South Australia, AustraliaCliffs7 years ago

Props to Metzix for showing us the video with the camera lock weirdness which was the driving force for finding this, and Infomastr for finding out that you can get a prompt on the first hack, then me for finding the second ;)

Vitja, dcruze and 4 others like this
South Australia, AustraliaCliffs8 years ago

If you can dodge the first hugger while heading towards the Beta Core, you can use it boost yourself through the crawlspace before the generator. Saves roughly 7 seconds, but that number might need more testing.

sevay, Infomastr, and dcruze like this
South Australia, AustraliaCliffs8 years ago

You can also do this with the shotgun, bolt gun, and flamethrower. There seems to be a certain interval where if you hit the Alien during his drop from the vent animation with any weapon atleast once, he'll be scared off into the vents. As long as the drop isn't scripted (M18, M14), it should work from most vents, but timing may vary.

sevay and Infomastr like this
South Australia, AustraliaCliffs8 years ago

A highlight showing off jack cancelling using peeking while also showing off that you can actually kill the Joe without anything but the jack. It took 13 hits to kill the Joe, while moving behind the Joe every 2 or 3 hits.

sevay, Infomastr, and dcruze like this
South Australia, AustraliaCliffs8 years ago

So this is a pretty awesome trick. Not only does it increase the range of the stun baton dramatically, but also makes it instantaneous and it can go through solid walls. I also think the extended range of it is probably equal or near to that of the flamethrower, maybe more, I'm not 100% sure though. I found it while trying out the stuff Info was talking about to do with cancelling attack animations using peek on Joes, etc. to get faster attack speeds.

Doing it is pretty simple, you just need to find the right speed at doing it. Simply hold right mouse button to bring it up, then left click to attack, instantly let go of left and right mouse buttons, then hold the peek key, then press right mouse button again. Hopefully that's an okay explanation. Also be careful when doing it near say a wall or something, because otherwise if you fail, you'll end up using a charge on the wall.

But yeah, this allows you to kill the security guy behind the shutters at the start of M11, making it safe and fast while saving flamethrower fuel.

Also as a side note, you can also quickly cancel the shotgun cocking animation using the same method. This allows you to get a bunch of shotgun shots off really quickly.

I made a highlight as well of me doing it at M11, shown here:

Another potential use would be say after the server hub in M10, if you get bad RNG and one of the pistol guys is in the way to the Labs elevator, you can stun baton him quickly without wasting fuel.

Hopefully we can find more places this is useful, even though we're given so little charges on actual runs.

imemoria, Curb and 5 others like this
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Alien: Isolation
Alien: Isolation
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The Solus Project
The Solus Project
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Dead Space 2
Dead Space 2
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Alien: Isolation
Alien: Isolation
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The Solus Project
The Solus Project
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Dead Space 2
Dead Space 2
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