United StatesGreenVest1867 months ago

skill issue honestly

Lyfame, wZomM, and Zanum like this
United StatesGreenVest1867 months ago

@PatchPL I don't know how many times I am going to have to say this but you CANNOT remove a run from the boards just because you feel like it's cheated. Even if the run seems too good to be true or looks sketchy from your point of view, that is not enough reason to terminate a run. If you want this run to be taken down then you need to provide conclusive proof and/or proper evidence that the run was cheated or else your accusations essentially bear no weight. Yes, it's 100% possible that this run was cheated, but if we remove runs just cause that possibility exists then the boards would be meaningless. I know it's frustrating for some, but the system has always intended to be innocent until proven guilty, not the opposite. Please stop arguing with the mods, thank you.

Greuce and Zanum like this
United StatesGreenVest1867 months ago

redid the retime cause it was in the wrong fps, ggs spondos the luck is unreal

United StatesGreenVest1867 months ago

pls bring some proper evidence or your accusations don't mean anything, the runs should be public and on the boards for you to look at

Zanum likes this
United StatesGreenVest1867 months ago

bro called him a hacker over 2 wrs like I get thinking a 13:20 is sus (cause it is) but saying he's 100% hacking over holding 2 wrs is crazy bru

Zanum likes this
United StatesGreenVest1867 months ago

It's in the rules, so yeah

Zanum likes this
United StatesGreenVest1867 months ago

Just submit like 1k runs and then ask to be mod again it'll work trust me

United StatesGreenVest1868 months ago

he wants the bounty

United StatesGreenVest1868 months ago

Avernly will save doors with the sub 13

Flashdenn likes this
United StatesGreenVest1868 months ago

GGs spondos

Spondos likes this
United StatesGreenVest1868 months ago

Thanks! I sorta messed it up but I think it'll be pretty helpful if done completely correct

United StatesGreenVest1868 months ago

the goat fr

United StatesGreenVest1868 months ago

I'm not sure if this is sufficient enough but I just tested holding W on a short space of track and timed how long it took to accel to 30 speed. The gold cart took around 2 seconds longer.

United StatesGreenVest1868 months ago

I think it's faster accel and has better breaks but I'm not sure exactly. It's shown as 2.1 while the golden cart is shown as 1.3 and the gray as 0.9 which may mean something, but I can test it against the golden if you want.

United StatesGreenVest1868 months ago

If you don't like the RNG, don't run the game. There are already way more rng-based categories like cruci% anyways.

Zanum likes this
United StatesGreenVest1868 months ago

Will rainbow cart be accepted as a category if I submit a run for it with the new update? I have a 16.85 min completion on the old ver of the game but I haven't beat the new one.

United StatesGreenVest1868 months ago

bro went beyond the just rules and broke discord tos

United StatesGreenVest1868 months ago

Yeah I've never heard of it and idt anyone has requested it before now so I doubt there'd be demand for it currently. If you can prove that there would be that's a different story but I can't add the category myself anyways cause I don't even verify or mod ce, you'd have to ask a ce mod.

Zanum likes this
About GreenVest186
I don't really speedrun but maybe one day. Send me a message if you have any questions.
3 years ago
2 months ago
Games run
Roblox: DOORS
Roblox: DOORS
Last run 1 year ago
The Password Game
The Password Game
Last run 11 months ago
cart ride around nothing
cart ride around nothing
Last run 8 months ago
Games followed
The Password Game
The Password Game
Last visit 9 months ago
cart ride around nothing
cart ride around nothing
Last visit 8 months ago
Roblox: DOORS
Roblox: DOORS
Last visit 8 months ago
Last visit 9 months ago