I cant tell You how this is done ether. But it hase something to do with the rolling. I found the same glitch in Black Monday where it teleports you to the floor on top when You roll against a specific wall in a specific spot in the first mission.
When the misson starts you first restart the level. After that you go straight to the two police-vans by the exit and get into the left one. Note you want to do this as fast as possible and also make shure that you dont lock at the Skobel-Van or the mission fails. Now jou just have to follow the route below. Note: dont lock back to the Scobel-Van for the entire drive or the mission might fail.
This Skip is easy to make.
As soon as the mission starts you need to drive along the right wall until levi has reached the bus line. if he goes there really slowly you can overtake him. you need to get as close to the wall as possible, so he can't see you. If he is speeding, just wait behind him until he turns left or right. Then you drive straight to your destination as shown on the Map ore in the video below.