I do the same thing on English just slide your finger from O to X. One way i practiced was on the sign at olympus blocking the entryway into the colliseum. I would just lock onto that and practice the timing on it. Once you can consistently do the short hop swing by sliding from O to X practice pressing the second X just after your first swing has went all the way through. Hope this helps its just what worked for me ( ;
So i voted against the LoadRemover in the first poll because i dont wanna use a LoadRemover Wah! But now that ive had time to think about it and hear some argument for both sides the LoadRemover assuming it works correctly is a better timing method. People should be getting accurate times regardless of hardware and if people are too lazy to use the LoadRemover then they can just submit RTA times. We shouldn't sacrifice the fairness of the competition and make people especially playing on base ps4's have to buy an SSD to compete so we can be lazy and not worry about using an LoadRemover. Anyways thats just my take on it as of right now. Im keen to see more discussion on the topic as we are approaching official release ( :
It does make sense to move it to Misc. But i also think that once the full game releases no one is going to be running the demo anymore so it might just be taking up space on the main leaderboards for no reason. Maybe if theres like an extension categories leaderboard later on it would make sense to move it there.
Yeah Three houses will probably bring a lot more people into the community for speed-running FE would probably be worth it for someone to make a discord.