United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Okay, thanks, those two attacks seem a lot like mirror’s from Planet Robobot, so for me it seems like the air attack is not a neutral dash air attack, but a down air attack or a dash-down air attack. So, since there is no mobility based air attack shown yet, and Shuttle loop was an attack in one of his boss fights, it seems reasonable that he might still get Shuttle Loop, possibly an edited one though, which could be good or bad.

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Do you think you could send me a link to the DMK info you mentioned, please? I can’t find anything on it. And also I think that even if he has Shuttle Loop it may not matter much because he may not be able to recieve elements, making the Shuttle Loop useless.

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Ah okay

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Hey Demolition14, I was wondering, why is it that you think Dark Meta Knight might change the route? He likely won’t recieve abilities, likely won’t be able to move as fast as Fire Shuttle Loop, and will definitely not get a higher max DPS than Poppy Bros Jr. The only other way I can think it might change a route is if it’s Guest Stars level layout is quicker but it’s equally as possible that Daroach or Adeline will be faster. Is there something I’m missing?

thread: Spike City
United StatesB31JS6 years ago


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United StatesB31JS6 years ago

I’m a random person on the Internet, for all you know I could be 10, I just though it was funny.

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Ok, well for the final level I recommend keeping Ice because it lets you climb much faster, and you can either keep it for the battle or grab fire quickly in the boss fight, idk which is faster but keeping Ice for the climb is definitely best.

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

The post does not necessarily beg a reply, I liked it to show that I think it’s good but I don’t really have too much to say about it otherwise.

FahadAmin likes this
United StatesB31JS6 years ago

I would instead recommend running Ultimate Choice Sizzling Threat, then Soul Melter to improve your skills at the game. I’d recommend using Bluster Meta Knight at first, and once you get a sub 3:00 time, you should be ready to try the Poppy Bros Jr. Strat (there are obsoleted runs just above 2:00 with video, guides in he guides section, and a pinned post on how to do it). Good Luck!

DigiTLC likes this
thread: Speedrunning
United StatesB31JS6 years ago

These two games are good for your requirements, except that they are much shorter, but they are still fun anyway (and free).

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Interesting, so I guess it replaces speed boosts and acts as a movement speed boost and damage boost for all movement and attacks.

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Interesting, but it certainly is valuable for the stage with all the water (or multiple stages I don’t remember). How do you know though that speed doesn’t boost Shuttle Loop, I mean, Invincible Candy also boosts your speed but it still boosts your Shuttle Loop. As for health I usually grab it if I see it because it is usually useful for me to get a free heal.

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Yeah, and I definitely find that Ice is best for the climb, but you can easily get fire in the boss battle so I wonder if it is worth grabbing.

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Btw you can submit a run for the boss battle run out of each of the two runs you sent, just find out how long the boss battle was (according to the rules).

United StatesB31JS6 years ago

No definitely not that quick, the WR is 2:19 and while it can be improved greatly there is no way that it is missing over 30 seconds. My guess would be 1:55-2:08 seconds.

zaizoa likes this
United StatesB31JS6 years ago

This depends a lot also on how far in the section you are, if you’re in the beginning to middle, it’s definitely worth getting speed if it takes just a few seconds, for power, it’s worth a few seconds if you’re in the beginning and there is a lot of bosses (best example I can think of is in section 3(?), where you can grab a Waddle Doo to electrify a plug to give you a power booster, takes a few seconds but imo it’s worth it)

thread: Spike City
United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Yeah forgot about that, and wow that does look real

thread: Spike City
United StatesB31JS6 years ago

Oh okay

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