CanadaNatural113 years ago

I voted no because so much work has already been done on the full game leaderboards that it weakens the chances of future improvements by splitting the player base. This would have been better when people were asking for it after launch. I guess it's the OCD in me but I like running the full game and will return to that category when I go back to improve my times.

CanadaNatural113 years ago

How quickly you skip a cutscene can also impact Jill's position and/or the camera angle. Among others, how you time the cutscece skip for the apartment phone pickup, meeting brad, and the roof elevator button (part 2) cutscene can all impact Jill's position and/or the camera angle. At first I thought just waiting 2-3 seconds before skipping all cutscenes would be the safest bet, until I found that waiting on skipping the roof elevator button press actually caused Jill's position to be slightly worse. This game...

ArlanKels likes this
CanadaNatural113 years ago

I've done a fair bit of back and forth between Flash/Pistol stair skating. For a while I believed Flash/Grenade was faster, but after hundreds of Speedrun attempts, the numbers didn't back this up. They seemed pretty much the same, and most of my golds with stair splits were using a Pistol. But after reading this I decided to do a test.

I created a Trainer save right at the end of the Rocket Nemesis split, as R.P.D. is essentially 2 sets of stairs and a corner. I started the split timer during the cut scene to ensure accurate testing. I did 5 attempts with the Flash and 5 with the Pistol. No dodges, just running and skating.


53.83 53.79 53.79 53.84 53.71


53.79 53.85 53.79 53.72 53.77

It's not a huge sample size and there is a corner involved, but it's enough for me to consider the two pretty much interchangeable. I altered the stair skate timing slightly on an attempt or two as a test, but did not record any meaningful difference (i.e. 4 vs 5 skates on the second set of stairs).

With regards to skating up stairs, I don't have any data on it, but I've gone back and forth a number of times between the Power Station and Lockpick splits during run attempts and they also seem pretty much the same. Fluctuation of a few tenths, but that's to be expected with the dodge, two doors and several corners.

I think the perception that Grenade/Flash is faster is due to the difference in camera angle. There's no zoom in effect like gun aiming so it just seems like Jill has a little more boost per skate, but I now think this is just perception.

I do find it easier to get out of the Murphy door before it closes by using the Flash, but other runners pull it off with a Pistol, so it's probably a timing issue on my part. In conclusion I'd say use whatever you feel most comfortable with.

ReminaZahard, NixIssues and 2 others like this
CanadaNatural113 years ago

I found a new way to fail runs. Floating Licker glitch.

II3URNZ likes this
CanadaNatural113 years ago

Picked up a new apartment PB on PC, 120FPS. 1:06.34. I've had better phone pick-ups by ~0.07 so 1:06.2# is possible for sure.

TheMrEnigma72 likes this
CanadaNatural113 years ago

Good analysis. The run is definitely beatable and I expect eventually we'll see 48:5# in this category if a dedicated runner or two stick with it. It will take a special runner for sure, but the game is only 6 months old and runners are constantly improving. We just saw Jikkachan spend a month grinding No Time to Mourn for a one second improvement, so there are RE runners out there committing to difficult WR improvements. I expect Gouki was still working on Inferno after his previous WR given how quickly he took the record back from Orchlon.

That said, from putting ~500 attempts into Inferno myself and observing other Inferno runners, this category is toxic to one's mental health. It's a stressful category to run given there is no margin for error with caution strats, coupled with all of the other run killers including final Nemmy's random acid as one last FU to runners.

I don't stream so I was just doing challenge runs, but one thing that casual viewers may not realize is the amount of practice runners have to do, even ones with hundreds of hours in the category. You may go days without seeing Nemmy 3 & 4 which means if you don't load up a save and do a few practice rounds, your timing may be off just enough to ruin a run if it makes it that far. As a casual it was a real pain because I didn't have 5-6 hours a day to grind it. Some days I couldn't play at all, and others I would have 2 hours tops which means even more practice. At least I was able to rage quit whenever I wanted, whereas streamers may feel compelled to keep pressing which adds to the toxicity.

ArlanKels likes this
CanadaNatural113 years ago

Ok i did manage to downpatch again so SRT/Splitter is once again working for me, but it was more complicated to do this time. I wish I had just kept a full folder backup of the game while it was working, but this is my first speedrun game so lesson learned I guess.

If it takes some time to get the SRT/Autosplitter updated and you don't have a full folder backup of an older RE3 version, here's what you can do to retrieve the previous game version.

Steam does keep older game versions in its database and you could download them manually with the Steam console, but apparently in Dec 2019 this stopped working. However, there is a tool called DepotDownloader which can still create a link with Steam to manually retrieve files. I found it here:

To find the correct code to retrieve the patch version I wanted, I searched RE3 here. Patch versions can be found under depots/manifest.

Ultimately I retrieved the previous patch by executing this code in depotdownloader.bat

@Echo off dotnet %~dp0DepotDownloader.dll %* -username insertusername -password insertpassword -app 952060 -depot 952062 -manifest 5418951328143529504

Once you update the bat with your steam info and run it, it connects to Steam via command line and retrieves the patch (manifest) you've input. It was slower than a normal Steam download, but once completed I had the previous version 22GB of re_chunk_000.pak and also runtime.args. The game is functional for me again after replacing these files in the game directory, along with the previous 1.3 exe which was posted here previously.

It may be possible to just retrieve all of 1.3 by using manifest 1729061098628296679 instead of 5418951328143529504, but it's working for me now and I've spent enough time at this.

Obviously use this process at your own risk. Though I have no reason to suspect the integrity of DepotDownloader, I've updated my Steam password since using it. I also have no idea if Steam appreciates files being retrieved in this manner.

Squirrelies likes this
CanadaNatural113 years ago

The Autosplitter is not working for me on the patch released this evening. Timer fails to start.

REILLYXII likes this
CanadaNatural113 years ago

New patch (1.05 I guess) seems to have broken the SRT for me. The 1.03 exe no longer works either because the patch updated other game files. Has anyone else been able to get it to run?

SiXYoMaMa likes this
CanadaNatural113 years ago

@Vampire0611 The most recent RE3 patch has disabled the Overlay app and the Direct X overlay of the SRT app. Until either is fixed, as far as I know you have 3 options for single monitor:

  1. Download and use the old RE3 patch (see some of the recent posts in the Overlay thread) and then use (re3remakesrt-1050-beta-signed-release) which has a Direct X overlay so you can't click on it during gameplay.

  2. Run windowed mode and keep the SRT outside of the game window.

  3. Run windowed borderless mode and keep the SRT in the corner of your screen and just hope you don't accidentally click on it during a good run.

CanadaNatural113 years ago

I had a decent Inferno run going in the hospital today and after using the ID card I waited a second at the door to take the Licker hit for DA manipulation. It one shot me from 1200 on a swipe from behind. I've never had that happen before as I thought the only licker one hit was the pin+pounce. TIL I guess and now I get to be paranoid about taking that shot from now on.

CanadaNatural113 years ago

@LegacyGR Awesome. Thanks! Since the patch I've had to either run on full windowed mode to keep SRT out of my screen, or keep the SRT in the corner and just hope I didn't accidentally click on it. Either way it has been difficult to run.

CanadaNatural113 years ago

@LegacyGR Where can you find the old .exe? When Steam updated the game it replaced the .exe for the current patch.

CanadaNatural113 years ago

Probably FPS related. I checked a few 60FPS PC runs and 1:10+ seemed common.

CanadaNatural113 years ago

What platform and FPS?

Honestly it is a grind to get the apartment movement down, but you should watch the top few runners and notice their movement and what their times are within the apartment. I'm not an expert, but I'm getting low 1:07s consistently now and have a high 1:06 gold.

Decent/good times for PC/120:

  • Turn off the sink at 09.20-09.40

No real tricks here except hug the corners without rubbing too much. Head towards the door trigger but turn into the door a bit early so you're facing the sink switch.

  • Turn off the lights at low 17 (high 16 possible but difficult)

As soon as you gain control, flick the mouse very quickly to the left so you're facing the right direction, holding left strafe briefly, then quickly transition to forward. Head toward the door trigger first then turn into the direction of the light switch trigger as the door is opening.

  • Answer the phone at mid 26

This walk can be a bit tricky to optimize, but pretty much just start to the right-center of the door, start turning left as the door opens and keep the line tight without rubbing too much. Make sure you don't skip the cut scene until Jill says Hello, or you'll be facing the wrong direction in the next scene.

  • After first balcony, nemesis crash cut scene around low 43

There are several techniques for the 2 balcony sections. Try to keep turns tight using quick mouse movements or strafe transitions and tap W as you head down the stairs to stair skate. For the final balcony some people use strafes for the turns and head down the last section facing into the camera. I wish I could explain it better but it's just a lot of trial and error on the stairs to learn what works. The main thing is keeping the turns tight, stair skating and not heading out wide like a tank.

If you're struggling with a particular section, it might help to use the trainer for practice and set up an auto save before the troublesome section so you can practice it quickly.

lwjcser likes this
CanadaNatural113 years ago

New patch busted my overlay. I've heard you can down patch. Anyone have any tips on how to do this and prevent Steam from updating? I have not been able to find an option for this.

CanadaNatural113 years ago

Is there a way to use the Direct X overlay from the 1050 release with the new program format? I'm running on a single monitor setup and it's possible to accidentally click on the SRT during gameplay which switches your input to it.

ReminaZahard and lwjcser like this
About Natural11
4 years ago
2 years ago
Games run
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 3 (2020)
Last run 3 years ago