New ZealandPreferredWhale62 years ago

So impressive! Great job!

Mikail_Strife likes this
New ZealandPreferredWhale62 years ago


That is interesting that PC is faster for MoM, but not other KH games! And I see what you mean about the empty leaderboards, but yes I agree, the load times speak for themselves.

I managed to grab a PS4 and did a run (up to Agrabah again, just for consistency) and the times were:

PS4 Pro: 31m04s PS4: 31m31s

The load time difference is slight, but it is there. A few people have indicated that they may be able to get the data for Switch within the next couple of weeks so we'll keep an eye out for that.

A big issue with discord is that conversations can get buried easily, whereas forums are much easier to refer to and can be more focussed. In fact, this exact topic of console splits has definitely been brought up in there a couple of times with no resolution. I appreciate your responses and can let you know that these potential changes have already had an encouraging effect on the community.

Mikail_Strife likes this
New ZealandPreferredWhale62 years ago


Yeah, I think its been mentioned a few times in the KH speedrunning discord, but that was probably a while ago. But yeah, thought this would be a better/more stable way to get some changes in.

I agree about the data (I don’t have access to any xbox or ps4 right now and I don’t have MoM on Switch unfortunately) so I ran a short Proud Any% route up until finishing the Agrabah songs which includes 10 songs played with the intention of getting All Excellent/Full Chain here I also turned off guests as would be utilised in an optimised run. Here are the times:

PC: 29m14s PS5: 30m04s PS4 Pro: 31m04s

Clearly, PC is fastest (depending on hardware), then PS5, with PS4 Pro the slowest. At about 1/6 of the any% run (usually 63 songs), the 1 minute difference between PS5 and PS4 Pro becomes at least a 6 minute difference of the full any% just because of loads.

If the argument is about empty boards, I would suggest that it’s because people don’t want to spend 7-8 hours for the All Stars or All Songs category, nor the 25+ hours for the platinum run, so shorter categories like the All Co-op Songs (Solo and coop options) which will only take around an hour might encourage runners to attempt them.

In terms of tidying up boards, I think having the 4 console categories for at least the Any% runs would be beneficial. I can’t see anyone running All Songs or All Stars on Switch, or even the plat run on anything but playstation. And yeah, last I saw the load remover was a little buggy.

I understand the hesitancy to split the boards at the risk of empty boards, but this is what the Melody of Memory speedrunning community wants. As a runner of all these categories (since release and to this day), and someone who has discussed this with runners in discord and in twitch chat, I can confidently say this would be welcomed by the MoM speedrunning community, as small as we might be compared to the bigger titles.

Mikail_Strife and plnkblue like this
New ZealandPreferredWhale62 years ago


So I know that this idea has been floated around by many Melody of Memory runners now, and we've discussed it many times, but there really should be a fairer split in terms of console boards.

If anyone has a better suggestion I'd be keen to hear it but basically there should be:

  1. PC (would really benefit from a load remover too)
  2. PS5/XboxSeries(S/X)
  3. PS4 (Pro)/XboxOne(X)
  4. Switch

It is well-known that Switch has the slowest load times, and that PS5 is much faster than PS4 Pro, so it makes sense to separate those out. I know a few players who only have MoM on switch and would like to speedrun it, so lets encourage them to do so with a fairer board.

Limen, Mikail_Strife and 2 others like this
New ZealandPreferredWhale62 years ago

Yeah! There's probably a handful of us that do Co-op songs Solo! Totally understandable about your moving situation, hey and if you haven't joined already there's Melody of Memory discord you can join if you want!

And yes! I streamed my run! Here's the link, I start the run around the 9 minute 40 second mark!

Mikail_Strife likes this
New ZealandPreferredWhale62 years ago

Hey Mikail! Funny you should say that, I totally did a Solo Full Chain of all Co-op Songs speedrun for fun recently! I did it on PS4, so I don't think it needs to be restricted to a certain console, but I'd be keen to see it as a speedrun! All Excellent would be a big challenge!

Mikail_Strife likes this
About PreferredWhale6
4 years ago
11 months ago
Games run
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory
Call of Duty: Black Ops III Zombies
Games followed
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory
Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory
Last visit 11 months ago
Last visit 2 years ago