thread: Speedrunning
Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago

I don't know what's the policy is regarding language, I'll post both in english and french.

You either do it manualy, press the key as the same time you start the run, or if someone made an autosplitter for that game you can use it. I don't know if I can help with the ROM, maybe the game's community can, check its forum or discord if they have one.

Tu dois le faire manuellement, appuye sur la touche quand tu lance ta run, ou si quelqu'un a fait un autosplitter pour le jeu tu peux utiliser ca. Je sais pas si je peux aider pour la ROM, peut etre que la communaute du jeu peut, regarde leur forum ou discord s'ils en ont un.

.ARIS. likes this
Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago

Yeah I'm looking into it, that's the only one I found that's interesting. It's very combat heavy early game because you need to join the imperial guards and fight Antidas. With limited access to alchemy in Teron, it's gonna involve putting a good amount of points in combat skills and physical abilities, which won't be usefull later. The balance is hard to find. The rest of the route is blowing up Maadoran which is only a few requirements, but involves a lot of skill points. Then kill Meru either through the siege or sabotaging the ritual. And finaly going to the temple, awaking the god and talk to Paullus. It's probably combat free if the sabotage can be done.

Edit: my current tries involve starting as merchant to avoid the first fight as an imperial guard, then betray the consortium for the guards. Doesn't work quite as well as loremaster, you need extra checks to be accepted in the guard. Would have been nice as it allows to lower perception by 1 if you don't betray Feng. Stating as another freelance doesn't offer any additional benefit. Starting as a thief or praetor prevents joining the guards, starting as an assassin involves more combat.

Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago

Soooo right now I guess I could grind the two existing categories some more but the difference between my PBs and sums of best are within loading time variations. Maybe I still could scrap some more time but I don't feel like it. So I'll be looking into new categories, right now A Magus! and Burn It achivements are my candidates, gotta dig deeper. I thought about killing Agathoth alone but it's probably like an any% route with a bit of alchemy on top, not very interesting speedrun wise. I'm trying to find something that would deviate as much as possible from the current categories. Got any ideas?

thread: Talk
Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago

What would be RPGs without farming? A good experience! Kappa

QuikTime22, Symystery and 8 others like this
thread: Talk
Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago

Another runner and mod showed up, there is hope! Yeah the loadings question needs some work. He pointed out that it may change routing as it would allow for longer RT routes even if they are faster without loads, which may defeat the purpose. I was thinking about making an autosplitter ive been there before, there is no way I'm manualy retiming runs ;p

Pear likes this
Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago

Oh hello :D

The autosave would be nice, I would time it and wait a bit before adding it, but if no one else shows up I guess I'll act on it.

Yeah I know they do manualy retime on some games but there is no way in hell I'm doing that, nor would I expect someone else to. The routing thing is a good point, it would need more looking into. Then if it's worth I may put the time in an auto splitter (and if the game is accessible on that end, it can be a nightmare to do).

Damn I was splitting at the very last slides, this is new for me, I guess the wording do need an update.

Thanks for the insight!

thread: The Site
Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago

I digged a little to see if it was doable client side in the mean time, looks like they are using Chart.js which doesn't offer panning or zooming. So no jury-rig as far as I know. There is a plugin meant just for that though if they want to add it.

edit: side note, if the chart is cluttered by many categories you can click to toggle some on the top, it might help as it will rescale when possible

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thread: Talk
Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago

The previous runs are safe! It's mostly about allowing to use an autosave from the very begining of the run instead of going through character creation again and again. It doesn't even make the run shorter, only the time spent in between runs. But it's nice to have a broader insight on the question, it may come handy that's also why I'm asking. I'm thinking about loading removal for example, that would be a significant advantage over past runs, however they already could be improved by recent developments. And they could be retimed anyway.

Pear and Daravae like this
thread: Talk
Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago

That's the issue, the few runners are inactive and have little contact information. I already tried to contact most of them as moderators before doing a request for moderation. Like I said I'll wait to see if someone shows up before doing anything. My experience of adding or changing rules are community discussions as a runner, not as a mod though. Without a community I was wondering what the future may hold, how to handle that if the speedrun stays as it is.

thread: Talk
Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago


I recently picked up a game, leaderboard seems dead. Got moderation, started to shake the place. This is a little early, maybe some runners come back, maybe some new people show up. But I was wondering: being the only one running, do I make my own rules? Categories? I never been in that position.

Obviously I wouldn't render previous runs obselete or make up nonsense, but there are a few things that could be improved. Mostly I'm tired of creating a new identic character for each run, and allowing to load a fresh save wouldn't hurt, virtualy the same as starting a new one. I'd also like to explore new categories, though I didn't find anything of interest as of yet.

So what I'm asking for is advice from experienced runners / moderators please. How do you handle such situation? I'll wait and see if I get returns from the community, but for now I am the whole community...

Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago

Assets mostly from the game, often modified, for the theme here. They include the ones I didn't end up using, like an alternative background and 1st 2nd 3rd icons (none of them work well once tiny, I kept the cups anyway).


[section=SRC Logo]


[section=Darius Helmet]

[section=Inventory button]


thread: The Site
Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago

Nevermind, google easily answered that: A reference sheet linked somewhere would be nice though.

thread: The Site
Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago


I see fancy forum posts with nice formatting and I was wondering if that was available to write guides. I couldn't find any reference sheet anywhere. Does anyone knows how to do that please?

Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago

[section=Rules discussed] • Using an new game autosave instead of going through character creation. No opposition, done. • Load removals. Needs an autosplit. May impact routes as it allows to go through more loadings. • Explicit console interdiction. Not strickly necessary, not a bad thing either. Done. • Explicit where the end split is. Done

[section=Original post] Here are my thoughts about rules, right now I'm the only one around I don't want to start modifying stuff only to dissapear in a few weeks so I'll leave them here for now:

  • The rules could allow to load a new game autosave instead of making a new character each time. That would allow for time gain outside of runs and you still get a loading and the story boxes at the start, looks just the same. Maybe it should also be timed to see if it's the same.

  • The loading times should probably be removed. I didn't check if they vary between runners but they do vary in betweens runs. I sometimes randomly get a 3 seconds loss on the first loading alone. It would require either retiming or developping an autosplitter. I could do the latter but right now I don't feel like investing time in it.

  • Maybe the rules should specify something like "using the console isn't allowed" even if it's implicit, might as well explicit it. The button is right next to 1 which is usefull for dialogues, so I don't think accidental presses should be disqualifying, only actualy typing a command.

thread: Speedrunning
Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago

From my limited experience I think it's best to try and finish the run a few times no matter what. You don't care about the time a first, it's gonna be far off for a few runs, or even a lot of runs if the game is demanding. Focus on learning the route/techniques/... along the way without aiming for a specific time. Then with repetition PBs will follow, and you can focus on where / what causes trouble, time loss.

CoolHandMike, NerdyNester and 2 others like this
thread: The Site
Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago


Concerning The Age of Decadence leaderboard:

Moderators have been offline ranging from a month to three years. They have very few contact informations. I've tried the forum, the twitter and twitch of a super mod (who's been active but not answering), youtube channels, that's pretty much it. It's only been a few days but between the lack of activity and the small size of the community to begin with I don't have much hope. My most recent submission is only the last, I deleted the previous ones.

Please help :)

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
thread: Talk
Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago


While I had doubts about the usefulness of such service, I felt like it could be nice. I mean it mostly looks like a bragging page mixed with a favorite page, and in that sense it's not unlike most social media. But it's about games, looks neat, includes speedrun so I said to myself why not. I was very confused when I tried to register.

First when I clicked on register it directed me to an "about" page with another register button. Why? You're bound to lose people right away, if what you click on doesn't immediatly leads to what it's supposed to, it's a fail.

Second when I went on and click that second register button. It redirected me on a different domain, are you using third party as registration or something? You know you don't need to build an authentication backend, you can use an existing one without third parties. And then offer third party as an alternative, your usual "log in with...". This is a bit confusing and to be honest it doesn't inspire much trust. So I filled in some bogus information. By the way I can link any video profile even if I don't own it, maybe in that case third party is a necessary thing, you should look up stuff like OAuth to make sure your users are claiming something they actualy own.

Then I was linked a google doc to fill in information about my profile. There you lost me. I'm now realising it's not like a social media page where I get to put whatever I'd like (within said page containers limitations ofc). Are you going to build my profile by hand? Or can't you make your own forms? What's that about? What's wrong about regular forms and automated page generation?

I'm sorry but I'm out. If in three month all you could build is static pages redirecting to third parties with no result in view, I'm sorry to say it doesn't look promising.

Now I'd like to reframe my lack of enthusiasm. It's good to build stuff and to learn along the way. What I'd really like to convay is encouragements, but maybe get a web dev on the job, or get a free online course about that ;)

edit: got me thinking a lot, I actualy like it, doesn't stand on much on a technical pov but I mean... it's not hard to fix

thread: Speedrunning
Lorraine, FranceNariom5 years ago

You can always find games at different stages to get a picture. It won't cover every possible development but it will help. You'll see games with very few runs, not much optimisation. You'll see dead leaderboards, growing ones with frequent WR, tedious runs where frames counts, and so on. It's pretty interesting. Sometimes if you follow a speedrun you can witness the improvements. I remember a few month ago when they were asking if sub 1h was possible on Odyssey, now they have sums of best under an hour and they are making attempts. Maybe you go and pick up a game, learn the run. Then you improve on it, you're part of the process.

Lorraine, FranceNariom8 years ago

omg I'm so used to normal on 7 char now that i forgot this was a thing, I used to be all hardmode beofre that, well that was fun to try and do my best with the fortune teller and portable slot ^^ thanks a bunch

About Nariom
9 years ago
1 year ago
Games run
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
SteamWorld Dig
SteamWorld Dig
Last run 9 years ago
The Age of Decadence
The Age of Decadence
Last run 5 years ago
Secret of Mana
Secret of Mana (2018)
Last run 6 years ago
Games followed
The Age of Decadence
The Age of Decadence
Last visit 1 year ago
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+
Last visit 3 years ago
Games moderated
The Age of Decadence
The Age of Decadence
Last action 5 years ago