EnglandGoal3143 months ago

For when we want to make a proper SRC guide, I'm trying to compile a playlist of all videos I can find of any tutorials, explanations or just anything that could be potentially useful even if old or outdated just so its all in one place for when we want it. The link should allow anyone to directly add to the playlist if you can think of anything to add

For any images, twitch clips, vods or other useful stuff post them in this thread

EnglandGoal3146 months ago

Condensing all the previous stuff I've found so its all in the same thread. I'm going to type "edge of its allowed basket area" a lot, so I'm just going to type EBA for Edge of Basket area.

Pressing zoom while Fox (or Krystal) auto throws an object at the edge of its EBA causes the object to be thrown, but Fox's throw animation doesn't play until you unzoom.

Doing this on a object that respawns causes the new instance of the object to be thrown during Fox's animation.

Having a cutscene play while zoomed still causes the new object to be thrown.

Sharpclaw boxes only respawn if auto thrown by going through a loading zone of some sort, but not when thrown at the edge of their range. When this happen the box doesn't actually get thrown and is instantly teleported to its start location. E.g. The Sharpclaw crates at the start of OFP; if you try to cross the tile puzzle with them the crate is thrown normally and destroyed, but if you try to leave OFP with one the throw animation plays but the box is instantly teleported back instead of thrown.

Sharpclaw boxes are not able to cause the delayed animation if taken through the loading zone, but will if taken to the edge of their range.

If a respawning basket is thrown straight into the void it respawns as normal, but if it is auto thrown at EBA or bounces off some collision before falling to the void then the basket respawns and immediately falls through the floor back into the void. When the new respawned basket respawns again it respawns as normal, instead of falling through the floor again.

If the delayed animation is done as the basket or respawned basket is falling it will throw the basket from its current position.

Normally deloading the area while holding a basket causes a softlock or crash, however I tried positioning Fox so when targeting the camera would swing out of bounds then back in causing the map to unload and reload. You can also do the same camera thing as you press A, so as the map deloads the basket also deloads as its just getting thrown, but fox is frozen in his animation and will finish his animation after the map reloads when the camera pans further, this version doesn’t seem to crash at all if fox is far enough through the throw.

Falling oob into the void while holding a non-respawning basket causes the basket to be thrown as you go off the edge. The basket will then teleport back up to a point then get rethrown.

Slow Falls:

Pressing A and Z at the same time to zoom during the throw animation and not release the basket, when you unzoom the throw will continue as normal. Doing this just next to the EBA, as you pan the camera, the animation hitbox will hit the EBA and will throw the basket while already being zoomed putting Fox into the normal glitched animation state. The same thing works with barrels and Sharpclaw boxes.

Pressing A and Z together as you go off a ledge will stop Fox throwing the basket automatically as he falls off the edge and will instead cause Fox to slowly fall with the basket while zoomed. Unzooming mid fall will cause Fox to stop falling as he throws then begin to fall like normal. This works with baskets, barrels and SC boxes. Doing this on a cliff face with jagged collision can let you get a bit of a roll off immediately after the throw.

Doing this while dropping into the void from out of bounds has the same slow fall effect but you get stopped after a short distance. Pressing Z at the right time after throwing will cause fox to not fall afterwards if stationary when throwing, or will let fox continue slow falling if falling when pressing Z. You can't do anything while fox isn't falling and trying to walk causes fox to start falling.

When entering a void walk it will cause Fox to fall slowly into the void then fall as normal once the basket is released. Once you reach the edge of the bounding box you stop falling, so this allows you to get the maximum void walk height.

Panning the camera to hit the EBA while slow falling causes Fox to release the basket, but continue slow falling as normal. Unzooming still causes Fox to do his throw animation then fall as normal.

You can slow fall using the ball. You can also slow fall with a basket then during the brief window where you can quake you can pull out the ball, then press Z and A all with perfect timing to do it in the short window and it lets you start another slow fall in mid-air after cancelling the first.

You can ground quake in the air after ending a slow fall, I assume for the same reason ground quake hovers work.

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About Goal314
3 years ago
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