's all over the place when in reality It's basically the same run minus the skips "which you don't have to do in Any% if you don't want too" and a window cutscene lol. I'm working on getting Autosplits set up for the 15th anniversary edition as well and hoping to move that to "Default" since it's the fastest port out there and not to mention it runs soooo much better than the Steam version. Let me know what you guys think about all of this.

Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

I think this game is just fucked in general lol! Got a IGT of 36:59 Any% (Easy) Console with some updated strats. So whatever is decided doesn't matter until accurate autosplits are made. Wouldn't take it too hard.

Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

Yeah 100% doesn't fully make sense lol. If I could go back a couple years I would have just called it Skipless% because that view cutscene always makes me "lol"

Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

You know what? Clix Gaming? Your profile picture is a lie. You can fool the whole worlddddd into thinking you can do a Hadoken but I'm a expert in windows paint and by my knowledge you're living a lie. How do ya like that?

Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

Joke as in how much of a mess it can be? "yes" I never consider Hardware a joke. Especially for Retro games. :)

CarcinogenSDA likes this
Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

Patience mostly. This game takes time to perfect and also depending on how far you want to go with it. I recommend starting with 100% because it's easier and then eventually trying out Any%. Whichever port you run? Always watch the top times for that specific version because certain strats and lines can be slightly different from other ports. Goodluck and great to have you :)

ctrlxthroat likes this
Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

At the end of the day we all got something in common here whether it's this port or that port. Doesn't matter.. It's the love we have for this game. Am I right or am I right? I mean this is why discussions like this can get so deep. Carci does have a lot of knowledge in the Hardware/Console department and does take the time to test these things out, as do I. It's good to have some sort of team for a game this busy that can cover all ground. This way we can make it legit as possible when it comes to fair leaderboards.

drops mic and then picks it back up because I just realized it was really expensive and I immediately regretted that

NuZ, deserteagle417 and 2 others like this
Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

Yeah that seems good. 1.11 I just saw on the other leaderboards assuming it was an issue so that's my bad. The rule I fully stand by is just showing proof of hardware after the run. That was my main concern honestly.

Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

Right on dude. Something like this is perfect. I feel the RE1 boards have it setup pretty well.


As of 2/15/20 All PS2 players of all categories must show their PS driver version before or after a run. you can show this via the system configuration screen on the menu screen.

Driver Version 1.11 is banned for use with Japanese versions of the game.

  • PS3 = Physical Disc on a PS3
Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

I think it's great that console and emulator are separated. Good work 🙂 I do feel that proof of driver on the Playstation 2 is a must because RE1 and RE2 has had it's issues in the past. Something similar to this so nobody is trying to snake the system.

Showing Playstation 2 Driver after a run is completed is mandatory from "This date on" (This rule only applies for Top 3) or every runner honestly. Whatever you like as long as it's shown in the run.

Florida, USARetroBrando4 years ago

As you can see the boards are still pretty small so together we go from there ya know :) There's sooo many damn ports of this game. Just like Another World. With any time difference I always make it fair no matter what. I think for this It should be submitted under PC? I'll create the Amiga Category as well so you can submit your time for that if ya like Tasco

Florida, USARetroBrando5 years ago

Hey there, I'd like to help moderate this game. I noticed theres a few issues. While some runners use real time they should using the end game time that is given to you in seconds at the credits. Just a simple minute conversion does the trick as well as rules etc. This leaderboard could use some cleanup work as well. I've noticed one of this SNES times doesnt have a working video anymore. Im a series mod for Jurassic Park and mod for many other games and since this will be on my next AGDQ submission it'll be good to have a nice cleaned up leaderboard :)

Florida, USARetroBrando5 years ago

Very true :) I look forward to your run submission on Amiga :)

Florida, USARetroBrando5 years ago

Things are looking alright but B? I get the nostalgIa to the name but this isn't RE2 OG. Anytime you create a category it should always be listed as its correct name being Leon 2nd and Claire 2nd in the games menu. This way there's a complete understanding for new RE players and old. I get that it's a common sense thing where to submit the run but you'd be suprised lol. I'd say stay as accurate as possible. :)

qvaku, StevenMayte, and Pessimism like this
Florida, USARetroBrando5 years ago

I'll look into it. Current WR is 9:15 but I haven't gotten around to uploading it yet.

Florida, USARetroBrando5 years ago

haha NHG I never knew and I hope not to get full credit. I just realised it and we found a steam comment mentioning it. It seems it gives Lester normal speed. Not like that Turbo shit you see in 15th which should I not allow? It's like he's on speed or coke LUL Also Timmy I think you are a great runner and a great addition to this game. I'll drop you a follow. I've also made a new discord if you guys like to join and talk strats and maybe even have fun race nights :)

Florida, USARetroBrando5 years ago

15th is a bit like normal Timmy with the slug set up. PS4 slug section is a bit easier than on PC but still easier than normal. I'll tell ya now every skip is possible on 20th hard and if you can perform it without the wall glitch you'll probably still get a better time. Wall glitch is possible but it takes a lot of resets because the enemies shots are very consistent and accurate when hitting Lester.

Florida, USARetroBrando5 years ago

Thank you for taking the time out to do this. This video is a good example :)

About RetroBrando
9 years ago
2 days ago
Games run
Jurassic Park (Genesis)
Jurassic Park (Genesis)
Last run 1 year ago
Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition
Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition
Last run 6 years ago
Another World
Another World
Last run 1 year ago
Resident Evil
Resident Evil
Last run 1 year ago
Ghostbusters (Genesis)
Ghostbusters (Genesis)
Last run 2 years ago
Flashback: The Quest for Identity
The Terminator (Virgin Game / Sega)
Home Alone (SNES)
Home Alone (SNES)
Last run 1 year ago
Games followed
Resident Evil
Resident Evil
Last visit 2 months ago
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker (Genesis)
Home Alone (SNES)
Home Alone (SNES)
Last visit 1 month ago
Jurassic Park (Genesis)
Jurassic Park (Genesis)
Last visit 1 month ago
Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition
Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition
Last visit 5 months ago
Jurassic Park (SMS/Game Gear)
Jurassic Park (SMS/Game Gear)
Last visit 1 month ago
Another World
Another World
Last visit 11 months ago
Flashback: The Quest for Identity
Flashback: The Quest for Identity
Last visit 22 days ago
Games moderated
Jurassic Park (Genesis)
Jurassic Park (Genesis)
Last action 10 months ago
Flashback: The Quest for Identity
Flashback: The Quest for Identity
Last action 12 days ago
Resident Evil
Resident Evil
Last action 1 year ago
Ghostbusters (Genesis)
Ghostbusters (Genesis)
Last action 12 days ago
Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition
Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition
Last action 4 years ago
Another World
Another World
Last action 1 year ago
Jurassic Park (SMS/Game Gear)
Jurassic Park (SMS/Game Gear)
Last action 11 months ago
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (Genesis)