After practice, this does work. Question is now how to make a good setup and consistent movement because it appears difficult to do without taking a lot of damage.
Not gonna lie you have my attention. I'll look into it tonight and see what I can do. I'm assuming you pushed him into the water near the Jefferson Memorial building/Lincoln Memorial building?
First off welcome to The World is Not Enough speedrunning! Due to the nature of your account, source for video uploading and you having no history with the community or in general, we have decided to hold your runs from verification (we are neither verifying nor rejecting the runs). We wish to invite you to our discord server ( There the moderators will discuss how to adequately prove your runs are legitimate. Until such time that these runs are proven legitimate we will not post them on the rankings.
Went ahead and put this together so we can at least get together easily to optimize this game.
Here's the link here:
I'm definitely happy to see some life brought into this game. I'm just now getting back into it and will do some route testing onstream over the coming few months. One thing I will post here just in case to make it public is the DNA requirements to progress to each level.
After Destination Earth 250 After Citizen Crypto 500 After Suburb of the Damned 1000 After It's a Wonderful Armageddon 1500 After Furon Down 2000
Hi and welcome! Just a heads up if you want to be very active in the this game most of the runners actually hang out on The Elite (the site is mainly used for GoldenEye and Perfect Dark speedruns). On the forums we have a thread devoted solely to TWINE strats and PRs (seen here: Feel free to make an account and chat there as you might see more activity over there!