PyramidK11 months ago

I will participate, Discord: PyramidK

crisdoile2, Owarii1 and 5 others like this
PyramidK1 year ago

Congratulations brother! russian machine

exper1ment likes this
PyramidK1 year ago

My friend, you take life too serious.

We're all enjoying re3 speedruns and having friendly competition without anybody complaining about vanilla/rebirth. Nothing prevents you from running the game.

Wish you the best.

J-DOT, CepheusAR7 and 8 others like this
PyramidK2 years ago

That's my girl <3

PyramidK3 years ago

Just curiosity, if you play on PC what's the problem on using TWN PC version?

PyramidK3 years ago

"Livesplit In-game time script must be used and IGT must be fully visible (Auto-splits are optional)"

I think the rules are very clear on that regard, so yes

mrzombieuk and Mercynm like this
PyramidK4 years ago

Thank you for time sir, have a nice day!

PyramidK4 years ago

Hello my friend.

We already talked about this and the only exception was the GL tool, every other RNG has nothing to do, so this will never be allowed.

If I were you I wouldn't release it to the public, but we don't have control about what people do outside of SRC. The thing is, we all know cheating in this game is easy if someone with basic programing knowledge wants to, and nobody would notice, you don't need to be Einstein to create these tools, anyone with basic knowledge can do it, so yeah the possibility of someone already cheating or someone cheating in the past is there.

We can't tell if someone got a legit safsprin or a manipulated one, so there's nothing to do here, we just gotta trust people because these kind of cheats are impossible to detect, as the runner could trigger the good rng anytime and nobody would notice (maybe after 10 resets for example)

So before this thread begins to create a lot of drama for no reason, it would be a good idea to lock it as soon as possible.

Only GL tool is allowed and it will always be like that, we already voted for this, nothing else to say and no need to create unnecesary drama.

Mudkicker likes this
PyramidK4 years ago

Welcome @Otarma the GL/Magnum tool allows you to play either Magnum or GL route.

All you have to do is to download the tool from the resources section, open it as administrator and you will be asked for Magnum or GL.

If you chose GL and you actually get a Magnum in-game, the software will replace the magnum for a GL after you pick it up, but you will still see the Magnum in the locker.

Also remember that it takes a while before you can see the GL in your inventory, but if you actually equip the magnum it will be a Grenade Launcher.

In case you actually get a Grenade Launcher in the locker, the tool will do nothing.

PyramidK4 years ago

It seems to me that there is a problem with the language and you don't understand a single word we say, you continue addressing the mods as if we had something to do with what the community decides, nobody owns this game except the community, and for now you are the only person interested in allowing the GL tool in the Japanese version.

The other mods talked with the Japanese runners and their opinion was very clear, they did NOT want the GL tool so you're the only one who wants the GL tool right now, and we can't change what the community wants just because of you.

Also I believe the way you're posting here is not very polite and kind of aggresive since we all been super nice to you but as I said language barrier is probably a problem, you put words on me that I never said.

As @Symm said, only when you can come to an agreement with the other Japanese runners, then you guys can start a vote.

Also you have past history of getting banned from the forum repeatedly, please don't get into that again.

Timaeusrage, giaNco and 3 others like this
PyramidK4 years ago

After talking with other mods, we have concluded that the GL tool is not going to be allowed in the Japanese version because there was already a vote and most of the Japanese runners (manually confirmed and verified) were against it, so we will respect that decision, we can always open a vote in the future but at the moment everything is already said. I will close this post before everything gets out of control, I'm sorry I couldn't help you, my advice is to try to play the TWN version if you can, likewise the japanese runners know where to find us, you guys are always welcome to discord or to open another thread if you need to communicate.

Remember that we the mods don't own this game, it's the community that decides whats best for us, and on this case japanese community already decided, they don't want the GL tool.

Jakeeenator, RebeccaRE, and keny like this
PyramidK4 years ago

There was an official vote and the majority of Japanese runners participated and most people voted 'No' so that's why it wasn't allowed, if you can talk to the Japanese runners we could do a vote again if that's what you guys want.

Moe and the other mods wanted to respect Japanese runners and their decision.

I'm sorry you have to deal with what you have mentioned, I'm here for anything you need, I'm pretty sure we can always find a solution for everyone, but as I said, initially there was already a vote.

PyramidK4 years ago

@Rei_Leo Handgun doesn't have quickshot by default, you need to QS manually like with any other weapon, the RNG in the clock is true tho.

But remember the difficulty of a game in terms of speedrun comes from competition, and PC/TWN has by far the biggest competition and it's where is more difficult to obtain top times.

Beating Super Mario Bros is extremely easy, but being in the top 10 extremely complicated, optimization and competition is super strong.

It's wrong to compare game versions or platforms, at the end of the day thats why categories exist, it's all about the competition inside that category.

Jakeeenator, Bomba_Nemesis and 2 others like this
PyramidK4 years ago

Just to clarify something, when I said "active runners should vote" I didn't mean only people that grind the game, maybe I didn't explain myself correctly, what I mean is people that actually run the game at least in the past year, even if it's just 1 run, but what doesn't make sense to me is to allow people that don't run this game to vote on what we do in this game, makes no sense.

By same logic I'll go to the Harry Potter forums and tell them what to do with the game even if I never ran that game in my life.

Just wanted to clarify this, peace!

Tamster, seed and 5 others like this
PyramidK4 years ago

As moe pointed out, there has been several games that were modded due to a variety number of reasons, always for the well-being of the community and the active runners. that doesn't mean we're not gonna know what our limits are, we will never want to change any other thing in the game, because we can deal with anything in the game, except Magnum, which means you can do a 6 hours stream and not even leave RPD just because of the magnum.

We need to understand that sometimes we have to open our mind with some stuff as I just did, in fact GL tool is an external software but so is SRT, SRT is actually messing up with the game's internal memory and reading values but it's something that will not give you an advantage as a runner, as well as the GL tool. Yes, I know SRT only "READ" the game's memory but still, that wasn't part of the game itself and its allowed, because it's innocent and will not give you any advantage.

I understand that modding a game should always be a NO in 99,99% of the cases, but I do believe that there can be a few exceptions when a game becomes almost impossible to run if you get a Magnum every single run for 5 hours.

People that almost never ran the game will always vote NO because they don't understand what getting a magnum for 8 hours straight means. that itself can put people's motivation away, you reset over an RNG that doesn't make you lose or save time. When I started to play re3, I thought people were exagerating with the Magnum, and I always thought a GL tool is stupid idea, but now, as a competitive runner, I think they were right because a magnum in the locker means you're gonna run magnum%, a category that precisely you don't wanna run, so you can't run any% anymore.

From my point of view, magnum and GL should be the 2 main categories, and any% should stop existing for this to make sense.

Also the reason that only active runners should make a decision about this, very simple, if we let everyone vote then by this logic I should decide who is the president of the United States when I actually live in Spain, makes no sense.

Sometimes the most ethical is not the most correct for a given situation, humanity has shown it over the years

seed, giaNco and 9 others like this
PyramidK5 years ago

Orch told me some japanese runners had problems with getting their runs verified, such a great run tho.

PyramidK5 years ago

Say no more guys! I'm going for that one, thank you so much, Darazanjoll you probably have the faster inventory so I can confirm this keyboard is the best option, happy weekend everyone!

PyramidK5 years ago

Thank you so much guys, I'm gonna take a look on that keyboard.

PyramidK5 years ago

PC version is allowed here?

About PyramidK
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Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Category Extensions
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Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Category Extensions