United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

No, it does not. Frogless is only used in Minimum Captures. It's significantly more difficult, and you actually lose time.

Cursed1701 likes this
United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

Could be really cool. I was thinking the same thing.

MEGA_mky_GamerYT likes this
United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

I'd say it would definitely have to be a Post game category, but I think it would only be interesting if you could do it warpless, which would make it really hard.

3ommy25 likes this
United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

I see. I guess something interesting you could do was add a category called something along the lines of "X amount of stars, no demons." Which would force you to utilize different routing.

United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

What kind of stuff would you put in the category extensions?

United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

Yeah that makes sense, although if you completed xStep, Clutterfunk, ToE, CLubstep, Electrodynamix, Hexagon Force, ToE2, Deadlocked, and then Fingerdash, I think it would save time against just Online demons.

United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

Thanks. :)

United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

Emulators are banned due to inconsistency and inaccuracy

GoodGoomba, Incorrect, and Pear like this
United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

You don't have to do frame perfect stuff for SMO. Also SM64 16 star rus are a lot shorter, so you can do those pretty quick, they just take a lot of practice.

Incorrect and GoodGoomba like this
United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

You'll probably want to repost this in the category extensions forum.

Pear and SpeedIn like this
thread: Cuphead
United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

Yeah, you can, but only if you don't use any major glitches.

mgeldmacher likes this
United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

See you later. Enjoy your next adventure :)

GoodGoomba likes this
United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

So I've been running something I like to call "battleruns". you can do it solo, or co-op. It's where you speedrun to a set amount of points in battles. SO i've been doing it to 20 points co-op in balloon battle, but you could do it in anything. You could also do as few as 1 and as many as 4 people. For me it's really fun. Let me know what you think!

AntBlueR likes this
United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

Yeah, I forgot there were CEs for this game. I'll repost it there.

United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

So I've been running something I like to call "battleruns". you can do it solo, or co-op. It's where you speedrun to a set amount of points in battles. SO i've been doing it to 20 points co-op in balloon battle, but you could do it in anything. You could also do as few as 1 and as many as 4 people. For me it's really fun. Let me know what you think!

United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

A category idea I had was 100 stars. The interesting thing about this is there are so many ways to do it. Plus you could have categories like 200, 300, 500 etc. The one problem I see with this category is that it may become 10 demons or 20 demons. Anyway that's my idea.

United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

I would say yes, it would be allowed, and using OBS to crop would be fine. Honestly you don't even have to crop it, as long as you post timestamps for the runs, but if you crop it, it makes it a lot easier for mods.

Jaaay likes this
United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

What is VVVVVV?

tuff_lover likes this
United StatesCanonball_Run2 years ago

It would change the routing a bit, as well as raising the time for the run, but that's about it. Still, as a sub-category it may be run.

United StatesCanonball_Run3 years ago

Also, I got my inspiration for this from SMO tasks. :)

About Canonball_Run
4 years ago
1 month ago
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Mario Kart 8
Mario Kart 8
Last run 1 year ago
New Super Mario Bros.
New Super Mario Bros.
Last run 3 years ago
Games followed
Mario Kart 8
Mario Kart 8
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Super Mario Odyssey
Super Mario Odyssey
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Super Mario Odyssey Category Extensions
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Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
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New Super Mario Bros.
New Super Mario Bros.
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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
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