FranceAilf1 month ago

Nice run !! You did not have luck with the puzzle lever, this issue is not happening in a previous version of the game, it would make you win some seconds !

Leifa likes this
FranceAilf4 months ago

Sorry for taking so long to verify it, keep the good work !!

n1ght_solos and Fleaket like this
FranceAilf6 months ago

On vous attend !!

Gingembred likes this
FranceAilf6 months ago

Nice run, but the run officially starts at the first interaction with the game and not when you start moving. So if you spam click it starts way earlyer.

FranceAilf6 months ago

Dommage pour les marionnettes, mais ça laisse une belle marge de progression possible !!

Gingembred likes this
FranceAilf6 months ago

Nice runn keep the good work !!

PS: désolé du temps qu'on a pris a vérifier vos runs

Gingembred likes this
FranceAilf6 months ago

Nice run !! Gonna be hard to breat !!

Elave likes this
FranceAilf8 months ago

It takes a little training to get it and can ruin some good runs but I believe it's worth it !!

FranceAilf8 months ago

Nice run, keep the good work !! Try not to spam at the begining as the speedrun officially start at the first right clic. So it is a little tricky to get it if you spam. However good luck for your next runs !!

FranceAilf8 months ago

We may have find a way to make it work everytime on the last version with clcondorcet. If the pillar is placed last and both players leave the room and look at the lever when the music of activation of the lever starts it seems to work. I don't know if it's necessary to do all that or not but it seems to work so far

clcondorcet likes this
FranceAilf8 months ago

The baby skip (leaving and rejoining the game to avoid the construction phase of the baot) is the only think that has really been defined as a glith for now. However I agree that it would be nice to talk about the double jump over the fence and the double tap during the caroussel as I would agree to consider them glitches.

About Ailf
8 months ago
4 days ago
Games run
We Were Here Expeditions: The Friendship
Games followed
We Were Here Expeditions: The Friendship
Games moderated
We Were Here Expeditions: The Friendship