United KingdomCodyLoadee305 years ago

I need help getting my run on the leader boards on resident evil 2 (2019) I'm on ps4 and I have got the stream on my channel showing my run fully and I submitted it and it got rejected because it was unavailable for the moderator to watch although when I search up my channel logged out its available to watch and I don't know if the link didn't work or whatever I made sure it copied correctly then I click paste on the video link section I need help to get my run to be submitted and reviewed so I can get on the leaderboard which I want to be I need someone to explain how to get the run to be reviwed correctly although the first ever time I submitted a run it seemed like it worked.because it got rejected because it didn't show the title screen but now my new runs aren't available like I dont know what's up with this it said I apparently removed the video even though it's still up on my channel

About CodyLoadee30
5 years ago
5 years ago
Games run
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2 (2019)
Last run 5 years ago
Games followed
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2 (2019)
Last visit 5 years ago