Berlin, GermanyMudstomp3 years ago

I really have to wonder about all this. I mean correct me if im wrong, but the 14.07 wr had Fabric Api loaded, and ok they made the rule after. But then it begs the question,was the rule not good enough to begin with. If there is a way to show it had no affect, then shouldnt runs be allowed as long as that proof is given. And in that case, if illumina has supplied that evidence and still gets rejected,then shouldnt the previous run be struck based on the same evidence. Then further to that, if anyone can cheat and hence the rule, it shouldnt matter who it is. The rule shoukd be up held. Standing in the community or time spent running means nothing compared to cheating. An unknown name is also not less reputable just because you dont know them. All in all, to me it just says they need to make the rule better. Just come out and say,look it wasnt good enough,fornntely someone got a record that caused us to look closer and was able to show evidence that shows they shouldnt be hampered by the rule, so here is the new rule and we will back track anyone who can give us good evidence in kind. That simple. Otherwise its favourtism for illumina, or unfair.

Cookie1284 likes this
Berlin, GermanyMudstomp6 years ago

So would it be safe to say that for most scenarios where you would use the HC, you can probavly get by with CT if you are not trading the CT for the HC and TMP? E.g. El gigante doors and Krauser face shot....

Berlin, GermanyMudstomp7 years ago

Ya i figured on the tmp replacing the CT and then added bonus of HC and more flashes. Are you suggesting that the TMP isnt beneficial enough for other platforms? Obviously knowing that there is no maze skip outside of gamecube.

Berlin, GermanyMudstomp7 years ago

@RE_Snow can you pass thanks to Auddy. Re4 youtube is up again. Really helps for learning glitches etc.

Berlin, GermanyMudstomp7 years ago

Quick question, is the main reason to go TMP and HC over CT just to do the el gigante escape and a few other tidbits quicker and be able to carry a couple more grenades? Is the time save that much? Or am i missing something else as well?

:) Mud

Berlin, GermanyMudstomp7 years ago

Hehe yeah thanks AAD. Already got 6 from farming in the end and one from the snake at the start of the castle. Figured i would eventually go with 5 like your inventory in your most recent youtube runs, but for beginning im gonna carry a few more and keep a save before 5-4 to eventually change.

Berlin, GermanyMudstomp7 years ago

Wow. Thanks a bunch. Exactly what i needed. Plus the Grenade only run looks interesting. :D

Berlin, GermanyMudstomp7 years ago

Hey all. So planning my NG+ xbox 360 file and have been thinking over possibilities for picking up grenades during the run. Particularly flash grenades. I am wanting to maybe know of around 4 easy ones. I already know of the flash on the table at the end of 5-4. Also i saw JTB pick one up in a NG run in the cells area in 5-4, just before the regenerator. Is that a permenant? Can anyone give me some other permenant easy locations? Again, preferrably flash grenades, but normal grenades may help too. Thanks in advance. :) Mud

Berlin, GermanyMudstomp7 years ago

So continuing my ideas of grandeur by posting tidbits of info that i find interesting and might help other new runners.

Using the Striker glitch i found that i couldn't do a 180 auto turn. Everytime i tried it, I auto did two 180 turns. Very frustrating. However, I finally.found a solution. If you press forward or back immediately after hitting the action button, you continue moving according to the direction you face after one 180 turn and dont have to suffer a second 180 turn. Also i noticed that wether you release, hold or press again the action button there is no affect.

So that problem solved, anyone else got any interesting things to note about the Striker glitch?

;D Mud

Democritus3 likes this
Berlin, GermanyMudstomp7 years ago

So i was playing around with setting up a NG+ save file on xbox 360 and needed to get me 6 gold eggs. Found some interesting things that i thought i would share for the benefit of newer runners. Also to see if anyone had anything to add. So here are some things i believe to be of use:

  1. There are around 6 or 7 chickens in the farm area. If you stand just in front of the "well" and face the area, there are 2 near the cannine on your left and 4 or 5 on your right. All chickens seem to be capable of laying, but it appears that more often than not, the 2 will lay eggs and then 2 of the bigger group will also lay. Hence most of the time you will only get four eggs dropping per visit.

  2. Moving too fast, shooting etc disturbs the chickens and seems to delay their laying time. It seems that if you stand near the well from the moment you re-enter from the village, there is a strong chance of getting 3 to 4 quick lays. Hence the quickest method for farming seems to be come in, wait for 3 or 4 eggs, then exit and re-enter.

  3. The timers per chicken seem to mostly be quite short. Quite often an egg will be laid before i stand still and fairly regularly 2 or 3 will be done with a few seconds of waiting. So mostly it seems best not to wait very long once the 3rd egg is laid. Maybe 30 seconds max.

So all in all i think keeping all this in mind, farming for gold eggs for a speedrun inventory could be done within an hour or two easy enough. That is unless you want like 50 gold eggs.

:D Mud

Berlin, GermanyMudstomp7 years ago

Yeah that was my understanding for picture proof.

Berlin, GermanyMudstomp7 years ago

Yeah thats what i was figuring. Well nothing worth doing ever comes easy. :)

Berlin, GermanyMudstomp7 years ago

Yeah that i knew, but somewhere i read that if you want to post for position number one you need a video. Or have i missed something with that?

Berlin, GermanyMudstomp7 years ago

Hi all.

Im wanting to begin attempting speed running Re4 NG+ on xbox 360. Been watching lots of your videos and walkthroughs lately and currently working on setting up my NG+ files. So that being said, i have a few questions.

  1. With xbox is there an easy way to setup inventory, or am i stuck running the game and gradually collecting what i need?
  2. Obviously im not gonna get a WR time anytime soon, but for when i get close etc, whats an easy/cheap way to vid record my runs on xbox?
  3. I was watching a lot of the videos on the re4 central youtube channel, but now they are all private. Are they locked away for a reason? Can i get access to them?

There will probably be more questions later but thats probably enough for now. Thanks in advance to anyone answering. :D


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About Mudstomp
7 years ago
3 years ago
Games followed
Resident Evil 4 (Console)
Resident Evil 4 (Console)
Last visit 6 years ago