thread: Pizza Possum
OnlyOneMe21 hours ago

Ty for the testing. :(

OnlyOneMe3 months ago

I also dont know if the can me shared. If you want to test it i saved one fille in HERE. Should Spawn you with 2Crowns already Collected and all "passive" Items collected (mint, coffe...) But No Shovel / Chefhat. Let me know if it worked and i can provied more. (Glove Spawn, C2/C3 of Shovel, C2/C3 of No Shovel)

OnlyOneMe3 months ago

Congrats on your runs. are you using gamestatesafes? bc you got gloves out of your first box (+the text)

OnlyOneMe4 months ago

Congrats on your run.

OnlyOneMe7 months ago

I have no Timer but on the video the run Starts at 0:23.94 and Ends at 4:20.86. This makes a end time of 3:56.92 (3:57)

OnlyOneMe7 months ago

Same Video as the Singel Crown Run

OnlyOneMe7 months ago

Same Video as the Triple Crown Video. But just the first Crown.

Also broke the time for fastest second Crown. Starts at 3:38.23 and Ends at 6:19.55. This makes a time of 2:41.55 (2:42)

OnlyOneMe7 months ago

Same Video as the Triple Crown Video. But just the first Crown.

Starts at 0:08.30 and Ends at 3:27.18. This makes a time of 3:18.88 (3:19)

OnlyOneMe7 months ago
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thread: Pizza Possum
OnlyOneMe7 months ago

Maybe i could even provide you with my saves (not sure if it works)

OnlyOneMe7 months ago

Maybe a route like HobbyTan did could be even faster. (ice cream, capresse, villa, cake, tiramis, graveyard, cheese, fish, port> shovel to graveyard)

OnlyOneMe7 months ago

but i fell on the at 3:45 on the arche and grabd the checkpoint by accident. and grabt the uper checkpoint to save the stair time.

OnlyOneMe7 months ago

Yes that the Plan.

thread: Pizza Possum
OnlyOneMe7 months ago

This is grate my 2new runs i did with that. Try for a sub 5 in the 100% Single crown then do the triple corwn runs. It just helps with the glove rng on this runs. And starting at a 3rd crown run makes it so easy to do alot of runs in short time.

thread: Pizza Possum
OnlyOneMe7 months ago

I did what I taked about. (Loading an all Item 3rd Crown run) Had to set everything up and did endup with only about 4 runs. Finish 2 and 1 was a 2:40. I’m still rusty and want to do more.

thread: Pizza Possum
OnlyOneMe8 months ago

I got in contact with the Devs. They showed me a way that you can save it your gamedata. will make a guide at a later time.

thread: Pizza Possum
OnlyOneMe8 months ago

I got in contact with the Devs. About the "Profile Saves" but also asked them about the "glitches involving having a guard pull you into another area" and they said to me that every Area is one solid Barrier that gets removed with the Gate opening. Therefore any gliches wont work.

thread: Pizza Possum
OnlyOneMe8 months ago

Thinkin of doing some unrestricted runs. Got back some items yesterday (still had none form my No items run)

The Best State if where you just unlocked Boxing Gloves. This wont give you Shovel/Chefshat (both usless) and also no Oil (its okey but will up the change for better items like coffe/mint) Also if you just unlocke the Gloves you have a 100% change of getting it the first Box (with the tooltip how to use them)

Thinking of changing somthing in the gamefiles so you have a Saved Profile at this State. Will keep you Updated and make a Guide once i figurd it out.

This alows for some insane runs. Just thinking of the Speedimprovment of a run if you get Glove, Coffe, Mint in the first 3 Boxes.

OnlyOneMe8 months ago

Nice run. btw if you retime your run correctly its more like a 3:16/3:15 (run starts at about 5sec into the clip). And it would be nice if you would not hide the Key-Progressbar in future runs.

About OnlyOneMe
4 years ago
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Pizza Possum
Pizza Possum
Last run 7 months ago
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Pizza Possum
Pizza Possum
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Pizza Possum
Pizza Possum
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