Michigan, USAGalaxyGod4 months ago

With the new Rainbow Cotton re release I just wanted to document a few changes I noticed that effect the speedrun of this game

-No more Auto centering

-fairy gem power has been decreased by a lot, boss fights especially take a hit here, mid level boss in world 5 used to take 2 gems, now I can’t even beat it with all 5

-Fairy targeting got a huge improvement, no complaints about this at all

-collision is improved so you don’t fly all over the screen, this helped sometimes though to get away from attacks so I’m mixed on this change

-cannot play without cutscenes/have to skip every cut scene

-the mid level boss in world 5 is at least twice as hard, not sure what they did balancing wise

-the final boss has an invincibility shield that makes you have to play the whole boss sequence, before you could defeat the boss by the first stop, in the remake the boss is at 75% health at this point

So while the remake is beautiful, well done and a welcome addition to my modern library, the speedrun isn’t really doable on the new consoles because the developers added a few features that kill the run pretty early on.

Michigan, USAGalaxyGod4 months ago
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Michigan, USAGalaxyGod6 months ago

Hey guys I just wanted to let you know if you’re interested in the Christmas level I made a speedrun board for the Dream On Volume 4 demo disc so there could be runs of it, I haven’t done the summer level yet but might look into a board for that demo disc as well!

DivineGyro likes this
Michigan, USAGalaxyGod9 months ago

Is there a setting in the game that turns the tracking circles on for photos? I notice before you take a picture you have circles showing what’s in frame of the photo but I didn’t have that in my game

Michigan, USAGalaxyGod9 months ago

Since it’s Christmas I’ve been looking for Christmasy games to play and I found the Xmas level from the Dream On 4 demo disc, along with the Dream on 11 demo disc having the summer level, it’s like dlc for the game but given away in magazines. Wondering if we could get those on the board as well! I got a 2’44”28 in the Christmas level last night so I wanted to see if anyone else even knew about them!

Spacebar, DivineGyro, and Brobey like this
Michigan, USAGalaxyGod11 months ago

It’s wild how fast the TAS goes, I wonder if the Dreamcast version can accept keyboard inputs that fast as well

thread: Rez
Michigan, USAGalaxyGod1 year ago

It was released in Europe, I have the english version on my Gdemu

GetLow likes this
thread: Rez
Michigan, USAGalaxyGod1 year ago

you can use it but i think its probably slower than an official disc

GetLow likes this
Michigan, USAGalaxyGod1 year ago

started practicing this on dreamcast and lesson 5 part 3 is impossible on there haha you seem to have a lot more time to think through an emulator

Michigan, USAGalaxyGod1 year ago

Working on my dreamcast keyboard run I found a cool dev feature that was left in the game. If you press 1 on the keyboard you get a fully completed save file that starts from rays house. This helps the dreamcast keyboard speedrun because now you don’t have to worry about having a controller plugged in to one of the other slots.

Michigan, USAGalaxyGod1 year ago

I’m getting a dreamcast keyboard for Christmas so I’m gonna start trying some keyboard runs for fun! I don’t see it being faster than like 30 minutes but it’ll be fun to see if I can get close to any of the pc splits!

Michigan, USAGalaxyGod2 years ago

My run in any controller was done on the Dreamcast I’m sure you could tell by the video though haha I’ve been trying to practice with a keyboard adapter, it’s a totally different game with a keyboard though I definitely like using the controller more

Michigan, USAGalaxyGod2 years ago

So I’ve been playing The Textorcist a bunch lately and wanted to get into running the game, I don’t have the pc version just the recently released Dreamcast port so I was wondering if there could be a separate category for it on the leaderboard. The run could probably follow the same rules as the pc version I think but the difference in load times and a few differences in boss patterns would make a Dreamcast category make sense.

About GalaxyGod
2 years ago
2 days ago
Games run
Rainbow Cotton
Rainbow Cotton
Last run 4 months ago
Finding Teddy
Finding Teddy
Last run 2 years ago
Last run 1 year ago
Dream On volume 4, Toy Commander
Games followed
Rainbow Cotton
Rainbow Cotton
Last visit 13 days ago
Cardcaptor Sakura Tomoyo no Video Daisakusen
Stupid Invaders
Stupid Invaders
Last visit 4 months ago
The Textorcist: The Story Of Ray Bibbia
Chiki Chiki Boys
Chiki Chiki Boys
Last visit 1 year ago
Finding Teddy
Finding Teddy
Last visit 4 months ago
Beyond Oasis
Beyond Oasis
Last visit 1 year ago
Games moderated
Cardcaptor Sakura Tomoyo no Video Daisakusen
Rainbow Cotton
Rainbow Cotton
Last action 4 months ago
Last action 1 year ago
Dream On volume 4, Toy Commander
Dream On volume 4, Toy Commander
Last action 6 months ago
Neon Genesis Evangelion: Typing Project-E
Dream On Volume 11
Dream On Volume 11
Last action 6 months ago