Seattle, WA, USABlessedBe2 years ago

I need to start doing this. Whoops. I'm a Fusion 3.64 user. I feel like Big Earl when he gets caught with his pants down.

Seattle, WA, USABlessedBe4 years ago

Thought id comment. I loved this game for said nostalgia reasons, clicked the follow button a while ago. I had issue last time i tried running DOSBox with this game, i didn't look too much into it. But i am very much itching to start playing another game to run. I am also like PTO in which i do not want to run speed mods. I don't deny its a feature that's there now. It just wasn't a thing for me when i was a child playing it on actual MS-DOS. I just don't think i would enjoy the game the same with the speed mod. I'm only speaking up since its been a hot minute since i logged into here and saw the notification. Thought i'd speak up to say i'd enjoy running this game, from start to end. Or just IL runs also. I just need to take some time to actually get a stable running LodeRunner.

thread: Raft
Seattle, WA, USABlessedBe4 years ago


  1. I'm 99% confident that engine max out at a certain speed. As in, regardless if you have 2 or 20, You can only cap at a certain speed for Engines. The idea of having more than 1 engine is if somehow your foundation/raft is too big. Some rafts require multiple engines because 1 isn't strong enough.
  2. Engine + Paddle = More Speed. This i can confirm 100%. I haven't tested if having the sail open/sail open opposite direction/sail closed makes a difference to speed of raft while using Engine. When i've done my speedruns, i leave the sail open facing the direction i'm trying to go to.
  3. 2 sails =/= more speed. Sails cap at 1. You could place many, but you won't get extra movement speed from them.


Sail Speed = Max at 1 sail Engine Speed = Max at 1 Engine (with diminishing returns based on how big of boat you have. 2+ required for large rafts) Paddle Speed = Max at 1 paddle (with the ability to "Weave" paddle strokes if you are playing Co-op. If timed properly, as you are finishing your stroke, your teammate in Co-op runs can start their stroke, and you weave each paddle in between the small downtime between each Paddle stroke)


Paddle is the fastest movement speed item. Engine is 2nd fastest movement speed item. Sail is least fastest movement speed item.

The_Real_Jar likes this
thread: Raft
Seattle, WA, USABlessedBe4 years ago

I really enjoy doing speed races, and i really enjoy the idea of doing fun categories and seeing how fast we can do them.

I'd like to update this post with suggestions people have, and if any of them stick, maybe we can see how it goes. I'm just a sucker for these kind of things.

--Misc Suggestions--

    • Race to Kill Bruce : Timer starts once you spawn into map. Timer ends once Bruce is dead. (Should only race one category, like Normal)
    • Race to Main Menu Raft : I really admire the main menu's raft. So much so that i'd like to race other people to building it. (Debate should be held on what the "Unseen side" of the raft looks like) Timer starts once you spawn into map. Timer ends once you sit down in your chair with replica raft from main menu (With grown plants, and Bottle with Note) (Should only race one category, like Easy/Normal)
    • Your Suggestion : ??????
thread: Raft
Seattle, WA, USABlessedBe4 years ago

The cleaned up leader board is great. So many thanks for Duper for cleaning up the leader board and dealing with all of us nagging about the leader board. I agree that there is no real need to put "Any%" or "%" or "100%". The only way this would be needed is if we decide that collecting notes for the journal is part of the run. Since no one collects notes for anything now, and it seems there's little interest in running Utopia, it almost defeats the point in itself to have a % listed in the description. In fact, there's nothing different from a "Utopia Route Any%" and a "Utopia Route 100%"... That only matters when going to the Cruise Ship & Balboa Island. The reason the "Radio Tower"/Utopia category exists is because its the old route and people enjoyed playing that run. I just hate to see it as the primary focus route to run when it doesn't cover the entire game anymore. And lastly, Dying to Bruce is always a 200 IQ play :)

ggWasNp likes this
thread: Raft
Seattle, WA, USABlessedBe4 years ago

I second the need for Clarity on how you want to structure the categories.

I enjoy the idea of Co-op speed runs for this game. Could we have the categories:

  • Radar Tower/Utopia - Solo: Easy/Normal/Hard Co-op: Easy/Normal/Hard

  • Balboa Island - Solo: Easy/Normal/Hard Co-op: Easy/Normal/Hard

Furthermore to add to TDLemons discussion above me... I am quite against the idea that dying to the Shark on Normal counts as Disqualification from the speed run. The mechanic is that you Respawn and lose your inventory. Why are we making rules that counteract the purpose of what the game is designed as???
I'm aware you were trying to condense categories but Hard mode is for that game mechanic with the Shark.
ggWasNp likes this
About BlessedBe
6 years ago
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ToeJam & Earl
ToeJam & Earl
Last run 2 years ago
Last run 2 years ago
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Last visit 1 year ago
Lode Runner: The Legend Returns
Lode Runner: The Legend Returns
Last visit 4 years ago
ToeJam & Earl
ToeJam & Earl
Last visit 1 year ago