thread: The Site
Lancashire, EnglandJono11 months ago

Ah, okay, makes sense. Thanks man.

thread: The Site
Lancashire, EnglandJono11 months ago

Sorry if I sound like a bit of an idiot here, but I've tried following this game on both Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome but the button is completely unresponsive. Is there a limit on what games you can follow, or are you not allowed to follow it for some reason? Is there another way I can add it to my followed games? Thanks.

Lancashire, EnglandJono2 years ago

You demolished me xD Well I wasn't paying too much attention anyway just wanted to fill up the empty spaces

thread: Speedrunning
Lancashire, EnglandJono2 years ago

Was just doing a quick Google and apparently Twitch deletes VODs unless you make a highlight of the specific speedrun. How does that work? Is that like a separate VOD that doesn't delete, and that you can put as a link when submitting runs?

Lancashire, EnglandJono2 years ago

I wonder how often this happens to people haha

Lancashire, EnglandJono2 years ago

I've never played this game past the tutorial, but my profile says I have a 1:53 run in it, I'm confused. I've not been hacked by 4chan have I? (/s)

Edit: Found it:

"Any% Random Seed Glitchless Co-op - 2 Players, 1.9-1.15 Jono batb0y 1h 53m 40s (in-game time) PC 1 year ago"

Again, no idea who this guy, no idea what the category is.

Lancashire, EnglandJono2 years ago

I think I'm just being stupid, lol, it just makes it easier to consistently split, and I need to press numpad1

Edit: Or it only works when going into it from Level Select.

Lancashire, EnglandJono2 years ago

I used Auto-Splitter but for some reason it didn't actually split, it just paused the timer when not in-game. Did I set something wrong in LiveSplit?

Lancashire, EnglandJono2 years ago

Lol as an aspiring runner, watching this scares me. The speed of each move in a juggle is crazy! Also do you use an auto-splitter of some sort?

Lancashire, EnglandJono2 years ago

Just a couple small questions, but if I recorded a whole run on Easy and wanted to break it down into individual levels, what's the easiest way to go about doing that? Is it easier to do offline (record on OBS)?

I also wanted to ask when the actual timer starts and finishes on a level?

Lancashire, EnglandJono2 years ago

Oh I see, hm, curious, might try this out.

Lancashire, EnglandJono2 years ago

For instance I'll see Adam players dashing followed by a back-attack when nobody is there, or Axel (somehow?) dashing followed by a back-attack. Is there a reason for this?

Edit: For instance, just before 1:53 here, and a little bit after:

I'm trying these methods out, trying to replicate the first level just a little bit, and are we even playing the same game? I feel like I'm playing "Piggy in the middle" with super-saiyan signals who only wanna attack me if I don't have a combo going, and will be uncatachable otherwise.

Lancashire, EnglandJono2 years ago

I don't speedrun myself but I like to watch them, and people often use plugins that show on-screen enemy and character HP. I've tried finding these values in-game before using Cheat Engine out of curiousity, but couldn't find anything. But then I noticed that when enemies spawn, their values are instantly loaded. How does that work? How would the developer know how to find those values? Is there just a static piece of code with a fixed array of changing values that are pulled elsewhere?

Lancashire, EnglandJono3 years ago

I completed the game on Inferno and have gotten quite good at dodging but for the life of me I cannot dodge Nemesis' first form when he punches. I just found it very odd and astounding that people on the leaderboard can dodge him without even seeing or hearing him, as-well as the tentacle dudes.

P.S. I used the infinite rocket launcher for most of the encounters, I'm not that good at the game, lol. Heck, these people are dodging literally everything with zero effort, how is that skill even possible?

Lancashire, EnglandJono3 years ago

It's not exactly hilarious though, it's just a statement that you guys think it sucks. And it's not like Square Enix will collectively come here to laugh at themselves, lol.

Lancashire, EnglandJono3 years ago

Are we still keeping this background? Come on, the game isn't for everyone, but by this logic we might as-well just make every game the same background because not everyone will like it.

And in-case the context isn't clear here, the background of /ffx_2/ is literally a photograph of Final Fantasy X-2 in a rubbish bin.

Symm likes this
thread: Mega Man X
Lancashire, EnglandJono3 years ago

Haha, oh I assumed he named himself World Record for the lulz.

thread: Mega Man X
Lancashire, EnglandJono3 years ago

I clicked the notification that says it was beaten, but when I clicked on it, it said "No Video :(", are videos not required?

FireStriker likes this
Lancashire, EnglandJono3 years ago

I'm always trying to emulate strategies and cheeses I see on V4 submissions but the game always punishes in such a way that it doesn't work anymore, such as infinite juggles and rhythmically freezing enemies and bosses in place.

thread: The Site
Lancashire, EnglandJono3 years ago

Oh I see. I think it's a little beyond me anyway, a lot of things I've practised on were static and front-end and it looks like this website requires knowing a lot about navigating Ajax. If it's buggy from the back-end anyway I'll probably leave that idea alone, lol.

About Jono
6 years ago
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Streets of Rage 4
Streets of Rage 4
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Streets of Rage 4
Streets of Rage 4
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Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - Reunion
Final Fantasy XVI
Final Fantasy XVI
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Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
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