SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

Might aswell add a 100% category then. All Files, All unique weapons, ammo, ALL nemesis kills (including the train fight cause the "all drops" is bullshit since you dont even pick up all drops).

Any% + Picking up more stuff is just a waste of time really.

Phatzo and allancg like this
SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

Wanna continue this conversation outside of SRC?

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

I already gave you your last chance but seeing you say China Nr 1 cracked me up. Fine.

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

Enable global hotkeys which can be found in settings when you right click livesplit.

Do you run any of the programs in admin mode? If so then do the same for the other program.

WitchRain likes this
SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

I'm not even gonna answer that cause its been explained before in the old thread multible times.

I wont waste anymore time on this.

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

Well there isn't much more to discuss is there? I came up with a suggestion for the thing you and a few have been complaining about since the separation while the vast majority thought this was the best change ever and you don't like it.

So what is your solution then? Merge the categories again and exclude Japan? Or submitting 1 run for 2 pbs which isn't ridiculous?

If you can't suggest anything better than that then there is nothing more to discuss.

Thinking about it, region subcat would work which would mean #BringBackPAL.

EDIT: Dont get me wrong Orch, I dont really like the seperation either because of there is 2 PC tabs but it was the best solution at the time and it can be improved one way or another,

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

Well at least I tried. Moving only PC JP is as ridiculous as when you suggested that the runners could submit their JP runs to both the PC tabs so you wouldn't lose competition.

Guess we have to agree to disagree once more. The board will continue as it is for the time being.

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

There are far more non-twn runs on the board, pc and console. Would take too much time to move all of em also TWN was added last and is already separated and ready to be moved by an admin.

So TWN would have to be the one to go.

Seriously thou, would you like to have TWN if people were ok with it?

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

@StevenMayte since there is no way the PC tabs will ever be merged again I would actually accept that proposition.

TWN as it's own game and make Orch the only super mod for it with full power to do whatever he wants with it.

I would be fine with this.

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

We could have PC (TWN) and PC (JPN). That would mean that other regions would not be allowed and we would have to remove 3 runs from the current PC board.

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

IGT pauses between camera angles. RTA is completely useless to measure with when it comes to RE2 (especially for GCN) so comparing side by side won't work. You have to compare the quality of the runs on a room by room basis.

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

Changed the title to (TWN) since the Chinese term is indeed incorrect. Sadly we cannot change the flag to Taiwan because Speedrun,com only have a few flags to choose from which is USA, EU, Japan, Korea, China and BAR? no idea what the last one is.

Most of the Platform flags are based on the TV standard PAL, NTSC, NTSC-J etc.

Kaine likes this
SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

Any game that's on SRC should have atleast a category meant for the original release of the game i.e how it was supposed to be played. Replacing/Merging categories that allows multible 3rd party programs will eventually be catastrofic.

CarcinogenSDA likes this
SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

@LoanSharkJoe it's just a matter of getting used to it. Slot 7 and 8 is impossible on controller, unless you wanna use both d-pad and analog at the same time. Then we have the more difficult inventories where you need to do multible things like combining and inserting the stones or equiping combining and using the key at train on Claire A which would be much easier to do on keyboard than controller.

SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

@GrowthKasei The "7th slot: Down + Right + Right" works but if you want it to be instant like the others you wrote then its: 7th slot: Right + Down + Left

GrowthKasei likes this
SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

works like the timer in RE2, as far as i remember.

thread: A Bug's Life
SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

Gonna try to setup a virtual machine cause im running out of options at this point xD

thread: A Bug's Life
SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

@Jumpyluff Everytime a FMV is played my monitors goes apeshit, switching to 1080p and then back to the games resolution. Your runs doesnt seem to have this issue. Did you find a fix for it or did it never happen for you?

thread: A Bug's Life
SwedenDarazanjoll6 years ago

I can get it to work in fullscreen (takes forever to load up). Is it possible to run it in window mode? like with dxwnd or something?

About Darazanjoll
10 years ago
1 year ago
Games run
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2
Last run 6 years ago
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Last run 6 years ago
Resident Evil 2 Category Extensions
Resident Evil
Resident Evil
Last run 7 years ago
Ms. Pac-Man: Maze Madness
Ms. Pac-Man: Maze Madness
Last run 7 years ago
Umbrella Corps
Umbrella Corps
Last run 8 years ago
Games followed
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2
Last visit 1 year ago
Resident Evil 2 Category Extensions
Super Mario 64
Super Mario 64
Last visit 2 years ago
Super Mario Bros. 3
Super Mario Bros. 3
Last visit 2 years ago
Super Mario World
Super Mario World
Last visit 2 years ago