thread: Stray
Ohio, USALGNps41 year ago

Found out some tricks you can do. I have had issues moving to SSD due to some error even after rcp st sewers. It is the background fog loading that makes the game die. The most likely way to fix it is lowering resolution to 720p or 480p to lighten the load on the cpu when pushing the pixels on screen. Fixed my issue but more testing needs to be worked on

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thread: Stray
Ohio, USALGNps41 year ago

Any and all current runners that are on ps4 pro, please comment that you are on ps4 pro (All ps4 and ps4 slim are not required to comment) below. I am writing a list for the top mod to convert any ps4 pro players under PS4 will be under PS4pro.

thread: Stray
Ohio, USALGNps41 year ago

And besides I could get 1:26 if I really push it if crashes stay to a minimum if my testing works out

thread: Stray
Ohio, USALGNps41 year ago

Not really after my speedrun through the game with no crashes at both sewers and nightclub the next day after the 1.03 patch the night before

thread: Stray
Ohio, USALGNps41 year ago

In my run (not yet posted on leaderboards) i didn’t crash or reloaded from cp and got 1:32:06 but today i did a stream where i crashed once, required reload once, died twice, and still came up with a new WR of 1:31:20. I can get sub 1:30:00. Is it possible to go into a save you have already, go to the spots (nightclub and window seal of sewer) and load them in and go to a new save after that and run flawlessly?

thread: Stray
Ohio, USALGNps41 year ago

Samurai, I have a slim with HDD (the small HDDs that run better than an actual full sized one. I ran into no crashes after the patch rolled out. Am I just lucky now?

thread: Stray
Ohio, USALGNps41 year ago

Mostly spam your next button (for me it is square on ps4) and spam your exit key (O for ps4) back and forth. For me it has resulted in fast dialouges all around. You can check it out in my run when it goes live

thread: Stray
Ohio, USALGNps41 year ago

As of currently, I been running and I could break the WR on ps4. It would be a bit hard to not die and the new patch is a angel

thread: Stray
Ohio, USALGNps41 year ago

I am jealous of the runner that don't deal with crashing. I had a 1:44:XX due to my deaths loading in. In game time i gotten a 1:38:XX.

thread: Stray
Ohio, USALGNps41 year ago

Good to know. I will just have to hurry to make up the time reloading the game

thread: Stray
Ohio, USALGNps41 year ago

By that you mean use the reload from checkpoint option? And am I allowed to pause the timer during loading screens?

thread: Stray
Ohio, USALGNps41 year ago

Been dealing with 2 crashing points in the game for some reason. 1: the point where you meet Momo on the raft to go into the sewers, at the little window you go through has weird lag. The way I dealt with it is wait on the window and look in at the wall on the right to stop crashing (unconfirmed really) but it kills a lot of time and can corrupt data. 2: Nightclub inside where you deal with the lever. After a given time the game crashes. Is there a way to fix this crashing problem or if not, do I get handicap for it (like if I crash up where you get to the vip balcony, am I allowed to go that same spot and resume the timer). I almost got WR if I didn't have to tend with the crashes

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