United StatesImaproshaman7 days ago

I only just now realized, thanks to World 7: Saturn - Easy, that these are clearly not the same versions of the game. @Veuceu's game has only 2 stars for each level when completed whereas mine has 3 and not only that, but some of the levels have a different amount of stars to collect. I don't know how many versions there are but I'm pretty sure I've seen another one somewhere around here recently, too.

If someone wants to help me try to figure this out and start a list of runs that need to be catalogued, let me know. I'm also not sure of what to even call the versions. The game says what version it is on the main menu screen, so I'll just have to have people tell me what version they're using for their runs, and I'll just make sub categories for it. It can't be variables since some of the levels are genuinely different.

United StatesImaproshaman3 years ago

It was verified at the time. It's still up on my YouTube and when I asked the server basically nobody responded to me. Then I messaged a mod but they told me to message another mod and that person said they would look into it but basically it went nowhere. It's really not a big deal but it's not like my run was "rejected" or anything. It's not on my profile and it's not under any filters either.

United StatesImaproshaman3 years ago

This seems odd to remove. It feels soulless that so many websites get bought by a bigger company and slowly but surely all the good parts get removed. I keep hearing about "plans" but then people saying "there's nowhere to see what plans are going to be made". Why? Why is the donate button gone? Don't make ads when you already donated. Money this yadda yadda but... don't put it on the login page or in a way where it moves the page elements around. YouTube has lots of ads but at least without adblock you can still use it. I paid for the extra features and because I wanted to support the site, not to get rid of the ads.

The basic platform should be usable without paying for ads and ads are to support it if you like the product or want to support it. Reminds me how put like literally 90% of their features behind a paywall. That didn't make me want to support it. I didn't plan to but it really put a wrench in my motivation to do so.

At least the osu! community has an extremely detailed changelog and a donation system where it's reasonable.

Transparency is crucial in these trying times...

Thorgaran, discranola and 5 others like this
United StatesImaproshaman4 years ago

Are the IL categories only in the Level section due to their difficulty?

Also slightly related, but is the lack of any other challenge categories (like Katana on the main boards) being on here because either nobody's done runs, they're not viable, or they're too similar?

United StatesImaproshaman4 years ago

I've checked around and the dev responded to a Steam thread like "delete anything with '.save' in the Data folder" but I tried that and it didn't work. (There wasn't any .save file in my Steam folder for the game?) I also tried reinstalling but Steam has cloud saves.

United StatesImaproshaman4 years ago

Say I wanna use a drawing tablet & pen would that be allowed? The game updated recently so they work better now.

United StatesImaproshaman5 years ago

I used to have a physical copy of the game but like most people who own DS games it's been lost to the ether, but I have it on emulator and I see that's acceptable to use. That's cool because not a lot of boards for DS even allow that. I've played this game a lot and while I never quite beat it, it was always really fun and I think speedrunning it could be even better. I think more people should totally play this game but I guess I feel that way about every speedgame.

I see there's only a single Any% run from 3 years ago and a subcategory for DS/3DS. I'm wondering if there should there be another subcategory for emu since it's not the exact same as physical?

United StatesImaproshaman5 years ago

And would it just be all the story pieces or the dots too? I know when people add categories they usually ask people to submit a run along with it to prove that they'll actually run it for more than just a free wr, but I think 100% could be fun. I don't have a run of it yet, but I really like this game.

IL runs would require a completed save (assuming you can do that).

United StatesImaproshaman5 years ago

As Any% currently is, it's technically playing all the levels since you're not allowed to skip any. To me, it would make sense for Any% to only require beating any level that is actually required to unlock the next level. For example, in Chapter 1 there is an upper and a lower path but you don't need to play all of the upper path to finish the chapter. Any% is any percentage of completion, right?

Also, individual chapters or levels? (I realize that was already posted in a thread.) I was also thinking about OCD, but it's just ideas. I know this board has been fairly inactive since it's a very lowly ran game, but there was a full-game run 2 months ago, so I'm glad to see that it's still got some traction. I always loved this game but I never really realized it had any speedruns.

United StatesImaproshaman5 years ago

I was thinking about a timer-ascending individual stage type run. Could be neat tbh. I'd run it, if that's anything.

Machs2Point0, Byleom and 2 others like this
United StatesImaproshaman5 years ago



DU Recorder: Game Screen Recorder: Mobizen Screen Recorder:


Floating Speedrun Timer:



Movavi: Mobcrush: AirShou:


Video edit your run with a timer, like this one:

[center]Credit: Various members of the Mobile Speedrunning Discord.[/center]

United StatesImaproshaman5 years ago

Other known glitches have been noted here.

If you start a level where a Barricadebot is directly underneath Chisler and you press space to drill downwards on the right frame, you can drill through the bot saving time. It best works to start the level and press R to restart the level and just mash space until you get it, pressing R to refresh and retry for every failed attempt. It's not very tricky to get and from testing can take as little as two attempts to get.

Best useful for the following levels:

13 | Fairly useful as it get you 12% Drill%.

*16 | Very useful as it gets you 32% Drill%.

17 | A little bit more useful as it gets you 22% Drill% and if you drill back to the other side you'll be at 45% Drill%. You'll most likely get a single hit by the red Shellbots however. I haven't tested yet if it's possible to avoid at least a single hit, but maybe. Though it's more likely the whole game's levels are on the same cycled every time, so it might not be possible.

21 | It's not really useful, since it only gets you 7% Drill%, but it's cool I guess (lol).

United StatesImaproshaman5 years ago

Chisel 2 has a few glitches, most of which aren't very useful. Other known glitches have been noted here, however the one I'm bringing up (afaik) hasn't.

This glitch that I'll just call "load error" allows the level to be beaten very quickly. It seems like the level has trouble loading so Chisler keeps drilling but the completion % keeps rising. The beaten level screen pops up a little bit before the % is done filling up the bar at the bottom of the screen.

The game said I beat the level in nearly (for both cases under 30 seconds which isn't that uncommon for a game with nearly all IL's being 40 seconds or less) and while it legit happened in the game, I have no idea how or why it happened. My only theory is that the level lagged or had trouble loading. Personally, I find it's a little more than a bit unfair competition-wise. It would probably render it literally unbeatable since it's seemingly random.

Therefore, I'll not submit it to the leaderboard until (a) it can be reliably reproduced, or (b) probably as a result of (a), it's agreed by someone other than just me to let it be submitted.


Level 15 Example: .

Level 24 Example: .

United StatesImaproshaman5 years ago

Since there isn't an auto-splitter for this game, (yet?) timing is currently manual. If runs need to be retimed, either put a message in the run submission description, or feel free to respond to this post.

United StatesImaproshaman5 years ago

Cutting out all the unlock world challeneges and intro cutscene from the full game run means that any%, even in its current unoptimized state, could go at least like 15 minutes lower.

I'm not sure how much lower it could go from it's current (roughly) 2 hours and 30 minute time. Sub 2 hours is probably possible. Especially any% because a lot of levels can easily be cheesed to be beaten in like 2 seconds when not having to collect every object.

I'm currently working on doing some any% runs of every world, so once I practice enough, I'll be able to get a much better any% record. Sub 2 is the goal, but I'm really excited to see how low it can go!

(Now 100%...that'll take some learning. This game is very finicky...)

United StatesImaproshaman5 years ago

This will be used for discussion on timing, or rules, or whatever.

The fast forward option is not allowed during levels post World 1: Building Site. It allows you to speed up the level completion process and also causes lag on physical systems (I've only tested on DSi).

I really wanted to be able to actually have a game with an in-game timer use its in-game timer on a leaderboard, but then we'd run into some problems with this game in particular...let me explain.

Firstly, the in-game timer rghds uses is broken. It's slow compared to RTA.

If you complete a level and then click "Retry" on the results screen, it doesn't restart the level, but rather instead puts you back into the level with all the objects you had just moved to complete the level the first time, still in their places. That doesn't matter for runs really, yeah, but it's still weird.

The fast-forward option speeds up the in-game time...for whatever reason? My thinking is, is that unless you did levels first try (as hitting the "Retry" makes the in-game time inaccurate as the part about it moving objects for you applies here) then that would be the only way to have any legit in-game time. So basically, RTA is standard.

Any collected Hints are not allowed.

You must play on a completed save file. That prevents the slow few seconds of unlock cutscenes for new worlds and also the nearly 2 minute unskippable intro cutscene for new game.

Main Zones is basically New Game. I call it main, because it's the main sets of levels you have to complete to finish the game normally.

There's 100 main levels. 150 if you played all the Zone 3 levels.

United StatesImaproshaman5 years ago

The DS version I have is a digital version that I purchased through the DSi e-Shop. It only has 5 boxes in total. Cardboard Box, Fabric Box, Foil Box, Gift Box, and Cosmic Box. Any% and 100% are both possible, however only making DS available for certain levels is not currently possible.

Don't submit a run for DS unless it's to an existing level that's actually in the DS version. I think that's obvious though.

United StatesImaproshaman5 years ago

Chapter 6, Chapter 9, and Chapter 14 both have longer cutscenes than other levels, which makes ending at the circle not consistent with the other levels. It also (in my opinion and also literally) adds unnecessary time to the run. Since starting the level timing after the load in when you press the circle is the opposite, any cutscene is already not accounted into the time. Timing ending with loss of control, when the screen starts zooming in, would make all run times consistent and negate the cutscenes being accounted into the timing at all.

I don't want some levels to have different times just because of cutscenes. This would prevent getting to the end of a chapter and getting an aditional 15-30 seconds tacked on when it's not even part of the gameplay.

United StatesImaproshaman5 years ago

Even though there's been more worlds added recently, they also added ads without a way to pay to remove them. So you'll have to play offline, on emulator, or get a mobile adblock. (Something like NetGuard should work fine.)

Also if anyone finds the version before they added ads I may allow that to be run on. (And I'd appreciate knowing what version that's called.)

United StatesImaproshaman5 years ago

Chapter 6 of main game and chapter 6 of Forgotten Shores both have longer cutscenes than other levels, which makes ending at the circle not consistent with the other levels. It also (in my opinion and also literally) adds unnecessary time to the run. Since starting the level timing after the load in when you press the circle is the opposite, any cutscene is already not accounted into the time. Timing ending with loss of control, when the screen starts zooming in, would make all run times consistent and negate the cutscenes being accounted into the timing at all.

I don't want some levels to have different times just because of cutscenes. This would prevent getting to the end of a chapter and getting an aditional 5-8 seconds tacked on when it's not even part of the gameplay. With such a timesave wrs will be beaten. This means that existing runs require retiming. I do not currently have access to a computer however, so I'll need someone else to step up in the mean time.

About Imaproshaman
6 years ago
4 days ago
Games run
Chisel 2
Chisel 2
Last run 5 years ago
Last run 5 years ago
Monument Valley
Monument Valley
Last run 5 years ago
Silly Sausage
Silly Sausage
Last run 5 years ago
Last run 5 years ago
Bouncy Ball
Bouncy Ball
Last run 4 years ago
Cut the Rope
Cut the Rope
Last run 5 years ago
Last run 5 years ago
Games followed
Last visit 3 years ago
Monument Valley
Monument Valley
Last visit 1 year ago
Bouncy Ball
Bouncy Ball
Last visit 1 year ago
Cut the Rope
Cut the Rope
Last visit 1 year ago
Monument Valley II
Monument Valley II
Last visit 1 year ago
Rabbids Go Home (DS)
Rabbids Go Home (DS)
Last visit 1 year ago
Silly Sausage
Silly Sausage
Last visit 1 year ago
Block Steady
Block Steady
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Games moderated
Cut the Rope
Cut the Rope
Last action 1 month ago
Monument Valley
Monument Valley
Last action 1 month ago
Bouncy Ball
Bouncy Ball
Last action 17 days ago
Monument Valley II
Monument Valley II
Last action 1 year ago
Last action 3 years ago
Chisel 2
Chisel 2
Last action 3 years ago
Silly Sausage
Silly Sausage
Last action 1 year ago
Last action 1 year ago