LOLMAN-00275 years ago

Do the new 7 survivals are here ? If not, this is the list :

  1. Farmhouse Survival
  2. Forest Survival
  3. Grove Street Survival
  4. Meth Lab Survival
  5. Nuclear Silo Survival
  6. Stab City Survival
  7. Zancudo Survival
thread: The Site
LOLMAN-00275 years ago

Thank you :D

thread: The Site
LOLMAN-00275 years ago

Is there a way for me to get back to the dark mode ?

Because... RIP my eyes

LOLMAN-00275 years ago

He needs to have proof

Imaproshaman likes this
thread: Talk
LOLMAN-00275 years ago

I love the weather. Especially the clouds, my favourite is the Cumulonimbus.

LOLMAN-00275 years ago

I said this on the discord, but I'll say this here for everybody.

If you think what I say is false, you can say it (and maybe prove it)

I bought Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars on my iPhone 4S (if what I say is false, we will blame my old device), and some things are (or seems) slower than the DS and PSP versions (I don't know for Android).

I found it by speedrunning (I can't record anyway, it's just for fun).

The introduction is finished, let's start :

In the missions « Whack the Racers », Chan Jaoming will drive slower. Because of this, you'll automatically lose at least 15 seconds. My best is 2:33.890s if I remember well and it's almost impossible for me to do better. The actual WR is 2:14.960s by @agjents on PSP.

thread: The Site
LOLMAN-00275 years ago

If it happens, how do you know you are banned ?

If you can log, what can you and what can't you do ?

LOLMAN-00275 years ago

I just received the notifications for the 4 new individual level runs :

  1. (Gassed Up: Beat Mission Solo by @Heroriks. For total time of 57s. Actual WR in the IL leaderboard. Posted 2 hours ago)

  2. (Repo - Simeonomics: Beat Mission Coop by @myst43 and @DewWork. For a total time of 1m47s. Actual WR in the IL leaderboard. Posted 2 hours ago)

  3. (Repo - Under The Hammer: Beat Mission Solo by @CoopezZ. For a total time of 4m48s. Actual WR in the IL leaderboard. Posted 2 hours ago)

  4. (Dispatch I: Beat Mission Coop by @Heroriks and DewWork- (Possibly @DewWork, the name is maybe misspelled). For a total time of 2m23s. Actual WR in the leaderboard. Posted 2 hours ago)

By this, I can say that it's fixed :)

LOLMAN-00275 years ago

Obtain all types of minerals (Coal, Iron, Gold, Lapis-Lazuli, Diamond, Redstone, Obsidian and Emerald)

Or if it's too hard, maybe only some of them, like Iron, Gold and Diamond.

Or if it's too hard, maybe only one of them. like Diamond.

LOLMAN-00275 years ago

I think I could send a message on Discord to @Wayno717 for ask him to add them

LOLMAN-00275 years ago


Yesterday, I received two notifications for full runs :

  1. (Prison Break by @ROK_REVENANT, @DewWork, @El31-lll and MaxMaxBlackBlack (On the run page, the name of @El31-lll is misspelled. So he doesn't appear as a member of For a total time of 33m07s. Actual WR in the leaderboard. Posted 11 days ago)

  2. (Doomsday Heist: Act I by @Heroriks and @Lehel15-RMA (On the run page, the name of @Lehel15-RMA don't appear as a member of Re-submit the run will fix this). For a total time of 57m43s. Actual WR in the leaderboard. Posted 2 days ago)

@DewWork I did it last week, it's maybe because of that it's working now.

LOLMAN-00275 years ago

I receive notifications for the new messages on the forums, for the likes on my messages on the forums, but not for the new runs in the leaderboards (individual levels and full runs).

Does anyone else have this kind of problem ?

I have this problem since the last time I posted a Individual Level run (2 or 3 months ago).

And it's fine, for the moment, on the others games I follow.

DewWork likes this
LOLMAN-00275 years ago

Two new missions has been added :

Repo - Burn Rate Repo - Simeonomics

CPZXIII likes this
LOLMAN-00275 years ago

Any% Solo and Coop ?

Quasifour, DrunkGecko, and Yur4 like this
LOLMAN-00275 years ago

This category already exist. Her name is "Low% Bad Ending". Just submit your video and she will be added to the leaderboard of the category.

RyanIsOnlineYT and Derpeth like this
thread: Speedrunning
LOLMAN-00275 years ago

Once, I did a speedrun, but I accidentaly deleted it when it was time to post on YouTube.

Imaproshaman likes this
thread: Talk
LOLMAN-00275 years ago

Finally an answer, thanks !

LOLMAN-00275 years ago

Segmented run, the timer run only when the players are in missions if I remember well. So the loading AND the moments in freeroam are not counted.

thread: Talk
LOLMAN-00275 years ago

Hello there, what happens here ? There are less threads than my memories. And I think the category "Introductions" was before "Speedrunning", etc.

Also, how are you going today ?


WereisTheWolf likes this
About LOLMAN-0027
7 years ago
1 year ago
Games run
Grand Theft Auto Online
Grand Theft Auto Online
Last run 5 years ago
Games followed
Grand Theft Auto Online
Grand Theft Auto Online
Last visit 1 year ago
Grand Theft Auto V
Grand Theft Auto V
Last visit 3 years ago
Grand Theft Auto Category Extensions