Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman6 months ago

I think it should be encouraged to make healthy breaks during very long runs.

I know there are already rules for games like Forgotten Lands so it shouldn't be too different.

Also for the very long Main Series RTA i think a longer sleep-break should be okay.

thread: Firestriker
Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman1 year ago

That is indeed very interessting.

I messed around with it a bit.

It seems you have to die on one of the refights after that get the heart container.

Sadly compared to a good Spel refight it loses around 10 seconds and you have less Hearts for the final boss.

It might still be a good backup in case you accidently enter the Wrong refight room.

Moo_Moony likes this
Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman2 years ago

The Community ist still waiting for you to return the grind

Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman2 years ago

Most influential Speedrun of 2019

Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman2 years ago

Speedrun Hall of Fame

thread: Realm
Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman4 years ago

The Difficulties aren't really that different.

All it does is it changes how often you get shields from crystals.

On Easy every 4th drop is a shield. On Normal every 8th On Hard every 16th.

Also on Easy you start with 4 Shields

Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman5 years ago

Game Break Days: English/Englisch

The Game Break Days Cologne are a german onsite charity gaming marathon which raises money for children who suffer from cancer (

The following information are in german. If you want to know more about the marathon but can't understand german, feel free to contact one of the moderators!

Game Break Days: German/Deutsch

Bei den Game Break Days handelt es sich um ein onsite Streaming-Event welches bereits auf mehrere erfolgreiche Jahre zurückblicken kann. Gestartet als kleines Heimprojekt, wuchs die Anzahl der Interessierten immer weiter und somit auch dessen Umfang.

Connect Köln

Auch in diesem Jahr, finden die Game Break Days statt. In Köln werden die "Zelte aufgeschlagen" um vom 22.11 bis 27.11 ein unvergleichliches Streamerlebnis zu bieten. Das Event findet in einer besonderen Kooperation mit Connect Köln statt, welche die notwendigen Räumlichkeiten, sowie Technik und Schlafplätze zur Verfügung stellen.

Bei Connect Köln handelt es sich um einen Event Veranstalter, der besonders aufgrund seiner Erfahrungen in dem Event Bereich rund um Streaming für uns in Frage kam.

Die Finanzierung des Events läuft über die Eintritts- und Übernachtungspreise auf dem Event.

Für den guten Zweck

Die Game Break Days Köln werden als 24/7 Charity Marathon veranstaltet und kommt der Stiftung "Deutsche KinderKrebshilfe" zu gute. Diese wurde 1996 von der "Deutschen Krebshilfe" ins Leben gerufen um sich besonders um die Nöte von Kindern zu kümmern, die an Krebs erkrankt sind.

Tickets & Submissions

Die Submission-Phase für das Event läuft bis zum 15.09.2019, ab diesem Zeitpunkt können dann auch Tickets für die Game Break Days Köln gekauft werden!

Mach mit

Das Event ist von Streamern für Streamer geplant. Wir möchten der kompletten Community die Möglichkeit geben, sich aktiv an dem Event zu beteiligen. Wenn du mit einem Stream bei den Game Break Days in Köln teilnehmen möchtest, kannst du gerne deine Submission bei uns einreichen: https:/​/​gamebreakdays.​de/​index.​php?id=submission

Einzige Voraussetzung ist die Anwesenheit auf dem Event in Köln. Infos zu den Tickets gibt es hier: https:/​/​gamebreakdays.​de/​index.​php?id=tickets

Für alles andere, schau dich einfach auf der Website der Game Break Days um: https:/​/​gamebreakdays.​de/​

thread: The Site
Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman5 years ago

Name: Game Break Days Venue: Onsite Dates: 22nd - 29th November Length: 7 Days Hompage: Twitch: Moderators: @LittleZero , @serdrad0x, @Broedgeman

We'll be raising funds for "Deutsche KinderKrebshilfe"

Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman5 years ago

After playing through the Evo 2 Original Release (OR) and the Legendary Edition (LE) I've noticed a few differences.

This list goes over everything I noticed in the Legendary Edition: There is a very limited options-menu, You can't choose a language or have any sound adjustments.

You can set the difficulty prior to the run which saves a couple of seconds.

All 3D-Sections have noticable longer loading times. 3D-Sections don't have huge lag-spikes anymore. This kinda makes up for the loading times but over-all I think LE loses time over OR in the 3D-Areas.

In Windy Valley (Future) in the Canyon. Right before the Star there is one blinking-block which is blinking way faster.

There is a glitch after the Reno fight. If you mash after the cutscene it replays the Reno Cutscene. (In the OR the glitch also exists but only re-triggers the door-opening-cutscene)

2 Encounters in the Lights-off-Room in the Lab simply don't exist The final normal encounter used to be 2 Battles back-to-back it's only 1 battle in LE.

Bejeweled Battles seem way easier since enemies don't necessarily notice 4-block-solvings.

On the Guardian-Scroller. If you get a Level-up you automatically dismount when clicking away the message.

TL;DR The Legendary Version saves a lot of time in the Lab due to missing encounters.

Soma_sr likes this
Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman6 years ago

oh yea... here's a pic of them I didn't really mess with it but you can grapple past them from the bottom, idk if from the top works too.

thread: Firestriker
Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman6 years ago

Figured I write it down here so the knowledge doesn't get lost :)

For the glitch to work you need to have one character unlocked - doesn't matter which one.

If you're in the character-select screen after that you have exactly 1 frame where the game let's you select everyone even the characters you haven't unlocked yet.

So you can do a left or right input on that very frame. (It's the frame where the Dot after the "A" appears.

Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman6 years ago

I found out that you can exit most missions early. When the "Mission Complete" Text Shows up you can go to the Menu and hit "Return to map. With that you don't get the ending screen and you skip the Campsite. It's similar to what we do at the Password Computers. Just wanted to share since I don't know if it is known.

Another minor thing is that, with Meg, you can Grapple past these Stone walls from underneath (But I didn't fully test it yet)

Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman6 years ago

I agree that there could be a better name for this but NG+ has to be something strictly given by the game. if you have other suggestions go ahead :) (we have a Discord if you wanna discuss)

Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman6 years ago

I'd like to talk about categories for this game. In my opinion there should be this categories: Any% - Beat Cronus True Ending - Beat the True Final Boss (don't wanna spoil anyone lol) 100% - All Stone Tablets in each world, all Blueprints

(In case someone wanna do that) True 100% -Beat New Game and NG+, on NG+: All Stone Tablets in each world, all Blueprints, All Trophies, All Chars Max Level, All Items Max Mastered, True Ending

All Categories with, 2P, 3P, 4P Variable All Categories also with NG+ Variable

thread: The Site
Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman7 years ago

@RogueLink I also tried contacting Sparsie waay ago (january) and also very recently, No response.

So please add RogueLink as a Supermod for the Gargoyle's Quest series.

thread: The Site
Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman7 years ago

I would like to become series mod of the Gargoyles Quest series - The current mod doesn't respond anymore

Thanks in advance!!

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
thread: The Site
Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman9 years ago

Demon's Crest should be part of the Gargoyles Quest Series as it is the sequal to Gargoyles quest 2

thread: The Site
Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman9 years ago

There was a problems with the Kirby LB quite a while ago and we just noticed there's still no SuperMod for Star Stacker

Could you just make it that series mods have power there?

Thanks in advance. (I don't if to post this here or in the series thread)

YUMmy_Bacon5 likes this
thread: Kirby
Lower Saxony, GermanyBroedgeman9 years ago

Yo, I'm Broedgeman Currently I'm getting back into Kirby & the Amazing Mirror 100% because it's an amazing speedgame and I don't know why no one runs that.

I did a lot of runs for a bunch of Kirby games, some more Casual some less. Also it's my goal to be at least decent in most of the Kirby games but we'll see how that's gonna turn out.

I got into speedrunning by looking at the old SDA run of Demon's Crest and thought I could do it better, and well I did. It wasn't too hard because the seriousness of Speedrunning just evolved soo much since 2007

Kirby is cute!

About Broedgeman
9 years ago
7 days ago
Games run
The Messenger
The Messenger
Last run 5 years ago
Demon's Crest
Demon's Crest
Last run 6 years ago
Last run 1 year ago
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Last run 9 years ago
The Great Battle V
The Great Battle V
Last run 4 years ago
Last run 4 years ago
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Kirby Super Star Ultra
Last run 9 years ago
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Games moderated
Demon's Crest
Demon's Crest
Last action 3 months ago
Last action 1 month ago
Kirby Air Ride
Kirby Air Ride
Last action 6 years ago
Kirby's Dream Land 2
Kirby's Dream Land 2
Last action 7 years ago
TAD: That Alien Dude
TAD: That Alien Dude
Last action 9 months ago
Last action 4 years ago
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Kirby & The Amazing Mirror
Last action 3 years ago