United StatesErictheRedMage3 years ago

The past week has seen a handful of new Altered Beast runs and I'd like to congratulate and apologize to those new runners. I'm running off really spotty internet for the moment so it's a task just get get pages with videos to load. This is temporary, but it's why it took me a few days to get to verifying the latest attempts; so I'm sorry.

Thank you for understanding! I look forward to seeing more runs in the future!

ZeeGee_, GrumpyWalrus and 3 others like this
United StatesErictheRedMage4 years ago has an option for SnesClassic but no GenesisMini or anything like that (at least as far as I can tell). Until it's supported I see no reason why you can't post under Genesis (EMU).

United StatesErictheRedMage5 years ago

All set! Good luck and have fun!

thu_ox likes this
United StatesErictheRedMage5 years ago

Maybe a little, haha! If you can make it through that I'm sure it'll have to go on this board somehow!

United StatesErictheRedMage5 years ago

Categories can be added for:

No Transformations - Final Power Up is prohibited. Time when you lose control on the last level.

3 Loops - Time starts when you take control over the character on the first loop. Time ends when you lose control on the last level of the third loop.

100% - Final Power Up is prohibited until last part of each level. Time ends at third loop. (maybe just make it No Transform 100%)

I've also noticed some confusion with the current standing rules for what will likely be renamed "First Loop". They were here before I were; but if it helps they can be reworded to something like:

"Time starts when you take control of the character. Time ends when you lose control on the last level."

Let me know what ya think!

United StatesErictheRedMage5 years ago

Done and done! PS2 and PSP added to accommodate the compilation.

thread: The Site
United StatesErictheRedMage6 years ago

Current mod for Altered Beast has been offline for 2 months with no identifiable contact information, I'd be happy to keep an eye on it while they're away.

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
About ErictheRedMage
6 years ago
1 year ago
Games run
Altered Beast
Altered Beast
Last run 6 years ago
Super Mario World
Super Mario World
Last run 6 years ago
Games followed
Altered Beast
Altered Beast
Last visit 1 year ago
Games moderated
Altered Beast
Altered Beast
Last action 3 years ago