Ohio, USAHow2BEpic6 years ago

I'm a bit stubborn so I'm gonna keep playing the game in widescreen for now even though it might cause more lag.

Ohio, USAHow2BEpic6 years ago

I assume you've done newer runs since, attempting to do 100%, but I thought I'd note it. Thankfully this game features various cheats and has a debug menu to warp around, so it's really easy to warp around and check individual areas.

I'll get to checking individual areas soon.

Your original numbers listed W1 (Beach) has 12 Diamonds, so I assume in that run you missed the 3 underwater in front of the waterfall and underwater push barrier by the exit from W2.

I'm also watching SGDQ currently, so I'm not as focused as I could be at looking for these.

Ohio, USAHow2BEpic6 years ago

I'm going to try figuring out the numbers myself as well. I'm gonna do another playthrough for this but the total I have off an old save from a few years back doesn't show anything new, It had...

S385 E380 R379 D385

Ohio, USAHow2BEpic6 years ago

I was literally about to try routing this game when I was surprised to see this page in the search results.

To start though I'm gonna take a look at this Any% route. Considering I just got here I'm incredibly surprised I figured out the steam exploit at the start just by noticing he wasn't jumping.

About How2BEpic
8 years ago
4 years ago
Games followed
Azurik: Rise of Perathia
Azurik: Rise of Perathia
Last visit 6 years ago