Can you Play this on Wii?
2 years ago
United States

Hello, I don't know much about stuff but if I were to speed run this game, and I don't have a Gamecube (but played it on Wii), should I select Gamecube or should there be another option? Thanks.

Edited by the author 2 years ago
Victoria, Australia

Hey mate, sorry for the late reply! If you do a run using the GameCube version of TY 3, even if it's played on a Wii, you should be fine just selecting GC. Perhaps just add as a comment that it was played on the Wii. If we decide later to revise and add an option, it can just be edited to reflect that.

arnoldfranklin likes this
United States

Thanks for the reply. I might not be speedrunning this game any time soon, if at all, but thanks. Sorry for a bit of a late reply as well. I don't visit this place the most. :)

Edited by the author 1 year ago
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