ModerateJog1 year ago

I thought to share a few new minor (but significant once compounded) strats:

  1. After first bridge, after first patch of forest, go +above+ the two bushes, not below – that makes it less likely for RNG spawns to occur.

  2. Uklangor: why do we turn left to kill him? After the cut scene, just ignore it and go straight ahead, and on the way back go towards it – they'll approach you without attacking and you can kill it easily. This saves a solid second and is 100% consistent. *Note: to make this work, don't hold up (forward) while the cut scenes is playing. Press forward only once the cut scene ended. Otherwise Uklangor will stay put in his alcove.

  3. Tuataras before Phobosucus: approach the first one without step backward-step forward, spam melee weapon only (sword), just before it dies spam arrows: the second Tuatara will die before they can flee. This saves quite a few tenths of a second.

  4. Movement from beastmen caves to jungle cave (top-right of map): this segment kept killing my runs, so I found a new itinerary that seems much safer. See my new WR video for more info.

There are 3-4 other minor strats that are just a bit too subtle to explain in words, but that I'd be happy to share if you catch me on stream.

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ModerateJog1 year ago

So much easier than I thought, using a 18-dexterity elf to kill the party, who gets to -4 AC with the dragon trove. This is a very loose baseline, that could be improved by several minutes, just for reference:

The rules should specify that damage inflicted by party members to party members is allowed, just any damage inflicted by enemies/traps/fire and anything else makes the run fail.

The 17-strength / 18-dexterity roll is the 121st at character creation.

The only truly challenging bit are the scorpions in the fire dungeon. I figured a 100% consistent and safe strat to deal with them on the way in (see video), but on the way out it's tricky. It often works to enter the room, spam the lightning wand 5 times, then retreat back, wait until the lightning is gone, and enter the room again – if you are lucky the bunch of 4 scorpions on the left won't move and you can pass unscathed, or if not at least you can move all the way forward and trick them with arrows.

rujasu likes this
ModerateJog2 years ago

Just some ideas.

| Fist-Only% | No weapons, armor or spells allowed (is it even possible?)

| No-Death% | 4-member party run. No character can die in the run.

| Pacifist% | This would need specifying the kills that can’t be avoided (e.g. Uklangor cave, etc), but anything else – even if requiring convoluted strats – should be dodged.

| 100% | All dungeon maps explored entirely, all static encounters, all special locations (pools and trees), …

| Enemies-Off% | As soon as run starts, enemies are turned off via cheat menu. This would be a zero-RNG run, with optimised movement playing a key part.

| No-Hit/Damageless% | This would probably be very challenging (I am thinking temple here). But maybe 18 Dex, plus magical armor/shield, and maybe ring of protection may make it feasible. After all, the Any% thief sometimes takes only 2-3 hits during a run.

| Fellowship% | Four halflings | Crusader% | Four clerics | Dwarf% | Four dwarves | Sneak% | Four thieves | Elves% | Four elves | Tank% | Four warriors | Wizadry% | Four wizards | Demi-Human% | Party comprises of one dwarf + one elf+ one halfling; fourth member must be killed with wand.

Maybe a category whereby no outdoor encounter can be dodged/reloaded?

About ModerateJog
2 years ago
6 months ago
Games run
Games followed
Dungeons & Dragons: Warriors of the Eternal Sun