EnglandHenrz8 years ago

Seems useful, one thing watching is that did you know that there is a toggle sprint button so you don't have to hold shift the whole time? It's pretty useful if you don't know about it.

EnglandHenrz8 years ago

Have you downloaded a Windows 10 compatible version of Python? If you've just upgraded your old one might not work.

EnglandHenrz8 years ago

I use this sometimes when I can't be bothered with the cubes up the wall, it's better to take a cube with you when doing this as sometimes you get dumped a bit outside the level and a cube lets you back in by going on the high sand bank. It's faster when it works correctly and just slightly slower if it throws you outside I've found.

EnglandHenrz8 years ago

You can definitely free the Admin with only 10 stars and no robots but it doesn't let you transcend as it gives errors for not getting all the other robots.

EnglandHenrz8 years ago

My usual FPS is around 220, but with correct cube positioning I could do the jump on B3 with about 120 though.

EnglandHenrz8 years ago

Yes but in this case the box is giving more height than a different item would. Another example is in Road to Gehenna World 4 in Air Delivery, once you break out the cube you can use the tree next to the wooden wall to get up the wall; the same does not work for a jammer or fan.

EnglandHenrz8 years ago

Unsure if people know of this already and it's just not faster anywhere, but you can seem to use cubes to paint jump. I think they're slightly weaker and have only found 2 places where its useful in B3 and B4. I've linked my twitch vod of me doing those two but it's the same technique as a paint jump but with a cube instead.

About Henrz
8 years ago
6 years ago
Games run
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Majora's Mask Category Extensions
Games followed
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask