
Category: No Story Segments or Initial Spirit Cores

Category: No Story Segments

Also, "Initial Spirit Cores" might should just be called "Any %" since it's the least restrictive category, and the other that exists right now might should be called "No Initial Spirit Cores", again following the idea that the names just tell what's restricted.

Reason for having no story segment categories is to allow players to compete without having to save scum their choice of runner, praying for story segments. It's technically possible to get all 4 story segments in a single run. That happened to me with Hat Kid on my initial natural playthrough. Right now I've been keeping the 3rd and 4th story segments open as getting 1 or 2 isn't too unlikely, but it's not gonna be very fun when there are no categories that do not rely on this heavy of an RNG while forcing the player to maintain a save just for that run type.

If these categories get made, I think that "No Story Segements + No Story" would be the most "natural" category to run for people, probably the most fun.

Saves on PC default to C:\Users(username)\AppData\LocalLow\Leap Game Studios

In order to reroll quickly: -Do a run that focuses on getting coin for the character you want to run. -Check items. If they are what you like, back up the save. -If they aren't what you like, start a game with a different character, and get them to 1 or 2 hits before death, and complete a room. Exit the game, and back up the save. -Load the game, die on purpose, and check the items. -If they're what you want, back up the save and start running. -If they're not what you want, close the game, load the save where you're 1 hit away from death with the other character, die on purpose and check the items again. Repeat until you have the items you want.

The only other annoyance is that it's beneficial to have the 3rd and 4th story segments available to your runner, as that's another chance at blazing past a room or two if you're very lucky.

Nevermind! Looks like we have some activity. Yay!

MickaelKicker likes this
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