FranceDoomit5 years ago

You can as long as the video is good enough :)

FranceDoomit5 years ago

Troll lol

FranceDoomit5 years ago

Hi, why is not there any coop category here?

Omar likes this
FranceDoomit5 years ago

It is actually possible to make many yoshis in most levels

FranceDoomit5 years ago

In category all yoshis, we might notice there is a way to get more Yoshis in donut secret area, by using a glitch that makes spon 7 or 8 yoshis. Should this matter ?

FranceDoomit5 years ago

I have a snes classic and a jap snes but I do not know how to capture my runs. So far I have been capturing directly on my computer, playing on emulator, but this is very painfull.

Can someone help please?

FranceDoomit5 years ago

Just thought this can be funny - I did it yesterday. Kill big boos in:

-Donut secret (2 of them) -Vanilla (2 of them) -Forest (2 of them)

Time ends when you kill the last big boo.

Rickyye and dlloyd10 like this
FranceDoomit5 years ago

The game crashes if Mario gets hurt. I never managed to take the cloud on the emu version - it lags a lot on my computer ; kinda nightmare -, but did it on the snes. Harder than the orb because you need be faster.

FranceDoomit5 years ago

Thank you very much :)))

FranceDoomit5 years ago

Do not worry, just play normally on a good and allowed snes9x version - like yours - and this will be fine :)

FranceDoomit5 years ago

I have a problem with door 2 at Bowser Castle. I used to fly thru this room very easily. But since a few days, I do not know why, often when I fly in this room Mario gets stuck on the wire rack. This is very frustating and I don't know what I do wrong. Some help please!

Ben likes this
FranceDoomit5 years ago

Depends probably on the platform you play. The emulated version or snes mini, for example, do not often crash. Good luck !

FranceDoomit6 years ago

Making orbs is quite easy anyway. Just needs a little practice ;)

FranceDoomit6 years ago

Hi, I have patched some SMW roms, and even added headers, but there is no way I can play this hack (downloaded on the Kaizo website). The patch seems to work correctly, but I keep having a black screen when I open it on Snes9x.

Can somebody help me here?

FranceDoomit6 years ago

Thx Rich

FranceDoomit6 years ago

I can make orbs everywhere, that is great! Will try to get a cloud now :) looks harder...

FranceDoomit6 years ago

Got it!

About Doomit
6 years ago
15 days ago
Games run
Super Mario World
Super Mario World
Last run 6 years ago
Super Mario World Extra Categories
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Last run 5 years ago
Games followed
Super Mario World
Super Mario World
Last visit 1 year ago
Mario Kart 64
Mario Kart 64
Last visit 5 years ago
Mario Party
Mario Party
Last visit 5 years ago
Shovel Knight
Shovel Knight
Last visit 5 years ago
Goldeneye 007 (PC)
Goldeneye 007 (PC)
Last visit 5 years ago
Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey
Last visit 3 years ago
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Last visit 4 years ago
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Last visit 3 years ago