CanadaRWhiteGoose4 months ago

I am glad that you got this "strange run" sorted out. I was thinking about doing a video about it. (I still might, it's a cool excuse to talk about some Pilotwings 64).

If you need more mods, you could add me. I'll be around and might submit some scores myself.

thread: Wave Race 64
CanadaRWhiteGoose1 year ago

I was doing some research, and came across scores on Sunny Beach which were published in N64 Magazine UK throughout 1998.

The "WR" here is listed as a "confirmed" 1:02.694 by "Chris Murphy", which we can assume is fake, due to this being ahead of the WR today by half a second.

That being said, the second place time was listed as 1:03.755 by a William Lam. Now, while this was way ahead of its time, given what we know about the Misuken story, it's at least plausible.

Has anyone ever had any communication with this William Lam? Could his 1:03.755 have been legit? What are your thoughts?

Here's one of the magazine entries;

MetalHead and BradenHall like this
thread: The Site
CanadaRWhiteGoose6 years ago

Ahh my friend Pac...

Remember Facebook in 2006? You had your basic wall, displaying the 10 most recent posts your friends made. You had your profile picture, photo albums, and that was it. All of which made sense to the site's name, "Facebook."

Nowadays, it's basically a news aggregator... reposting articles from AJ+ or NOWTHIS or Buzzfeed or what have you, isn't exactly what "Facebook" implied with its name years ago. Most people now use Facebook to chat in groups with people they don't know in person, again, a huge departure from what its name intends. It evolved, it grew, and aside from a few angry statuses when they'd randomly change their user interface every now and then, people hardly blinked an eye. We used to post on our friends' walls to chat about what party we were going to that night... now it's the last place you'd do it. Facebook is no longer a place for just your "face" in a "book"-like format, nor is it the one and only place to talk to our real-life friends online.

Yes, having to yourself would be the ideal here, but it's not happening. It's not worth $10,000 or $80,000 or whatever the guy wants, just on the mere principle of the thing. Leave him in the dust. You will add high scores, and if they run anywhere near as smoothly as runs, it'll become the internet's first every truly trusted and go-to place for high score records. This is just the beginning. You have created a kingdom and now you must conquer other realms, other lands, greener pastures and bluer seas. High scores are yours for the taking and we will call you KING when you have bestowed your treasures upon us.

For now I'd just suggest using a subdomain, like, with easy access to redirect when someone travels to "High Scores, a property" taglines and whatnot.

You've got this Pac, this is yours for the taking.

Wrap, ShinLarc and 21 others like this
CanadaRWhiteGoose6 years ago

"You assume that because I'm in favor of not putting undue weight on WR that I must also believe that going for WR is harmful. I've never said this, it seems to be an intentional misrepresentation of my point, and if I've said something that hints at this, I apologize for being inarticulate over text." @authorblues

I am glad you have clarified your position, however the claim that I was intentionally misrepresenting it is misplaced. The very name you gave this "phenomenon" was being inarticulate of itself. You literally named your concept "WR culture." Do you not see how someone, who isn't a mind reader, would read that and think "wow, authorblues is talking about anyone who has or cares about WRs?" Honestly you need to choose a better name for "WR culture" because it genuinely implies any sort of excitement or interest in a WR. From what I'm gathering your stance is now, after you've clarified it, I think instead of saying "WR culture is harmful to speedrunning" you could say "the random irrelevant people on Twitch who are clueless about speedrunning and spew ignorant garbage; and the would-be-speedrunners who listen to them, are harmful to speedrunning."

"and if I've said something that hints at this, I apologize for being inarticulate over text." @authorblues

TBH this is exactly why I tend to stay out of long reply chains of Twitter (text) drama, (which you and likeminded individuals seem to live for), and instead prefer to elaborate on my viewpoints on stream or in videos, where it's much more clear. Even these forum posts are much more productive than a Twitter "reply fest" ever would have been. Twitter is literally the worst place to have coherent and constructive conversation, and just turns into a shitflinging fest of who can make the best jab or who gets the most likes. We see this every day with verified liberal journalists vs. Trump, which gets everyone nowhere. Reddit is also extremely bad too, because again it turns into a battle of "whoever has the most people agree with them at the current moment in time, gets the upvotes, and gets seen." Forums are actually pretty decent because everyone is on common footing, and everything gets seen equally, so posts are actually judged on their merit, rather than "whoever has the most friends around at the time." I understand that you guys just can't stay out of it, (like old ladies who can't help but gossip about every small thing in the neighborhood,) but SpeedTwitter and other inarticulate forms of text, are actually perhaps the most divisive thing in all of speedrunning right now. It's so easy to misconstrue or poorly articulate a point in 140 or 280 characters, and things get lost when you're restructuring paragraphs to fit in a chain of tweets.

Simply, if you don't want your text writings to be inarticulate, use another medium where you can better articulate. This goes not only to you, but to many, many of the SpeedTwitter contingent, who only serve to divide and throw shit at each other indefinitely, when in reality we'd all get along much better if we actually used a medium where we could better understand each other.

CanadaRWhiteGoose6 years ago

"As it stands it seems more like you're commiting the exact wrongdoing you highlight in your examples rather than discouraging it." @kevio

I literally spend more time, perhaps than anyone else in all of speedrunning, celebrating, showcasing, and giving exposure to speedrunners from the game I play; WR holders and lower ranked players alike. My signature Twitch & Youtube series, SpeedLore, celebrates all who left a mark on a stage in Goldeneye, whether they be a strategy finder, a TASer, a WR setter, someone with an unlikely PB, or just anyone with a cool story. My Year in Review videos showcase plenty of non-WRs and cool PRs from new players who are enjoying speedrunning. I'm single handedly responsible for inspiring several hundred people to pick up Goldeneye & speedrun it, the vast majority of whom will never get a WR (but still enjoy speedrunning!)

Unlike many in this thread, or ideological battle, I actually practice what I preach.

Slamphibian, xd_CAKE and 3 others like this
CanadaRWhiteGoose6 years ago

"WR Culture refers to the notion that the only person or contribution of note is the WR, and that all other runners, by extension, are losers."

Imagine some young kid who wants to take up baseball, but "professional culture" tells the kid "you're only notable if you make the major leagues, maybe even the hall of fame; if not, you are a loser."

Imagine a high school student who wants to become a doctor, but "professional doctor culture" tells the student "you're only notable if you find a cure for cancer, or win a Nobel prize, otherwise you're a loser."

And for the people who are going to complain that the previous two examples are "not hobbies..." Imagine someone who takes up painting, but "high tier painting culture" tells him, "if you don't paint something as good as The Last Supper, you're a loser."

Imagine a dude who wants to pick up speedrunning, but "WR culture" tells the guy "if you don't get the WR, there's no point, and you're a loser."

In all these cases, the person is only a loser if they actually agree, and if them being told this from other people actually causes them to quit. And maybe if they were willing to quit so easily, they weren't meant to be participating in this act in the first place!

And not only that Blues, but who are you to tell the kid who does want to play pro ball, or cure cancer, or paint something as good as The Last Supper, or get a WR in a video game, that he shouldn't be able to do so "because it contributes to a very toxic and harmful culture which deters newcomers from participating." I mean really? You're going to stifle greatness in the name of inclusivity? People give me hell all the time for "trying to dictate how to participate in speedrunning." But you and likeminded individuals are literally doing the exact same thing, albeit on the opposing side of the spectrum. What gives you the right to put down those who do aspire for greatness?

BorkHammer40k and xd_CAKE like this
CanadaRWhiteGoose6 years ago

Hey Blues,

"WR Culture is actively, not passively, harmful to the speedrunning community and I will always oppose it. It hurts growth and encourages destructive mentalities."

Since you kindly asked me not to QRT you anymore, I will respond in here, where it is a far more productive place to converse anyways... (I'd argue SpeedTwitter culture is more harmful to the speedrunning community than WR culture ever will be...) But here's some food for thought:

The-elite is probably the most WR-centric speedrun community in the world. Hell, most of your hobbyist lot despises us simply for the name, "the-elite," which some 15 year olds gave the community back in 1999. The-elite also has optimized Goldeneye so extremely, to a point where only the absolute best of the best, usually the top 8, have any chance at getting an untied WR. The vast majority of new players in Goldeneye & Perfect Dark do not ever have a chance at getting an untied WR and settle for personal bests in the range of top 50 or top 30.

Explain to me how, if WR culture is so toxic, how can the-elite, where most newcomers never stand a shot at getting any untied WR, have thrived and healthily grown for the past two decades? We celebrate our great records like no other community, and put tons of emphasis on them, yet most players are content never getting a WR in their life. Why?

Is it POSSIBLE, I mean just maybe possible, that it's because the-elite has a great rankings system and fosters competition & rivalry even amongst players ranked 50th or 100th, who will never get a WR in their life? Isn't that what speedrunning is about anyways? Self improvement and healthy competition, even if it's against those at your own level, rather than world class competition? I think we actually agree on this much.

So why can't other communities lead in the same way? Why are other communities so bad at eliciting to newcomers that "hey man, it's not all about the WRs, play the game, improve, learn, enjoy, compete, climb the rankings, learn how to better yourself, and have fun"?

Maybe if the communities in the games you play aren't able to espouse these sorts of ideals onto new players, it's time to take a look the mirror and realize what YOU are doing wrong. Don't blame this on some kind of "toxic WR culture" when it's your own fault for not being able to teach people who aren't getting WRs how to compete and have fun.

Ace, CycloneFN and 4 others like this
CanadaRWhiteGoose8 years ago

I am going to submit

I'm going to go to Dreamhack MTL and have a GOOD TIME

don't close submissions before I submit pls

thread: The Site
CanadaRWhiteGoose9 years ago

Insane man. I remember the days, chatting with you about the early stages of this site. Really amazing to see how far this has come to be the go-to place for so many speedgames and communities. I'd say the $3500 was well worth it.

Here's to Pac! rwgLIGHTS

Pac likes this
CanadaRWhiteGoose10 years ago

Double, triple, quadruple post all you want so long as the posts have unique PRs or thoughts.

Your strafing was really bad. Taking stuff wide in the hut and building for no reason. Your lines were terrible... strafing through the middle of the planters for no reason, lol. Um, watch some Runway SA 23s and do that, and just don't blow up the battery. Self boosting by throwing nades on the ground is good. You had too many strafe changes. You want left to the key, then right all the way. That alone will probably cut 1-2 seconds.

Runway A 23 is a time I can safely say should take someone who has never played GE before no more than like 4-5 hours to get once they know what they're doing. Likely even less.

CanadaRWhiteGoose10 years ago

Surface 2 Agent 0:48

CanadaRWhiteGoose10 years ago

Control Agent 3:57

one of the most epic runs of my entire career.

CanadaRWhiteGoose10 years ago

Control Agent 3:58 (5)

This was also a 3:56 where the timer glitched. No joke.

CanadaRWhiteGoose10 years ago

I'm kind of relieved I don't feel like I have to play Control anymore.

Time to focus on an untied.

CanadaRWhiteGoose10 years ago

Control Agent 3:57

16.3ish end

No crate boosts, first room was only OK.

CanadaRWhiteGoose10 years ago

Hello Pac.

Testing 1 2 3 4

YUMmy_Bacon5, grnts and 2 others like this
About RWhiteGoose
Just trying to have a good time. 🕊️ Sharing love and passion of 90's wonderment, N64 era speedruns.
10 years ago
10 days ago
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Goldeneye 007
Goldeneye 007
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Mario Golf
Mario Golf
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GoldenEye 007 (XBOX & NSO)
GoldenEye 007 (XBOX & NSO)
Last run 6 months ago
Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64
Last run 10 years ago
Goldeneye 007 (PC)
Goldeneye 007 (PC)
Last run 11 years ago
Mario Party
Mario Party
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Mario Party 2
Mario Party 2
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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
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GoldenEye 007 (XBOX & NSO)
GoldenEye 007 (XBOX & NSO)
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Goldeneye 007 (PC)
Goldeneye 007 (PC)
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007: From Russia With Love
007: From Russia With Love
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GoldenEye 007 (XBOX & NSO)
GoldenEye 007 (XBOX & NSO)
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