United StatesAshKaperdon3 years ago

OK, Jenny, I'll look into it. And I'm going to out myself as a moron, but I picked 3000 because I believed that it would level the playing field for people with slower computers. But if you think a higher clock speed is what will more balance it out, I'll see to it that it will change. I'd make all the old runs into some kind of legacy category and new runs would be at the higher speed.

United StatesAshKaperdon3 years ago

Technically yes... but for consistency purposes there is no difference. I figure that it would be easier for people to speedrun on DosBox anyway because most speedgame communities already allow it, alongside the fact that I don't expect people to go out and by anniversary collections of the Civ games just to speedrun Civ I, especially seeing as that would be a 50-200 dollar money sink for a game from the early 90's. Unless Civ I gets released on GOG or Steam in the near future, consider that the main method of playing Civ. And even then, it'd just be a glorified shell of DosBox as an executable anyway.

United StatesAshKaperdon5 years ago

Short answer: I/anyone hasn't done it yet. Longer answer: I was supposed to do one a few months ago with Test of Time, but school got in the way. That and normal Civ II is hard to come by, and even harder to get running from what I can tell (even Test of Time has it's issues). I can't vouch for the box sets of the whole series, and how Civ II runs on them, but at the end of the day, anybody who can get it running can do a run. So if you have it, can record gameplay footage, and do a run of one of the victory conditions, I'd suggest you request it as a game under the Civ series.

YogiBearback likes this
United StatesAshKaperdon7 years ago

OK, I've edited the space race victory category to be more specific. It's now the stranded click start, and ends at the beginning of the music. If anyone has an objection, this is the thread to discuss it.

Eino, that's fine, this is timed by whole seconds, and unless we get to the point were milliseconds matter, I see no need. (Not that this is the place, but conquest is getting to that point.)

United StatesAshKaperdon7 years ago

Eino has become the first person to beat Civ I as a space race victory in a speedrun-eqse time, with a sub 30 time. I re-timed it based on when the end cinematic music began. So, let's discuss if that is fair, as that is a two second loss.

My description on the "when the cinematic begins" is a bit vague, I'll be sure to change it based on this discussion.

United StatesAshKaperdon8 years ago

Your'e going to need Robotics for the spaceship, which in turn will obsolete cannon, and give you artillery. I'd also research Conscription, which will obsolete both legion and musketeer, even though it's not necessary. And the "drain on the economy" doesn't really apply to markets, banks; and the science buildings are probably necessary. Otherwise, you should be fine, I'm out of ideas at that point.

United StatesAshKaperdon8 years ago

I don't know what to say, I've never seen that. Then again, when I played casually, I build nearly every building. So what techs did you have at that point, by any chance. I'd like to see how you got legions and air units in the build menu at the same time.

United StatesAshKaperdon8 years ago

Real quick, is there a reason that Advanced start is only for Conquest? Because, if there is than I feel stupid for making a thread about adv. start space race. In which case, I'll close it.

United StatesAshKaperdon8 years ago

Is there a limit on the number of points of advanced start? Because if there isn't I can easily see sub 40 of Space Race any AI/map size, ANCIENT ERA start.

I mean, what is there to stop me from giving myself enough techs to get all the space parts and Apollo program in 3000 BC? It'll be a chore to learn the golden number, and I fear what the AI would do with insane level points... but I can, probably tomorrow.

And I'm making this another thread because... maybe brainstorming on the perfect number. Or safety strategy numbers... and to not clog up the rules thread.

United StatesAshKaperdon8 years ago

Maybe... Still there is, I find, at least, the humor value in 0 AI on the developers part (notice in Civ V that is sorely lacking)...and it did give me insight into how turns work, and the crux of Conquest 1 AI/ Duel. I do think, however, It bring up the point that whomever has the fastest processor out of us wins it, alongside a click-fest.

So, I'm down.

United StatesAshKaperdon8 years ago

Thank you all, I'll be sure to message him with any other question about Civ IV!

United StatesAshKaperdon8 years ago

Hello, I'm Asher von Kaperdon; not famous Let's Player and newbie speedrunner. I was intrigued by AGDQ and other charity fundraisers, and wanted to give it a go myself. I watched TripleCodeBuger's run of Any Era Civ IV, and seeing as I have let's played that before, both regular and modded, I decided to try "One AI Ancient Era Conquest" and try and figure out an "Ancient Era Multiple AI Space" (at least in the form of bettering myself as a Civ Player and shaving what would normally take me 10 hours on Epic down to something reasonable, like 5 hours).

With That said, one question I need to be answered, do game speeds (quick, normal, epic, mar.) matter, or can I do it on whatever speed I want? Because that could change everything with my strategy on the one AI run.

About AshKaperdon
8 years ago
1 year ago
Games run
Sid Meier's Civilization IV
Sid Meier's Civilization IV
Last run 8 years ago
Sid Meier's Civilization
Sid Meier's Civilization
Last run 7 years ago
Sid Meier's Civilization III
Sid Meier's Civilization III
Last run 7 years ago
Games followed
Sid Meier's Civilization
Sid Meier's Civilization
Last visit 1 year ago
Sid Meier's Civilization III
Sid Meier's Civilization III
Last visit 1 year ago
Sid Meier's Civilization IV
Sid Meier's Civilization IV
Last visit 2 years ago
Rune Factory 3
Rune Factory 3
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Gensou Skydrift
Gensou Skydrift
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Sid Meier's Civilization II
Sid Meier's Civilization II
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Rune Factory 4
Rune Factory 4
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Games moderated
Sid Meier's Civilization
Sid Meier's Civilization
Last action 1 year ago
Sid Meier's Civilization IV
Sid Meier's Civilization IV
Last action 6 years ago