Arizona, USAJTB7 years ago

Race will be tomorrow at 2 pm PST, i'll have the SRL room open around 1:30 pm

Arizona, USAJTB7 years ago

We'll probably use SRL since I doubt everyone will be together on discord

Arizona, USAJTB7 years ago

Early-mid afternoon is what I'm shooting for, so 3-4 would work. I'll have a definitive time sometime tomorrow after talking to more people.

pumax likes this
Arizona, USAJTB7 years ago

Definitely join if you can! It's less of a competition and more of a reason to have fun with each other.

pumax likes this
Arizona, USAJTB7 years ago

You guys can argue all you want about if you want amiibos or not to be included, but the fact is, this leaderboard doesn't dictate how you can run the game. Even if amiibos are made a separate category, people are still going to use them in runs and have a faster time than non-amiibo runs. Someone looking for the fastest completion of this game isn't going to care about arbitrary restrictions, they are just going to look for the lowest time and that means amiibo runs.

ffleret likes this
Arizona, USAJTB7 years ago

Many speed communities do weekly races for fun and also have the added benefit of bringing new people to their game. We've done plenty random races before, but would people be interested in doing a bi-weekly race on the weekends? We can alternate between NG and NG+ so that everyone is included, and possibly make it weekly if they become popular enough. We also have the benefit of RE4Central if this does become a reoccurring thing as a main hub for people to watch.

What day/time works best for people? If there's enough interest (aka 3+ people), I would want to do a NG+ race this Sunday afternoon, but I would like to hear your guys thoughts first.

Arizona, USAJTB7 years ago

There's really no reason to add meme categories as a lot of runners already do similar challenge runs since we can't play the game casually anymore. I've done minethrower only many times, but I do it because it's fun and not because I want to have the fastest time. If there's enough people that partake in an arbitrary category and there's enough competition, then we'll consider adding it to the leaderboard (i.e No Merchant was added pretty recently to the leaderboard, but started as a silly category that only one person was doing)

Arizona, USAJTB7 years ago

Actually, I took another look at your specs. Contrary to Morse, I think your specs are very out of date (your CPU is 9 years old lol). RE4 is very poorly optimized on steam and does need somewhat current hardware in order to run 60 fps well. You're not the only one that's run into this issue, I played 30 fps for a very long time until I upgraded my computer and could do 60 fps without the game constantly slowing down.

Arizona, USAJTB7 years ago

Try streaming in 30 fps while playing the game still in 60

Arizona, USAJTB7 years ago

I can't even imagine doing runs without an autosplitter now.

Hi_its_Zero and Exsoldiercl like this
Arizona, USAJTB7 years ago

Glitchless would essentially just be no ditman, which would barely take away/add anything to the run

Arizona, USAJTB7 years ago

Minethrower only is the only challenge run people need

Arizona, USAJTB7 years ago

yo babs!

you might need to clear the game once, but you can use the link below to download the cheat program to create your inventory instead of having to grind it out again

Arizona, USAJTB8 years ago

Separating by HD and SD looks way better than I expected, good job!

Arizona, USAJTB8 years ago

This stops now. You guys are fine to criticize/critique the boards all you want, but it's not an excuse to shit post/insult others.

Pico_the_trap, Sleepwalker_92 and 3 others like this
Arizona, USAJTB8 years ago

good lord, what has happened here

RuvikzAkumu, Wipefinger and 4 others like this
Arizona, USAJTB8 years ago

There's a disturbing lack of sub pixels in that video

Arizona, USAJTB8 years ago

Main: No S+Q, 100%, Any% Misc: everything else

I mostly want to comment on including no s+q on main and moving s+q to misc. When I first wanted to learn the game, coming to the leaderboard and seeing both of those categories confused me a bit since they are almost the same exact thing from the perspective of someone who didn't know the game. I ended up picking no s+q simply because I was more interested in POP, which turned out to be the right choice with how active it is. Considering S+Q doesn't see as much activity as No S+Q, I would really push to move it to misc so newcomers can clearly see what are the active/competitive categories.

thread: The Site
Arizona, USAJTB8 years ago

Super mods are unable to edit other super mods as all those boxes are greyed out for me, hence our dilemma.

About JTB
9 years ago
16 days ago
Games run
Resident Evil 4 (Console)
Resident Evil 4 (Console)
Last run 5 years ago
Resident Evil 4 (Steam)
Resident Evil 4 (Steam)
Last run 5 years ago
American Truck Simulator
American Truck Simulator
Last run 7 years ago
Paper Mario
Paper Mario
Last run 9 years ago
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Last run 7 years ago
Games followed
Paper Mario
Paper Mario
Last visit 1 year ago
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX
Skies of Arcadia: Legends
Skies of Arcadia: Legends
Last visit 2 years ago
Resident Evil (Remake)
Resident Evil (Remake)
Last visit 5 years ago
Quest 64
Quest 64
Last visit 4 years ago
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Shantae: Half-Genie Hero
Last visit 2 years ago
American Truck Simulator
American Truck Simulator
Last visit 4 years ago
The Guardian Legend
The Guardian Legend
Last visit 1 year ago